Category Archives: prison

defending victims.. making prisons unnecessary

US police kill over 1000 people in 2016 .. 2,300,000 in jail


The State as a monopoly on violence

Marchers numbering nearly 1,000 take to the streets to protest against the recent fatal shootings of black men by police Friday, July 8, 2016, in Phoenix. Freeway ramps were closed and pepper spray and tear gas were used Friday night during a protest in downtown Phoenix following the killings of black men in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and suburban St. Paul, Minnesota, at the hands of police and the deadly sniper attack on police officers in Dallas. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
Marchers numbering nearly 1,000 take to the streets to protest against the recent fatal shootings of black men by police Friday, July 8, 2016, in Phoenix. Freeway ramps were closed and pepper spray and tear gas were used during a protest in downtown Phoenix following the killings of black men in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and suburban St. Paul, Minnesota, at the hands of police and the deadly sniper attack on police officers in Dallas. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Continue reading US police kill over 1000 people in 2016 .. 2,300,000 in jail


From Enlace Zapatista  Translation submitted to It’s Going Downfreedom-fernando-sotelo

The modification enacted by the Superior Court of “Justice” on the sentence of our compañero Luis Fernando Sotelo is a joke. The reduction of the sentence to 13 years [from 33 years], is not to serve justice, but is a mockery of it. The irregularities in the process have been denounced innumerable times. Evidence doesn’t exist to incriminate him and during the trial the only eyewitness, the driver of the metro-bus, said he did not recognize our compañero.

Why is he still in prison? It is not for judicial reasons, but political ones. It is punishment for social protest. They want to keep him imprisoned as an example. Our compañero is detained under the command of the government of Mexico City, lead by Miguel Ángel Mancera. Or perhaps also the rumors of corruption of the Fourth Chamber of the Superior Criminal Court are more correct?libertad-sotelo1


IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

by Cruz Negra Anarquista


Hace mas de 500 años que la prisión existe, y en todo este tiempo no han dejado de haber robos, tráfico de drogas, de personas y mucho menos se han acabado los maltratos, asesinatos o violaciones y esto es así, aparte de porque somos una sociedad enferma, porque la prisión, que fue creada para reeducar a las personas que han roto la ley, no ha cumplido ni cumple esta función, porque la prisión no es ninguna solución sino que es parte del problema.

Y decimos que es parte del problema porque nosotros queremos señalar los verdaderos intereses que se esconden detrás de las instituciones penitenciarias: por un lado mantener este sistema social y económico injusto y por el otro hacer que nos creamos la mentira de que las prisiones son necesarias.

El col·lectiu okupant tem que "aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials" Dànae Quiroz
El col·lectiu okupant tem que “aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials” Dànae Quiroz

Continue reading IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

Support Ana Belén, now jailed 15 years for Leaking US terrorist plans for Cuba

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Comite Amigos Puerto Rico: Solidarity with Ana Belén Montes, political prisoner in the USA


from redlatinasinfronteras with thanks

In the present goes the postal and electronic address Ana Belén Montes, from Puerto Rico, who for 17 years from the National Security Agency of the United States of America leaked information to the Cuban government of the terrorist acts that were planned against the Cuban people.

Cuba Mourns Anniversary of Terrorist Bombing of Cubana Flight 455
Cuba Mourns Anniversary of US state Terrorist Bombing of Cubana Flight 455
Ana, in an act of great courage, told the sentencing judge that she did not regret what she had done because she did it consciously because she understood it to be an injustice that the government of the United States of America wanted to impose on Cuba its system of government and economy.

Continue reading Support Ana Belén, now jailed 15 years for Leaking US terrorist plans for Cuba

Death Threats to -Kinetik Justice- Prison strike organiser. Support needed


On October 21, 2016 Robert Earl Council (aka Kinetik Justice Amun) went on a Hunger Strike based on threats against his life from the Alabama.oct-2016-prison

Department of Corrections (ADOC) administration and staff. He was transferred to a supermax facility, and water was shut off in his cell in an effort to force him out of his hunger strike. His transfers
happened after the media exposed the ADOC during a nationwide prison strike to demand changes to prison conditions and unpaid labor.

As of November 8, 2016, Kinetik Justice is in danger for his life, and
organisers are calling for action.img_5170

Kinetik has been inside for over 22 years and is a co-founder of the
Free Alabama Movement which has organized successful work stoppages to demand basic human rights and has provided education and legal support to hundreds of incarcerated people.10599613_1518395251745511_5416659300835430917_n

CALL WITH DEMANDS TODAY: Call the Alabama Department of Corrections and
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley’s office demanding 1) that Kinetik
Justice be transferred from Limestone Correctional Facility; and 2) that
Pastor Kenneth Glasgow of The Ordinary People’s Society be allowed to
visit him and assess his condition immediately.

Alabama Department of Corrections
Montgomery, Alabama
(334) 353-3883 [1]

Governor Robert Bentley
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130
(334) 242-7100 [2]

FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE: result for Prison strike organiser Kinetik Justice

Many more Prison Strike Solidarity Actions


Submitted to It’s Going Down

The September 9th national prison strike has forged a new potentially decisive link between the black liberation struggle in the streets and the war against the American plantation system inside the penitentiaries.

Prisoners have now launched themselves to the forefront of the struggle, setting a new bar for those of us outside.

The growing rejection of the American plantation system and the call for abolition is gaining strength.

As the prison strike is about to enter its second month, the censorship of the prison rebellion and suppression of its participants has reached a critical juncture. At least three deaths have occurred and organizers are facing extreme repression. Kinetik Justice, a key organizer in Holman Prison, has gone on a hunger strike after being shipped to a new, even more barbaric unit.

At this moment, outside support becomes vital for bridging the muting division of the prison wall.prison-strike

Prison organizer Keith Malik Washington incisively noted the following about the punishments doled out for participation in the prison strike: “There are elements and individuals within the Texas criminal justice system that don’t want to acknowledge the humanity of prisoners.

Kinetik Justice of @FreeAlaMovement, a leader, goes on hunger strike as advocate decries human torture 

Photo published for Incarcerated Alabama prison strike leader goes on hunger strike as advocate decries 'human torture'

Incarcerated Alabama prison strike leader goes on hunger strike as advocate decries ‘human torture’

Alabama prisoner Robert Earl Council – known by many as Kinetic Justice – has launched a hunger strike less than two months after he gained a level of fame as a public face of the national movement…

Many of us in NYC Anarchist Action see this period as a vital situation in a chain of activities necessary for revolutionary momentum in the United States.

The slave plantation mentality is deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of the oppressor and the oppressed.” Continue reading Many more Prison Strike Solidarity Actions

Call for renewed Worldwide Actions in Solidarity with Prison Strike, Oct 15-22

o1522-sqIt hardly seems necessary to summarize what has gone down inside U.S. prisons since September 9th. Hunger strikes, work stoppages, and riots have spread throughout the country on a scale that we likely aren’t even fully aware of yet.

Some uprisings appeared took us by surprise, such as in several Florida prisons, while others presumably grew from recent organizing endeavors on the inside, such as at Kinross in Michigan or Holman in Alabama. By rough estimates, over 20,000 prisoners were involved in some way. That’s huge.Sept 9 Prison Strike 2016

On the outside, solidarity burned so brightly all over the world. Banner drops, graffiti slogans, noise demonstrations and more showed that we had the backs of all who would partake in the strike. It is worth noting however that the vast majority of this took place the first weekend of the strike. Continue reading Call for renewed Worldwide Actions in Solidarity with Prison Strike, Oct 15-22