Tag Archives: climate chaos

Standing Rock ‘Water Protectors’ dig in for the Winter and Trump Attack

A Native American leader asked thousands of protesters to return home, but many protesters chose to stay, sceptical of government’s decision to refuse permission for the controversial oil pipeline project. [Avery White/Al Jazeera]

As winter rages over the Dakotas and temperatures plummet below freezing, NoDAPL protest movement members hold ground.

    by    Standing Rock Indian Reservation,      When word came down from the Army Corps of Engineers to the Oceti Sakowin camp that the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) had been denied the final easement to drill below the Missouri River, residents of the camp celebrated the victory with hundreds of veterans who had come to protect natives and their allies.While 21-year-old Sarah seeks refuge from the cold in her tent, she reflects on her life before Standing Rock. ‘I had no purpose before this. I was a walking zombie. Here, I actually feel alive, like I’m living. Once you come to Standing Rock, you can’t just go home to your regular life, watch TV, eat supper, go back to work.’ [Avery White/Al Jazeera]

The excessive force used by authorities in recent clashes near the drilling site had spurred a public outcry on behalf of the unarmed occupants, who call themselves “water protectors”, of Oceti Sakowin, and many veterans saw it as a call for action. For the veterans, native and non-native alike, of every age and from every war, travelling to Standing Rock was an extension of their lifelong commitment to serving the country.  Continue reading Standing Rock ‘Water Protectors’ dig in for the Winter and Trump Attack

Exxon’s top Climate Murderer to be Secretary of State: 350.org comment


NEW YORK CITY – President-elect Donald Trump announced on Saturday afternoon that he has selected ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State nomination. 350.org Executive Director May Boeve issued the following reaction:

“This is unfathomable. We can’t let Trump put the world’s largest oil company in charge of our international climate policy. Tillerson may be a friend of Putin’s, but he’s no friend of the planet. ExxonMobil is still a leading funder of climate denial and is pursuing a business plan that will destroy our future. Tillerson deserves a federal investigation, not federal office.

dapl_protest_0We’ll be pressuring Senators to turn the confirmation process into a hearing on ExxonMobil’s history of climate deception. If Exxon is found guilty of working with other oil companies to deceive the public and their shareholders about the threat of climate change, they could be on the hook for fraud and racketeering charges. It would be the largest corporate scandal in history and could not only stop Tillerson’s appointment, but take down the entire company. Continue reading Exxon’s top Climate Murderer to be Secretary of State: 350.org comment

UK fracking gets go-ahead as Lancashire Council overruled

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Sajid Javid has overturned Lancashire council’s rejection of a fracking site, paving the way for shale company Cuadrilla to drill in the county next year and provoking outrage from local groups, environmentalists and politicians.

The council cited visual impact and noise when it turned down the company’s two planning applications to frack on the Fylde last year, but a month later Cuadrilla submitted an appeal.

On Thursday, the communities secretary, Javid, said he had accepted the appeal for one of the sites, at Preston New Road. The move marks a major step up in the scale of exploratory fracking in the UK, as it green lights four wells compared to the single well approved for fracking in North Yorkshire earlier this year.

Read more: UK fracking given go-ahead as Lancashire council rejection overturned

Standing Rock.. Blockade goes on.. Oil+ Gas = Climate Chaos

Supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe rally in opposition of the Dakota Access oil pipeline in front of the White House, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016, in Washington. The company developing the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline says it is committed to the project, despite strong opposition and a federal order to halt construction near an American Indian reservation in North Dakota. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Protests continue near the Standing Rock camp at the Dakota Access Pipeline construction site in North Dakota despite the Justice Department’s order to stop construction on Army Corps of Engineer land. Twenty-one water protectors were arrested on Wednesday alone as militarized police with armored vehicles and shotguns descended upon peaceful protesters. The protesters were arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest, among other charges, Rob Keller of the Morton County Sheriff’s Department confirmed to Anti-Media.

