Category Archives: squat

Can Sanpere: Biggest ever 9,000 m3 Squat by 21 Collectives faces eviction/demolition Jan 13th

It’s gigantic, 9,500 m3 of factory and yard were occupied in 2013 in Premià de Mar, to be run collectively by open assembly without personal profit.15492297_1176531152442158_7666747520295066652_n

Crowds of young people from the tightly packed dormitory town joined in and soon there were 21 collectives with everything from counseling, circus, dance, role play, a radio, a soccer pitch, a huge workshop of plastic arts, music bands and concert halls, several migrant groups and a library where teachers from schools in the municipality have  offer free classes, etc 15492315_1178265555602051_2215591251580781197_n

The derelict textile factory is owned by Nuñez and Navarro, shady speculator builders whose directors have just finished a  prison term for open bribery. Finally they have obtained an eviction date of January 13th 2017 with permission for immediate demolition. Continue reading Can Sanpere: Biggest ever 9,000 m3 Squat by 21 Collectives faces eviction/demolition Jan 13th

IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

by Cruz Negra Anarquista


Hace mas de 500 años que la prisión existe, y en todo este tiempo no han dejado de haber robos, tráfico de drogas, de personas y mucho menos se han acabado los maltratos, asesinatos o violaciones y esto es así, aparte de porque somos una sociedad enferma, porque la prisión, que fue creada para reeducar a las personas que han roto la ley, no ha cumplido ni cumple esta función, porque la prisión no es ninguna solución sino que es parte del problema.

Y decimos que es parte del problema porque nosotros queremos señalar los verdaderos intereses que se esconden detrás de las instituciones penitenciarias: por un lado mantener este sistema social y económico injusto y por el otro hacer que nos creamos la mentira de que las prisiones son necesarias.

El col·lectiu okupant tem que "aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials" Dànae Quiroz
El col·lectiu okupant tem que “aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials” Dànae Quiroz

Continue reading IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

Barcelona Bank Squat Center re-occupied and re-evicted

Protected by a crowd of sympathisers several activists with metal cutting saws removed the steel plates this morning from the famous evicted  Banc Okupat in Gracia , Barcelona.cyrun7twqaea5pa

For some hours there was jubilation but on this occasion the Catalan Mossos police were well prepared. Seven vanloads of riot police appeared, dispersed the crowds of supporters and proceeded immediately with a new evictioncysjm5bxeai_3bf

Inside the occupied bank they found at least 18 people who were identified and set free. Continue reading Barcelona Bank Squat Center re-occupied and re-evicted

Barcelona’s Complex Struggle to Advance the Commons

On a visit to Barcelona last week, I learned a great deal about the City’s pioneering role in developing “the city as a commons.”  I also learned that crystallizing a new commons paradigm – even in a city committed to cooperatives and open digital networks – comes with many gnarly complexities.

The Barcelona city government is led by former housing activist Ada Colau, who was elected mayor in May 2015.  She is a leader of the movement that became the political party Barcelona En Comú (“Barcelona in Common”). Once in office,Image result for barcelona commons

Colau halted the expansion of new hotels, a brave effort to prevent “economic development” (i.e., tourism) from hollowing out the city’s lively, diverse neighborhoods. As a world city, Barcelona is plagued by a crush of investors and speculators buying up real estate, making the city unaffordable for ordinary people. Continue reading Barcelona’s Complex Struggle to Advance the Commons

Madrid: In defence of Squatting, against the State and Private Property …”

the occupation begins!the occupation begins!

Communiqué (by  Contra Madriz )

 from   The Rebellion of Words, translation The Free
We received the following statement, written by the compañerxs of   Contra Madriz in response to the attacks that are being suffered by some squatter social centers in Madrid by the new city council of Madrid, which presumes to be “the change”, of “Alternative” and “rebel”, “belligerent” with the market logic that nevertheless defends in practice the interests and properties of gangsters, speculators and bankers who increase their privileges through evictions, corruption and deception, and repress people who do not conform to their norms in increasingly gentrified neighborhoods.suat-the-lot

”Against the metropolis of the rich and speculation, against false critics and their blackmail from left or right, for self-management and recovery of our lives. Our squatting will never be legalized …rmqhvodt


In defense of squatting, against the state and private property …

We are witnessing a time when, in several cities of so called Kingdom of Spain, mainly in Madrid, the different regional or municipal governments  are unleashing offensives against the squatting of empty buildings. This offensive is more specifically against political occupation, that is to say against occupied political spaces that not only seek to combat in one way or another the economic regime and private property, but also also want to confront the established powers and refuse to negotiate with them. Continue reading Madrid: In defence of Squatting, against the State and Private Property …”

Warsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London.. we meet in joint attack.

Communique from the Bank of No Money, Deptford – London tumblr_n7cq55xmgm1sjpe5no1_500
We are rats running rabid through the stinking guts of London

Sick of the fractured ‘scene’ of squatters in London, sick of faux-punk venues and the fashionable veneer of rebellion, sick of the apathy and passivity, sick of housing where everyone is locked in their own rooms, their own lives, their existence atomised, stinking of fried chicken and choking on the bones of what once was, we came together to act …

We are a collective of those in active rebellion.anonymous-fuck-the-system-disobey-stickerWarsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London. All over we meet in joint attack.

We organised on the beaches of London for the TRESPASS gig – selling propaganda to fashion-punx and tourists about the trial of the Warsaw 3, dropping banners and smoke-flares whilst the crowd rioted amongst itself, spitting in our faces and rejecting all politics. Continue reading Warsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London.. we meet in joint attack.

Florence, Italy: Anarchists invite Public to Occupy a new Adventure

translated from 

Better in a Tent.. Speculation and Gentrification make finding a living space an impossible task.
Better in a Tent.. Speculation, Gentrification and mass tourism make finding a living space an impossible task.


We decided to occupy one of the many abandoned buildings in the city of Florence to make a place for socializing and sharing, to organize debates, presentations and concerts, to make room for those of us who need a place to be and do activities, to address the social disintegration and lack of opportunity that this city offers us

Florence is run by political powers and local councils for profit and is increasingly distant from the needs of the inhabitants. It is now the practice to sell everything:  the health of citizens, the right to exist of migrants and refugees of war, the dignity of those who have no home, the right to education, the lives of many working men and women.florence-occuipation-2016

The demagogic schemes of the government continue to mystify reality; spreading the culture of resignation, of individualism and conformity, as well as denying the possibility of a social transformation and the creation of a different world.

For these reasons we reclaim spaces and revive them, experimenting with forms of  social and horizontal self-organized centers, is one way to begin to build an alternative society, which does not require an authority and institutions to which we delegate the organization of our existence. Continue reading Florence, Italy: Anarchists invite Public to Occupy a new Adventure