Category Archives: solidarity

Proof that most Online Abuse of Women, Blacks and Gays comes from Right-wingers

The Tories  and Republicans often like to claim the Left is abusive, especially online. But most online sexist, racist and homophobic abuse comes from Far Right who enjoy impunity due to majority right wing media control.

But a new survey by Amnesty International of abuse received by women MPs in the run-up to the last election clearly shows that online abuse in Britain comes overwhelmingly from the Right:

And the MP who easily receives the most abuse is Britain’s first female black MP Diane Abbott:

Hats off to Diane for taking such industrial scale horrific abuse so fearlessly.

You can read Amnesty’s full report here.

How online abuse is politically hijacked

    By OwenJones (summary )   All online abuse is unacceptable. The principal victims of online abuse are women. I have female friends who have turned down television appearances because men will bombard them on social media with sickening misogynistic abuse about how they look….

There is a certain type of man — whatever their political persuasion — who cannot stand women with opinions, and believe those who express them are fair game.

Image result for online sexist misogynist abuse

More generally, women of colour face particular abuse. It is unlikely there is any British politician who as great a victim of online abuse as Diane Abbott, both in terms of intensity and how sustained it is. Continue reading Proof that most Online Abuse of Women, Blacks and Gays comes from Right-wingers

After 60,000 Refugees and Massacres the media report Rohingya genocide by


It’s taken 60,000 refugees for the media to report on a genocide by a British-backed regime [VIDEO]

   by  Tom Coburg  at the   Canary. shared with thanks

      In a corner of south-east Asia, tens of thousands of men, women and children have reportedly been massacred, tortured or displaced. The alleged perpetrators are a sadistic military, legitimised by a Western-backed puppet regime. And it doesn’t help that the regime is supported by over 200 British companies.201708asia_cheinkharli_satimage

Media reports

Mainstream media outlets are finally reporting in detail on the apparent atrocities against the Rohingya people of Rakhine province in Myanmar (Burma). The Independent reports that around 60,000 Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh in just one week, in the wake of advances by the military. The New York Times, meanwhile, reports on “methodical assaults on villages, with helicopters raining down fire on civilians and front-line troops cutting off families’ escape”.

But the news keeps getting worse:

Myanmar army ‘beheading children and burning people alive’ 

Photo published for Rohingya minority 'beheaded' and 'burned alive' by Burma army 

Rohingya minority ‘beheaded’ and ‘burned alive’ by Burma army

Fears of mass atrocities against Rohingya civilians in Burma were growing last night after eyewitness accounts emerged of children being beheaded and people burned alive. Continue reading After 60,000 Refugees and Massacres the media report Rohingya genocide by

Hamburg (Germany): The state takes revenge on the G20 Resistance

From Act for Freedom     By: thecollectiveImage result for POLICE VIOLENCE AGAINST G2O PROTESTS

In total, the public prosecutor launched 109 investigative procedures against “known” persons and 64 others against “persons unknown”.

From August 28, almost two months since the end of the G20, the trials began against the accused persons, all of whom are being held on remand in Hamburg.

Two trials are already over and further court appearances are expected in the coming days.Related image

1st trial (28/08/2017): 2 years and 7 months’ imprisonment for one alleged rioter.

Dutch, 21 years old, he is accused of throwing two bottles at a cop during the “Welcome to Hell” demo of July 6. The charges are “serious assault and battery of a policeman”, “violent disorder” and “rebellion”. The judge hit hard and inflicted a prison sentence of 2 years and 7 months. This sentence goes way beyond the request of the prosecutor, who had asked for one year and nine months.

The judge justified their decision with the new law aimed at strengthening the protection of agents of the State on duty *, which came into force on 30 May 2017.

Many people (families, people close to him and those in solidarity) were present in the courtroom in support of the accused. On another note, the accused chose to remain silent right through the trial, and to cover his face completely in order to avoid the scavengers of the press present in number in the court.Related image

During the deliberations, some reaction from the supporters broke the silence of the courtroom. The father of the accused let go: « they want our son to pay for what happened these four days in Hamburg ».

