Tag Archives: anarchist

no gods no masters

La Chispa! (The Spark): Rural Occupied Social Center resists Capitalist Speculation Eviction


la-chispaAfter a lengthy legal process  against four ex-occupiers the vibrant, active, self-managed SPARK project among the orchards of Lleida is condemned to be evicted in the new year by capitalist speculation

original by Sergi Bertran and Sonia Perez at La Directa.  … translated summary by The Free

….We are on the outskirts of Lleida city (in Lleida province). This area has undergone a major change in recent years… where there were small family orchards and country houses today they have built fast food chains, department stores, hotels and luxury villas. The companies and new owners of the land have been moving out the locals, buying up their land at high prices…

From 2013 the center became an inspiration for other anarchist projects like l’Ateneu Llibertari l’Arrel,, the Occupied Police Station La CORB, and l’Assemblea Llibertària. ….Dànae Quiroz 

Continue reading La Chispa! (The Spark): Rural Occupied Social Center resists Capitalist Speculation Eviction

Towards Womens’ Freedom: collective manifesto of the WSM (Ireland)

UPDATED: The Workers Solidarity Movement’s collectively agreed position on women’s freedom.womens' work

1. We recognise that women are specially oppressed as a gender, that they face oppression as women. We call this oppression sexism. As anarchists we oppose sexism wherever it exists on principle and in practice.

2.1 The nature of women’s oppression has changed as societies have developed. For example, the oppression of women that might have existed in some pre-class societies assumed a fundamentally new character with the development of class society. Just as the oppression of women in feudal societies changed its character with the development of capitalism.5b6f4b385e9ae450db74889c1f12e1fd

2.2 We reject the idea that women are in any way inferior to men or that women are biologically predisposed to assume certain roles in society. Sexism, racism etc are not genetic traits but, rather, are formed by social existence, upbringing and education.

Continue reading Towards Womens’ Freedom: collective manifesto of the WSM (Ireland)

Anarchists Monica and Francisco Win Jail Cut to 4 yrs 6 Months


It should have been an acquittal. This was a political show trial with lots of media hype over what was basically a large firework. The aim of the police was to link Monica and Francisco with anarchists arrested on suspicion in the Piñata and  Pandora police raids and brand them all as terrorists in an organisation called GAC.CcsR6VkWAAAUqYV

None of this worked out for them despite choosing rabid far right prosecutors and magistrates. There was extensive solidarity and support  and instead of 44 years they got 12 years jail, on the basis of blurry security camera photos that ”proved” they were in the city at the time.

Now the Supreme Court has reduced that to 4 and a half and since they have already endured nearly 3 years incarceration we will be planning freedom celebrations soon!!

….media circus inventing the ''shocking destruction'' after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.
….media circus inventing the ”shocking destruction” after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.


After 3 years in jail the Supreme Court has reduced the sentence from twelve years to four and a half years for two Chilean anarchist militants who  supposedly attacked the Basilica of El Pilar de Zaragoza Continue reading Anarchists Monica and Francisco Win Jail Cut to 4 yrs 6 Months



 Ediciones (Black Rose Publishers), anarchist bookstore and publisher, has opened a place in the heart of the Vallecas  , the inauguration of the bookstore aims to be the beginning of a new stage within the Project, whose inspiring idea – unaltered and firmer than ever – has always been to facilitate the acquisition of libertarian texts for a critical reflection of reality;….

Determined to create a society with the necessary mechanisms, always horizontal and in assemblies, for the effective resolution of our needs, conflicts and desires.

Today, the same inspiring idea remains alive, burning, ..As a saber to wield before the enemy; As a tool available to all against the State and Capital; As a weapon for those who conspire to sustain a high and sustained level of social conflict …, at the birth of our, and your, Vallecan bookshop.


 The bookstore is located in the C / Santa Julia, 6 – 28053, Puente de Vallecas. Opening hours ar limited for now: on Thursdays and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; And on Saturdays from 11:00 to 14:30.


Freedom for Lola! .. Activist jailed for Refugee Solidarity

Solidarity against Repression, Lola freedom! ..Please help.freedom-for-lolka

Lola was arrested and jailed when accompanying a Kurdish refugee who tried to take a  flight from Greece to Barcelona

Letter sent to Greek Authorities.. please sign here

from:    CGT (Anarcho syndicalist trade union).. Sent by on Sun, 12/04/2016 – 17:32.

to:   Mr. Fernando Turro Homedes Honorary Consul Genera, Consulate General of Greece in Barcelona

Last Sunday, November 27, Lola Gutiérrez from the CGT union section of the Barcelona Provincial Council, , was jailed by the Greek police for helping a Kurdish refugee travel to Barcelona.

She said she acted as she has done all her life, “out of political conviction and solidarity,” one more case in the long history of an exemplary activist in the struggle for social rights.

demo for Lola outside Greek Consulate in Barcelona
demo for Lola outside Greek Consulate in Barcelona

Continue reading Freedom for Lola! .. Activist jailed for Refugee Solidarity

Warsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London.. we meet in joint attack.

Communique from the Bank of No Money, Deptford – London tumblr_n7cq55xmgm1sjpe5no1_500
We are rats running rabid through the stinking guts of London

Sick of the fractured ‘scene’ of squatters in London, sick of faux-punk venues and the fashionable veneer of rebellion, sick of the apathy and passivity, sick of housing where everyone is locked in their own rooms, their own lives, their existence atomised, stinking of fried chicken and choking on the bones of what once was, we came together to act …

We are a collective of those in active rebellion.anonymous-fuck-the-system-disobey-stickerWarsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London. All over we meet in joint attack.

We organised on the beaches of London for the TRESPASS gig – selling propaganda to fashion-punx and tourists about the trial of the Warsaw 3, dropping banners and smoke-flares whilst the crowd rioted amongst itself, spitting in our faces and rejecting all politics. Continue reading Warsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London.. we meet in joint attack.

Florence, Italy: Anarchists invite Public to Occupy a new Adventure

translated from 

Better in a Tent.. Speculation and Gentrification make finding a living space an impossible task.
Better in a Tent.. Speculation, Gentrification and mass tourism make finding a living space an impossible task.


We decided to occupy one of the many abandoned buildings in the city of Florence to make a place for socializing and sharing, to organize debates, presentations and concerts, to make room for those of us who need a place to be and do activities, to address the social disintegration and lack of opportunity that this city offers us

Florence is run by political powers and local councils for profit and is increasingly distant from the needs of the inhabitants. It is now the practice to sell everything:  the health of citizens, the right to exist of migrants and refugees of war, the dignity of those who have no home, the right to education, the lives of many working men and women.florence-occuipation-2016

The demagogic schemes of the government continue to mystify reality; spreading the culture of resignation, of individualism and conformity, as well as denying the possibility of a social transformation and the creation of a different world.

For these reasons we reclaim spaces and revive them, experimenting with forms of  social and horizontal self-organized centers, is one way to begin to build an alternative society, which does not require an authority and institutions to which we delegate the organization of our existence. Continue reading Florence, Italy: Anarchists invite Public to Occupy a new Adventure