Category Archives: collapse capitalism

in The Free, due to climate change stopping trade, resource depletion and transition to anarchy

Anonymous attacks the 1%.. HACKS and threatens BILDERBERG billionaires

Hackback Defaces Bilderberg Group Website Against World Crisis

    by  ... disobey

The hackers left a deface page along with a brief message explaining the reason for defacing the site and criticizing the role of “political elite” for the problems faced by “common people.” The message also criticized the role of Bilderberg group for planning wars for personal interests.anonymous-hacks-european-space-agency-domains-758x426

The hackers also warned the group members to start working for human beings and their benefits rather than personal interests or expect more hacks since “they” the hackers will be watching them. Continue reading Anonymous attacks the 1%.. HACKS and threatens BILDERBERG billionaires

“The Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity.” conference update. 25 Dec-4 Jan.

ezln_1Update on the Gathering “The Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity.”
 Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés


to see posts related to ConCIENCIAS…CLICK HERE


December 15, 2016

To the scientific community of Mexico and the world:

To the National and International Sixth:

We send you our greetings. We want to update you on the plans for the gathering “The Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity,” to be held at the CIDECI-UniTierra in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, from December 25, 2016 through January 4, 2017. Continue reading “The Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity.” conference update. 25 Dec-4 Jan.

What If We All Refused To Go Quietly To The Slaughterhouse?


extract from The Essays of The Man From the North by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad

…”We are serving ourselves up on silver platters to the oligarchs and giant corporations. We have apples of misinformation in our mouths and sprigs of patriotic parsley tucked behind our ears. Must we complacently acquiesce to being pot-roasted pigs? Rise up!Image result for the dandelion insurrection

The situation is more than intolerable . . . it is ridiculous . . . it is obscene. Our citizenry behaves like swine in the feedlots of the giant corporations and their rich owners. We eat the swill they slop down of toxic food, poisonous lies, mind-numbing media, and soul-crushing policies of oppression. We roll in the muck too moribund to rise up and organize for life, liberty, and love!

Have you ever seen a wild boar? Hairy, black, powerful, untamed, muscular? Have ever seen the wild sow, alert, protective and nurturing of her young? Have you seen the natural liveliness and intelligence of the lithe, quick piglets raised in woodlands and meadows, not muck and feedlots? Continue reading What If We All Refused To Go Quietly To The Slaughterhouse?

Brazilians Revolt: Post-Coup Politicos to pass ‘Social Massacre’ Package and block Anti-Corruption

>> Parlamento de Brasil aprueba enmienda que congela inversión social por 20 años

 Brazil’s Congress voted by 400 to 1 to reject an anti corruption bill signed by 2.5 million citizens, and gave themselves more immunity. Now they vote through massive cuts and  sell off public assets to foreign corporations at bargain prices.57aa51e2c361880a418b456b
Amid massive protests, neoliberal government installed after coup aims to lock 20-year spending freeze into constitution

by Nadia Prupis, 12 Comments   Brazil’s new neoliberal government has pushed through the most socially retrogressive austerity package in the world, as  a  United Nations official had warned on Friday, calling the proposed 20-year freeze on social spending a “radical measure, lacking in all nuance and compassion.”

see also:  Brazil Spring:. Who are the Boys and Girls occupying 961 Schools and Universities


Under President Michel Temer, who seized power after a coup ousted the democratically elected Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president, the spending freeze will be locked into the country’s constitution.

The senate held a final vote on the measure Tuesday 13th and it  was passed by the servile corrupt politicians.

In response to the news, Philip Alston, the U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, decried the bill known as PEC55.

“This is a radical measure, lacking in all nuance and compassion,” he said in a statement, calling the package an attack on the poor. “It is completely inappropriate to freeze only social expenditure and to tie the hands of all future governments for another two decades. This amendment  will place Brazil in a socially retrogressive category all of its own.”Image result for brasil protesta dec 12

Continue reading Brazilians Revolt: Post-Coup Politicos to pass ‘Social Massacre’ Package and block Anti-Corruption




Originally published to It’s Going Down

On Wednesday, December 7th at Texas A & M University, as FBI agents monitored hundreds of protesters from the tops of roofs, heavily armed riot police clashed with demonstrators bent on disrupting and shutting down an event organized by Preston Wiginton, a 51 year old former student of the campus and long time white supremacist.

The event featured a talk by Richard Spencer, a leading ideologue within the growing “Alt-Right,” which attempts to re-brand fascist, Neo-Nazi, and white nationalist ideas for the millennial generation in order to create an all-white fascist “ethno-state.”1947916_746209005390074_17517994_n

The clashes that erupted on the campus are just the latest in a string of growing confrontations between autonomous revolutionaries and the racist far-Right which is acting as an auxiliary force of the Trump regime while attempting to push it farther to the right.

Suddenly, anarchists and antifa, who have been demonized and sidelined by the wider Left have been hearing from liberals and Leftists, “you’ve been right all along.” But while revolutionary anarchist ideas and starting to have a broader currency, many of the things that people are starting to pick up on, we have been saying for years. Continue reading A REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT IS AWAKENING IN NORTH AMERICA.

Germany: Two Forest Defenders from Spain arrested in Hambach Forest still Jailed

   transslation by .. shared with thanks


Yesterday, November 30, 8 people were arrested in Hambach Forest. Among them, 2 comrades from Spain. Everybody was released last night except for the 2 comrades who were transferred to Cologne today for pre-trial detention. The names that they were known as in the forest were Siao and Hodey although in Spain we knew them by other names.
Así es como queda el bosque con el avance de la mina.. Con el carbón marrón se alimenta la planta energética que se ve al fondo

The last few days in Hambach Forest have seen an escalation of tension. On November 17 a road block action took place with a burning barricade and rocks thrown in clashes with the security company and the ‘installation’ of a fake explosive device that delayed the dismantling of the barricade and the tree felling for several hours. Continue reading Germany: Two Forest Defenders from Spain arrested in Hambach Forest still Jailed

Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: A Culture Without Fear



George Monbiot lists 13 world catastrophes in his Guardian column this week, starting with the granting of absolute power to a man who appears to possess no capacity for restraint, balance or empathy, but a bottomless capacity for revenge and vindictiveness.

High on his list is runaway climate change which has a trajectory way beyond that envisaged by the Paris agreement.

Equally alarming are the red lights flashing for Economic Collapse, possibly kicked off next week with the fall of Italian banks and the Brexit mess.


Then there is the falling apart of the European Union, takeovers by far right governments in the pay of capitalist corporations, legitimation of sexism and racism, not to mention spreading permanent war as well as longer term emergencies such as the UN declaring that at current rates of soil loss we have 60 years of harvests left, and of course the extinction crisis which  appears, if anything, to be accelerating.

With the world in such a mess it’s a good moment to remind each other that it NEED NOT BE SO… Reaffirming long term goals can inspire us to stronger daily resistance.

 Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: A Culture Without Fear

By Martin Winiecki, .. shared with thanks

In the 1990s an unusual encounter took place in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In plant rituals, shamans of the Achuar, a tribe living in pristine forest that had never been in touch with Western civilization, received the warning that the “white man” would try to invade their lands, cut down the forest and exploit the resources. Deeply shaken, they called out to the Spirits for help. Continue reading Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: A Culture Without Fear