The height of ridicule was reached when the “wounded” riot policeman, 30-years-old from Berlin, came to testify stating that, despite the fact that the bottles had touched his leg and head, having felt a shock at the level of his helmet, he had managed to catch up with the alleged launcher and arrested him. He went on to say that, at the time of the arrest, the accused adopted a fetal position, which constitutes an act of resistance. Continue reading Hamburg (Germany): The state takes revenge on the G20 Resistance

Spinhuis ..Occupied Free Life University RESISTS in Amsterdam

Spinhuis might get evicted but these streets are still ours! Thank you so much for your support .Here are some shots from our manifestations .

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

 Amsterdam: Spinhuis to be evicted. We are militant and determined to resist

On the 28th of August, almost two years after the abandoned dungeon under the bridge was squatted, the Spinhuis will be evicted. The autonomous social centre will be swept away. What will come in its place will be a closed, ostensibly ‘neigbourhood initiative’ for canal homeowners, but which is widely known to be a vessel for the ambitions of Peter Hagendoorn (son of the well-known real estate speculant).
Whoever thought that we would just let this happen is wrong. Long have we fought for a social and independent Spinhuis to remain, using all the tools we had: from crowbars on doors, to negotiations with the municipality, and all the rhetorical skills and political wrangling that come with dealing with bureaucrats.

However the fate of the squat had already been decided upon. Nevertheless, we remain ready to fight. From under the bridge we will take to the streets to resist the evictions of the Spinhuis and ADM, and the overwhelming commercialisation and gentrification of our city. Here follows a reflection on the past two years and the battle that is yet to come.

During our time in the Spinhuis, so much was learned and accomplished, but we also made our mistakes. Too long have we negotiated politely: with a municipality that is selling off our city; with rich neighbours, who bluntly declare that homeless people should be excluded from our space and city centre; with slimy real estate speculants, who called the police when we opened the Spinhuis to shelter refugees from the We Are Here group. Continue reading Spinhuis ..Occupied Free Life University RESISTS in Amsterdam

Seven women killed in ‘On the Spot’ deportation by Spanish Military Police

[Migratory Genocide] Melilla: Seven women killed in a  covered up ‘hot-pursuit’ Deportation by the Guardia Civil. Woman who revealed tragedy got a death threat and is being sued by Military Police

By Kaos. (en castellano abajo)    According to the NGO Walking the Frontiers (Caminando Fronteras ) , due to the Civil Guard blockade, the Navy towed the boat in a “precarious” way to return it to Morocco and at that moment the boat overturned and the seven women died.

One of the still unnamed victims of the ‘on the spot’ deportation.

According to the Moroccan Human Rights Association, the total death toll is 14.

Seven women were killed last Thursday in a ‘hot-pursuit’deportation by the Guardia Civil when they tried to reach Melilla by boat, according to the NGO Walking in Borders ( Caminando Fronteras ). The accident happened when a boat full of 45 people, arrived at Spanish waters and the Civil Guard blocked the passage to them.  continues below…

Helena Maleno Garzón @HelenaMaleno | Siete mujeres muertas en la ‘devolución en caliente’ ejecutada por la Guardia Civil en la costa de Melilla hace dos días 13:13 – 2 set. 2017 · Melilla, Spain         332 332 respostes 7.773 7.773 retweets    2.217 likes

Helena Maleno Garzón  GETS DEATH THREATS..

Just 2 weeks before breaking the news Helena received a death threat, with the words –you are upsetting the authorities (see below in Spanish)– as part of a violent campaign against her and other Human Rights defenders. After denouncing the intimidation HERE they received written support from over 500 associations HERE!

After a short time the Moroccan Navy arrived at the place where the boat was and some people decided to jump into the water and swim to the beach so as not to be returned to their origin.

