Tag Archives: Anonymous

Anonymous attacks the 1%.. HACKS and threatens BILDERBERG billionaires

Hackback Defaces Bilderberg Group Website Against World Crisis

    by  ... disobey

The hackers left a deface page along with a brief message explaining the reason for defacing the site and criticizing the role of “political elite” for the problems faced by “common people.” The message also criticized the role of Bilderberg group for planning wars for personal interests.anonymous-hacks-european-space-agency-domains-758x426

The hackers also warned the group members to start working for human beings and their benefits rather than personal interests or expect more hacks since “they” the hackers will be watching them. Continue reading Anonymous attacks the 1%.. HACKS and threatens BILDERBERG billionaires

British Activist and Anonymous Hacker Faces 99 Years In Prison for US Government Hacks

          update update Alleged Brit hacker Lauri Love bailed amid US extradition battle lull
ClJrll7UgAENkJ0 June 29th, 2016 | by righteous               Lauri Love is wanted in the United States and faces up to 99 years in prison for his action in #OpLastResort – an Anonymous operation which made the US government a target after their treatment of Aaron Swartz. Love is accused of hacking into US Army, NASA, the Missile Defense Agency, the Federal Reserve, The EPA and several other government agencies from 2012 – 2013


Lauri is currently being held in a British prison, facing extradition to the United States for sentencing. Activists and fellow countrymen alike are trying to persuade their government to ignore international pressure and keep him in Britain.

Love is accused of breaking into Uncle Sam’s computers as part of #OpLastResort – the codename for a string of online protests that followed cyber-activist Aaron Swartz’s suicide in 2013.

While cross-examined this morning by US government lawyer Peter Caldwell, Love spoke of his admiration for Swartz and described him as a wunderkind who was “persecuted by the Department of Justice.”

Love’s lawyers had drawn a comparison between their client and Schwartz, who killed himself after he was accused of breaking into a network hardware closet on the MIT campus to download almost five million academic papers.




Lauri is said to suffer from depression and Aspergers syndrome, a form of autism. Mental health experts as well as his family have stated in court that if Love Love was extradited, it is likely he might attempt to take his own life – just like Aaron Shwartz.

To avoid extradition, prosecutors are demanding that Love hand over any and all information that he obtained. Before he was arrested, Love was able to lock his computer and conceal the information. From the time he was first arrested through to his first trial last April 12th, Love has refused to hand over his encryption keys and passwords.Lauri-Love-hacktivist

Activists organized a rally on his behalf and urged everyone to show up the Westminster Courts in London and show support from him through his struggle. Threy also planned a carnival/party including speakers, live music and entertainment.

Read More About Lauri Love’s Story: http://anonhq.com/?s=lauri+love

Trial of Anonymous in Spain.. Evidence Questioned or Missing


Photo: Xataka

Photo: Xataka

The first trial against Anonymous in Spain finally moved forward last week.

The three defendants known as RTS, YLDI and JMZF were arrested in simultaneous raids in June 2011 in Barcelona, Valencia and Almeria. The#JuicioAnon trial has been dragging on for five years.

from revolution-news with thanks.     The defense team and supporters of those arrested have stated unwaveringly since the case began that these arrests were an attempt to criminalize the 15M movement and that the alleged “virtual dome of Anonymous” in Spain are being used as scapegoats to destroy the social movement’s public image.

The Spanish National Police tweeted on June 10, 2011 that they had “dismantled the dome of Anonymous in Spain” and that those arrested had attacked the Central Electoral Board on May 18. Continue reading Trial of Anonymous in Spain.. Evidence Questioned or Missing

Stabbing the Belly of the Beast: Anonymous Takes 9 Central Banks Offline


Anonymous Takes 9 Central banks Offline – Massive Assault on ´Global banking Cartel´’

by Jay Syrmopoulos          After a global call to arms, the Anonymous campaign against the global banking industry, OpIcarus has gained major momentum… eight more financial institutions have been taken down after the initial attack on the Central Bank of Greece – followed by a similar DDoS attack on the Central Bank of Cyprus.ChQcAtYW4AMbs5_According to a video released in conjunction with OpIcarus, the attack on Bank of Greece marked the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.” This massive push, according to the video, aims to “strike at the heart of [the] empire by once again throw[ing] a wrench into the machine.”

