Tag Archives: torture

Erdogan Jails and Tortures 195,000 People who Might not Like Him. 512 Kids under 6 Years. 5,971 children



The few hours that the assault lasted are serving the Turkish president very well. Without any trial, without evidence, without elements of judgment, without international observers, Erdogan continues with his purge … without limits.

A state Emergency Decree, has served, to detain 195,000 opponents, dissidents or simply unconnected people. The figures have been compiled by the Istanbul Human Rights Association (İHD) which has presented them in front of Bakırköy women’s prison.cnlzhvjwaaadndv

The report stressed that women prisoners are ‘being  killed by solitary confinement’, it demanded the release of the women prisoners with illnesses and denounced the defenceless situation of  the children who are incarcerated with their mothers.

In total there are 510 children prisoners under 6 years old.

The association has estimated that there are 5,971 minors in Erdogan’s  prisons and 79  LGBT prisoners.

The main problems faced by prisoners of Erdogan are poor nutrition and unhealthy food that cause stomach upsets and poor hygiene in cells of 6-7 people.torture-collage

However, the worst situation is for political prisoners: they are subjected to torture in jail and forced nudity.

information from:  La Asociación de Derechos Humanos ( İHD)


..’Erdogan is by now clearly mentally unfit to hold office. His  worsening paranoid schizophrenic symptoms, linked to his extreme megalomania has led him to force a civil war with the 18 million Kurdish minority, who were well embarked on a process  of peaceful integration. Gaining popularity and power in a controlled press by his xenophobic excesses his paranoid obsession with possible enemies has nevertheless let loose massive purges, torture, blackmail and invasions in Syria and Iraq that would make dictators like Pol Pot or Josef Stalin blush’.

original en castellano

Erdogan ya ha detenido 195.000 personas desde el supuesto golpe

   Las pocas horas que duró la asonada les están sirviendo de mucho al presidente turco. Sin ningún juicio, sin pruebas, sin elementos de juicio, sin observadores internacionales Erdogan sigue con su purga… sin límite.

El OHAL, decreto de Estado de Urgencia, ha servido, para detener a 195.000 opositores, disidentes o, simplemente, no afectos. Las cifras las ha recopilado la Asociación de Derechos Humanos ( İHD) de Estambul que las ha presentado frente a la prisión de mujeres de Bakırköy.ctdyxarueaau23z

En la misma denunció que “el aislamiento de las presas las mata”, solicitó la libertad de las presas enfermas y denunció la situación de indefensión de los niños que están encarcelados con sus madres.

En total se trata de 510 menores de 6 años.

La asociación ha cifrado en 5.971 las personas menores de edad que están en cárceles de Erdogan y 79 más por ser LGTB.

Los principales problemas que sufren los presos de Erdogan son una nutrición muy deficiente y con alimentos poco saludables que originan en el malestar estomacal o falta de higiene en celdas de 6-7 personas.

Sin embargo la situación peor es para los/las presos/as políticos/as: son sometidos/as a torturas en la cárcel y a desnudos forzados.

Ciutat Morta- Dead City- watch here + Review (English subs)


Death CityThis  is the award winning ‘DeadCity’ (Ciutat Morta) with English subtitles, finally seen on TV in Catalonia by over half a million this week (with 5 minutes censored).

Ciutat Morta (Dead City)

It tells the story of a police vendetta, torture,  and frame-up of  5 obviously and totally innocent people in vengeance for an ‘accident’ when a plant pot fell or was thrown on a policeman’s head, leaving him paraplegic, during a mass raid on a squatters party in Barcelona.  How police, politicians, press and Courts at every level combined to blame bystanders who looked like anarcho punks and hound to her death a lesbian poet who wasn’t even there.

Patricia Heras, poeta Patricia Heras   poeta

The documentary is an eye-opener on how rampant fascism, racism and sexism still rule in never reformed police and judicial systems, but more than that it’s a moving immersion into suffering and struggle, using the poems of Patricia Heras, written before she was finally driven to suicide.

After the docu was shown to a record audience on the 2nd channel people spontaneously took to the streets for a 1.00am demo through the city. Continue reading Ciutat Morta- Dead City- watch here + Review (English subs)

Guantanamo: 12 yrs of kidnap, torture, force-feeding and no trials

A letter from Guantanamo: ‘Nobody can truly understand how we suffer’

 from AL JAZEERA with thanks

Al-Alwi describes the humiliating and brutal treatment he suffers at Guantanamo.

Last updated: 13 Mar 2014 12:03
Moath al-Alwi
Moath al-Alwi is a Yemeni national who has been in US custody since 2002. He was one of the very first prisoners moved to Guantanamo, where the US military assigned him the Internment Serial Number 028.
ca672c71-bcef-40b7-8441-f6f76a8bdc51_16x9_788x442Dozens of Guantanamo prisoners who have not been tried still await release [EPA] Continue reading Guantanamo: 12 yrs of kidnap, torture, force-feeding and no trials

US allows sadistic killings of Afghan civilians for Sport

poster-panjwai1US Army finally forced ”to Investigate” Afghan’s Evidence Troops Murdering Civilans

Officials Had Previously Dismissed Allegations as False Continue reading US allows sadistic killings of Afghan civilians for Sport

Serial of The Free. Ch37 Maxie’s Fall. Ch38 Macker’s Goats


Act Four

Chapter thirty seven

Maxie’s fall

-‘I settled down to spend the long day crying.’

Maxie narrating

             I woke with a throbbing headache. It was day, but still dark and gloomy. A bullet or bit of metal had grazed my left arm, causing a cut, that’s all. If it had passed a bit deeper, they told me later, I’d have bled to death. And I didn’t even know I’d been hit! Continue reading Serial of The Free. Ch37 Maxie’s Fall. Ch38 Macker’s Goats

Britain’s dirty war leaks out

Britain’s dirty war in Iraq: war crimes, torture, renditions – the evidence mounts

A list of alleged war crimes committed by British military and Intelligence personnel, involving torture, abuse of legal process, rendition and illegal detention, is being compiled. Continue reading Britain’s dirty war leaks out