One of the still unnamed victims of the ‘on the spot’ deportation.

According to the NGO Walking the Borders, due to the blockade of the police, the Navy tied the boat in a “precarious” way to return it to Morocco and at that moment the boat overturned and the seven women died. Continue reading Seven women killed in ‘On the Spot’ deportation by Spanish Military Police

CARNIVAL AGAINST FASCISM Bristol UK, Sunday 10th September


Bristol, Sunday 10th September

A day of partying, resistance and PRIDE!

On the 10th September a group calling itself ‘Gays against Sharia’ is coming to Bristol to try to spread their Islamophobic and racist agenda. This is a blatant attempt by the far-right to tokenise LGBTQIA+ communities and use us for their own ends.Image result for carnival against Fascism bristol

This has been tried before in Bristol: in 2012, the EDL marched on the same day as Pride. While their PR insisted they weren’t homophobic, their violent attacks on gay men on the day told another story.[0]

Let’s not be fooled by their latest clumsy attempt to wrap fascism in a rainbow flag.

We will not be used to spread oppression that would inevitably turn straight back on us. History shows that wherever these bigots gain momentum by scapegoating one group (Muslims and migrants today, Jews in the 30s) they target us soon after.

So we are planning to stop them with a large, spectacular and fabulous carnival – dust off your heels, shine up your boots and join us!Exact details about when and where to meet will be released nearer the time via:
And here’s the facebook event.


Cops and far-right thugs can be unpredictable, so to keep each other as safe as we can, it’s recommended to come with friends and stick together.

This event is queer-led but anyone who wants to stop fascism, racism and homophobia is very welcome.

So who are ‘Gays against Sharia’?

On their last outing (Manchester, June 2017) they yelled racist and homophobic abuse and attacked people. A homeless man was hospitalised while protecting a mum and young daughter from them.[1] Sikh volunteers giving away food were threatened and ‘had to scarper for our own safety’.[2]

All the key figures are far-right and most have no genuine interest in queer communities:

‘Annie Greek‘ (Ioanna Photiou): The main organiser of their Bristol demo, hilariously spotted on twitter[3] saying:

‘Tommy English‘ (Tommy Cook): used to be the (mostly one-man) ‘LGBT division’ of the EDL.

Jack Buckby: ex-BNP who stood as a candidate MP in Jo Cox’s area after she was murdered by the far-right.

Ann Marie Waters: so toxic that even UKIP deselected her as a candidate. Writes for Breitbart.

‘Tommy Robinson‘ (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon): former EDL leader. What a lovely guy. Not.

B+W Leaflet and poster for cheap printing.

Colour versions (nicer): Leaflet and poster

Contact: angryqueerantifascists(at)riseup(dot)net

Old City of ISIS capital Raqqa has Fallen to the Revolutionary SDF

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) female fighters enter the battle against ISIS in Raqqa


The spokeswoman for the campaign “Euphrates Anger” (Xezeba Firatê), Jihan Sheikh Ahmad, from the Yekîneyên Parastinê Yên Jinê (Women Defense Units, YPJ) campaign confirmed today the conquest of the old quarter of the Raqqa and the Darayeh district, to the West.

The control of the Old Quarter is a very remarkable advance as it was fortified by a historic wall and its narrow streets, complicated offensive operations.

Darayeh was closed at the beginning of the week and has progressed with street to street fighting.

1st Sept 2017. map of Raqqa. yellow is SDF contolled. A Civilian/Military Council of all ethnic and religious groups and women has been set up to administer the city, its reconstruction, relief and refugee organisation, etc, The new administration uses the model of the Manbij Civilian Council, adopting many principles of the Rojava revolution of Democratic Confederalism, but without direct Kurdish control.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have discovered networks of tunnels that were used by members of the Islamic State (IS). Continue reading Old City of ISIS capital Raqqa has Fallen to the Revolutionary SDF

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