Continue reading Stabbing the Belly of the Beast: Anonymous Takes 9 Central Banks Offline

Read Banksy’s anti-ads comic here

The banksy comic is republished from ZenPencils.com, .

RELATED COMICS: Sophie Scholl The Fire Within. Marc Maron The Social Media Generation. Bill Hicks It’s Just a Ride. Henry Rollins Who’s the Crazier Man?

banksy vs bads

Continue reading Read Banksy’s anti-ads comic here

Anonymous vs Israel.. War is the health of the psychotic religious State,

‘The nation State takes advantage of our nationalist feelings to concentrate corruption, control  and money. The religious nation state is 10 times worse, guaranteeing totalitarian control by psychotic power freaks… Then there is the religious state claiming to be  the ‘Chosen Race’ and just one ethnic group, like Israel, which is a recipe for fascist genocide”

Anonymous ‘knocks out’ Mossad website over Israel’s Gaza offensive


 Hacker group Anonymous has  taken down the website of the Israeli secret service Mossad in protest of Israel’s military incursion in Gaza. The ‘hacktivists’ have already targeted a number of organizations in their mission to stop the “genocide.”

Mossad’s website went offline at around 00:40 GMT and is still down at the time of writing. The Israeli government has yet to make any comment on the supposed hack attack.

Anonymous launched a hacking campaign against Israel coinciding with the beginning of Operation Protective Edge on July 7. Continue reading Anonymous vs Israel.. War is the health of the psychotic religious State,

Anonymous support Spanish Millions March 22nd

Anonymous Press supports the Marches for Dignity,  called for the 22 March         by Kaos .

At least 7 mass marches from around Spain will start 10 days earlier and converge on Madrid on 22 March. The idea began from the radical SAT agricultural union in Andalusia.

Anonymous is Friendly?

Anonymous has published a video showing his support for the initiative and calls on people to mobilize to “end the government in power at the service of big capital , which are destroying all our rights …22M

   Anonynous communique ( In Spanish)

Large state media are deliberately ignoring the dignity marches set for next March 22 , which seek to destroy the governments of the troika with protests from dozens of points of the Spanish geography to Madrid to gather millions of people in the capital to say “enough .”

The initiative , which started as an idea of the Andalusian Workers Union , has already gathered hundreds of political, trade union and social organizations around the country who come together to make 22M a historic day for the people of this country.1526129_755979091096354_680837289_nOn this occasion, it was Anonymous that released a video showing  support for the initiative and calling on people to mobilize to “end the government in power at the service of big capital , which are killing all our rights. We are millions and we are not willing to let them annihilate us . ”

English: A member of Anonymous at the Occupy W...
English: A member of Anonymous at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Comunicado de Anonymous en apoyo de las marchas por la dignidad del 22M Destacado

por Kaos. Indignación Globalizadate reducir tamaño fuente aumentar tamaño fuente

Anonymous ha hecho público un vídeo en el que muestra su apoyo a la iniciativa, y pide a la gente que se movilice para “acabar con los gobiernos de turno, al servicio del gran capital, que están acabando con todos nuestros derechos…

Los grandes medios de comunicación estatales están obviando premeditadamente las marchas por la dignidad del próximo 22 de Marzo, que pretenden acabar con los gobiernos de la troika con movilizaciones desde decenas de puntos de la geografía española hasta Madrid para congregar a millones de personas en la capital que digan “basta ya”.1538894_219219718267039_548410136_n

La iniciativa, que partió como idea del Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores, ha congregado ya a cientos de organizaciones políticas, sindicales y sociales de todo el país que aúnan esfuerzos para hacer del 22M una fecha histórica para los pueblos de este país.

Anonymous shares the love with each other
Anonymous shares love with each other (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

En esta ocasión, ha sido Anonymous la organización que ha hecho público un vídeo en

el que muestra su apoyo a la iniciativa, y pide a la gente que se movilice para “acabar con los gobiernos de turno, al servicio del gran capital, que están acabando con todos nuestros derechos. Somos millones y no estamos dispuestos a que nos aniquilen”.

http://www.larepublica.es/2014/01/comunicado-de-anonymous-en-apoyo-de-las-marchas-por-la-dignidad-del-22m/22m 2

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