But local Native Americans are not alone in this fight. Tribes from all over the country have joined together in one of the largest shows of indigenous solidarity in history — and they are joined by climate activists, farmers, and landowners who have had theirland confiscated through the force of eminent domain in order make room for the pipeline. Continue reading Standing Rock.. Blockade goes on.. Oil+ Gas = Climate Chaos

Hypocrites sign Climate Deal while promoting Deadly Fossil Fuels


What Lies Beneath

 It’s a simple choice: stop all fossil fuel prospecting, or break the Paris agreement on climate change.    from George Monbiot, with thanks, illustrations added

Do they understand what they have signed? Plainly they do not. Governments like ours in the UK, now ratifying the Paris agreement on climate change, haven’t the faintest idea what it means. Either that, or they have no intention of honouring it.

For the first time, we can see the numbers on which the agreement depends, and their logic is inescapable. Governments can either meet their international commitments or allow the prospecting and development of new fossil fuel reserves. They cannot do both.26exxon-master768

The Paris agreement, struck by 200 nations in December, pledged to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels”, and aspired to limit it to 1.5°. So what does this mean? Thanks to a report by Oil Change International, we can now answer this question with a degree of precision. Continue reading Hypocrites sign Climate Deal while promoting Deadly Fossil Fuels

Energia Solar. Portugal triunfa, España se hunde

Portugal está procesando Licencias para 2 GW más de Electricidad Solar, y Sin Subvenciones
por  Glenn Meyers    ..  traducción  TheFreeOnlineimages

Portugal ha autorizado la tramitación de licencias para proyectos solares que suman más de 2 GW de potencial.not in Spain

Portugal tiene un compromiso con la electricidad renovable, al contrario que España que se cortó en seco el desarrollo de su sector renovable, anulando contratos y subsidios ya contratados y casi prohibiendo el sector de autoconsumo incluso usando un Real Decreto.

El ‘suicidio renovable’ en España se explica por el alto grado de corrupción y la influencia del sector de energía fósil…….

Después del éxito relativo de los acuerdos de París sobre la emergencia climática mundial y la bajada de precios muchos países  están invertiendo, por fin, en energías renovables.

Durante mayo de este año, ‘The Guardian’ informó que Portugal ‘funcionaba exclusivamente con electricidad de energía renovable durante cuatro días consecutivos en un hito de energía limpia revelada por el análisis de datos  de la red nacional de energía……. Continue reading Energia Solar. Portugal triunfa, España se hunde

US to flood EU with ‘Frack Gas’, now proven ‘Much Worse Than Coal’

UPDATE::LATE NEWS:: The first ship carrying EEUU frack gas to Spain arrived on 22nd July in Ferrol, Galicia. Activists and Ecological groups protested bitterly and accused the company of illegal handling and storage.US 'frack-gas´to flood Europe

The first shipment of US frack-gas (‘shale gas’) has arrived in Portugal, followed by 6 more to Europe. The US plans hundreds of shipments, taking up to 20% of the euro gas market from their Russian rivals. With state help the enterprises have been busy strong arming and bribing EU companies into contracts, (eg. Galp (Portugal), Royal Dutch Shell and the Spanish Gas Natural. with the Rajoy govt only too eager to help).


A juicy business perhaps, aided by the usual US financial and military tools that have got the South Stream pipeline from Russia cancelled, have lined up countries and the EU against the German Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and have quietly forbidden their Ukraine ‘debt cow’ state from doing essential maintenance on their Russian pipeline, which still provides 16% of Europe’s gas.

first frack gas arrives in Portugal
first frack gas arrives in Portugal

All set then. A famous victory for the US billionaires and their power crazed political sponsors, who haven’t hesitated to buy out environmental law, poison aquifers and cause a health and ecological emergency in order to frack oil and gas from thousands of short term wells.

But just a minute. There’s a problem. .. One of the blatant scams of the frackers was to make it unnecessary to even measure methane leaks, and studies done were often bought out or dismissed as only local..

But now new authoritative Cornell and the Harvard studies (directed by Robert Howarth) have proven what we knew all along, now using satellite data, that fracking releases huge amounts of methane, the increase is enough to cancel out all the claimed progress in limiting climate emissions in the US since 2007.   Continue reading US to flood EU with ‘Frack Gas’, now proven ‘Much Worse Than Coal’