Tag Archives: capitalism

Once rich Libyan welfare State, still buried in War, Chaos, Hunger after NATO mega-crime

Greedy western powers, led by the USA,  took advantage of the ‘Arab Spring’ to try and seize Libya’s oil and assets and cynically bombed the benevolent dictator Gaddafi out of power as a ‘humanitarian intervention’ in the name of ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ (which has never worked in a tribal moslem society). 5 years later the horror and suffering goes on and on, amid a search for a new dictator able to channel Libya-s wealth to western corporations.libya

info from  Higinio Polo at El Viejo Topo.. translation by The Free

We do not know how many people have died in Libya  as a result of the brutal NATO intervention in 2011. Some sources speak of about thirty thousand dead; Others increase that figure. The Red Cross estimates about 120,000 deaths. But there is no doubt that the war that started NATO has destroyed the country and thrown its six million inhabitants into a sinister nightmare. Continue reading Once rich Libyan welfare State, still buried in War, Chaos, Hunger after NATO mega-crime

Standing Rock ‘Water Protectors’ dig in for the Winter and Trump Attack

A Native American leader asked thousands of protesters to return home, but many protesters chose to stay, sceptical of government’s decision to refuse permission for the controversial oil pipeline project. [Avery White/Al Jazeera]

As winter rages over the Dakotas and temperatures plummet below freezing, NoDAPL protest movement members hold ground.

    by    Standing Rock Indian Reservation,      When word came down from the Army Corps of Engineers to the Oceti Sakowin camp that the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) had been denied the final easement to drill below the Missouri River, residents of the camp celebrated the victory with hundreds of veterans who had come to protect natives and their allies.While 21-year-old Sarah seeks refuge from the cold in her tent, she reflects on her life before Standing Rock. ‘I had no purpose before this. I was a walking zombie. Here, I actually feel alive, like I’m living. Once you come to Standing Rock, you can’t just go home to your regular life, watch TV, eat supper, go back to work.’ [Avery White/Al Jazeera]

The excessive force used by authorities in recent clashes near the drilling site had spurred a public outcry on behalf of the unarmed occupants, who call themselves “water protectors”, of Oceti Sakowin, and many veterans saw it as a call for action. For the veterans, native and non-native alike, of every age and from every war, travelling to Standing Rock was an extension of their lifelong commitment to serving the country.  Continue reading Standing Rock ‘Water Protectors’ dig in for the Winter and Trump Attack

Mass Irish Support for the Occupation of Apollo house

A high court judge yesterday granted an injunction that directs the Home Sweet Home occupiers of Apollo House to vacate the building by noon on January 11th. This means that the occupiers will remain in the building until after Christmas which is some good news but it still means that the State is quite willing to forcibly eject people from safe accommodation back out onto freezing streets or into unsafe, sub standard accommodation. Continue reading Mass Irish Support for the Occupation of Apollo house

Your Help Needed: Life on Earth is Dying. 200 Species Extinct every Day

sstop-mass-extinctionsLife on Earth is Dying. Thousands of Species Cease to Exist

By Robert J. Burrowes from  “Information Clearing House

– On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist. Tomorrow, another 200 species will vanish forever.

The human onslaught to destroy life on Earth is unprecedented in Earth’s history. Planet Earth is now experiencing its sixth mass extinction event and Homo sapiens sapiens is the cause. Moreover, this mass extinction event is accelerating and is so comprehensive in its impact that the piecemeal measures being taken by the United Nations, international agencies and governments constitute a tokenism that is breathtaking in the extreme. Continue reading Your Help Needed: Life on Earth is Dying. 200 Species Extinct every Day

UpFront special: Noam Chomsky blasts Trump with a Truth Bomb

 Noam Chomsky trump-liberty

“The most predictable aspect of Trump is unpredictability. I think it’s dangerous, very dangerous,” says Noam Chomsky.

Noam Chomsky Drops Truth Bomb on Trump’s Election

“If Clinton had won… the left could have been organized to keeping her feet to the fire.”

“They’re making a bad mistake,” Chomsky said in an interview with Al Jazeera’s Mehdi Hasan.

..great video, great man..Noam will be 88 on Dec 7th and can’t be with us much longer.. his voice a little shaky but his mind is still spot on, outliving even the ‘eternal’ Fidel.. salud!.. compañero de toda la vida!

While Chomsky initially backed Bernie Sanders in the primaries, he encouraged his supporters to back Clinton once she received the nomination.  Continue reading UpFront special: Noam Chomsky blasts Trump with a Truth Bomb

Stop Nicaragua Canal: a Mega-Crime against People and Planet

   REPORT  Nicaragua   ES  FA  FR

(Paris, Manuagua) The Nicaraguan government must revoke the interoceanic canal concession and other mega-projects granted to companies belonging to the Chinese investor Wang Jing, declared today FIDH and CENIDH in Managua on the occasion of the presentation of the report “Nicaragua : Impact of Interoceanic canal concession on human rights. The resistance of rural communities”._76116406_9de31d00-5482-4800-a6cb-15de6cabb563

“Respecting nature and the rights of rural communities is not a luxury. It’s a duty. These projects will have a dramatic impact on the environment and on human rights. It is unimaginable to sell off territory as such. The government must back out.” Continue reading Stop Nicaragua Canal: a Mega-Crime against People and Planet

Many more Prison Strike Solidarity Actions


Submitted to It’s Going Down

The September 9th national prison strike has forged a new potentially decisive link between the black liberation struggle in the streets and the war against the American plantation system inside the penitentiaries.

Prisoners have now launched themselves to the forefront of the struggle, setting a new bar for those of us outside.

The growing rejection of the American plantation system and the call for abolition is gaining strength.

As the prison strike is about to enter its second month, the censorship of the prison rebellion and suppression of its participants has reached a critical juncture. At least three deaths have occurred and organizers are facing extreme repression. Kinetik Justice, a key organizer in Holman Prison, has gone on a hunger strike after being shipped to a new, even more barbaric unit.

At this moment, outside support becomes vital for bridging the muting division of the prison wall.prison-strike

Prison organizer Keith Malik Washington incisively noted the following about the punishments doled out for participation in the prison strike: “There are elements and individuals within the Texas criminal justice system that don’t want to acknowledge the humanity of prisoners.

Kinetik Justice of @FreeAlaMovement, a leader, goes on hunger strike as advocate decries human torture http://s.al.com/GXkfrzH 

Photo published for Incarcerated Alabama prison strike leader goes on hunger strike as advocate decries 'human torture'

Incarcerated Alabama prison strike leader goes on hunger strike as advocate decries ‘human torture’

Alabama prisoner Robert Earl Council – known by many as Kinetic Justice – has launched a hunger strike less than two months after he gained a level of fame as a public face of the national movement…

Many of us in NYC Anarchist Action see this period as a vital situation in a chain of activities necessary for revolutionary momentum in the United States.

The slave plantation mentality is deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of the oppressor and the oppressed.” Continue reading Many more Prison Strike Solidarity Actions