Tag Archives: religion

To Be Who You Are … How Feminism Liberated Me

'Be free'. Marcha das Vadias Photo  Maria Objetiva 
‘Be free’. Marcha das Vadias Photo  Maria Objetiva

 by Michelle Karen Santos for Feminist Bloggers .. translation The Free    …    I am a Pastor’s daughter and I was born in a family where everyone is evangelical, that’s how I identified myself until I was 15 years old. I always went to church, sang, prayed and was part of all the groups that were there. I was the pastor’s daughter, the girl who should set an example for everyone, especially for the other girls.

Feminist Bloggers
Feminist Bloggers

I grew up seeing church leaders being all men, and the most that a woman could achieve was the leadership of the group of children or ladies. Rebellion is Life.. Submission is Death

The spaces were occupied by pastors who said that women should be submissive, behave like a “lady”, be careful, less gossipy, should have sex with their husbands even without wanting to, that they should have children even without wishing for them, that they should be wise and build their homes, that all women should be what the church declared they should to be. Continue reading To Be Who You Are … How Feminism Liberated Me

Jews and Moslem unite..demanding Right to Torture Boys!

Jewish, Moslems and Christian demonstrated together today for the right to cut bits off little boys’ penises without  an anesthetic.

They condemned as barbaric the ruling that the religious mutilation must be done by a doctor with pain killers.

Several hundred people have held a demonstration in the German capital, Berlin, to demand that the practice of religious circumcision remain legal. Continue reading Jews and Moslem unite..demanding Right to Torture Boys!

Religulous!.. watch it here (spanish subs)

Terrific, hilarious.. Maher wipes the floor with religious bigots and corrupt fairy tCover of "Religulous"ales

Religulous is an American comic documentary film written by and starring comedian Bill Maher and directed byLarry Charles. The title of the film is a portmanteau derived from the words “religion” and “ridiculous“. The documentary examines and mocks organized religion and religious belief.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religulous Continue reading Religulous!.. watch it here (spanish subs)

religion: Pope sentences women to slow death.

Why won’t the pope let women protect themselves from HIV?

papal representatives are putting doctrine before African women’s health Nancy Goldsteinguardian.co.uk

Who can forget Pope Benedict XVI‘s first tour of Africa as pontiff in spring 2009? He told the continent hardest hit by the global HIV/Aids crisis that more stringent moral attitudes toward sex would help fight the disease – indeed, that condom distribution “increases the problem”. There was no sign that his Holiness understood the depth of the pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, which accounted for 75% of all HIV-related deaths that year, or had made any attempt to reconcile religious doctrine with compassionate public health policy.
Now, it’s June 2011, the 30th anniversary of the Aids pandemic, and the Holy See is at it again.

The Holy See has left no doubt about their stance.

For months now, their all-male team has been trying to strip all references to sexual and reproductive health and rights from the meeting’s declaration; gutting all mentions of education and prevention other than marriage and fidelity; and insisting that “families” be replaced with “the family”, as though that monolith even exists or that it provides some kind of magic shield against HIV.
Either the Holy See does not understand, or does not care that their hardline stance is not actually “pro-life” in any sense. They ask that paragraph 60 of the declaration, which addresses research and development for treating and curing HIV, delete all mention of “female-controlled prevention methods”. This despite the fact that female condoms and the very promising looking microbicides now being developed have no relation to abortion and represent the single greatest potential life saver for women worldwide.
Today marks the opening of a United Nations general assembly “high level meeting” on Aids in New York City that will evaluate the progress of that body’s response to the pandemic over the past five years and set the agenda for the next decade. Serra Sippel, president of the Centre for Health and Gender Equity (Change), declares that “this meeting is where we decide how serious we are about beating HIV, and how serious we are about women’s equality.” If so,