Turkey blackmails Trump to help Destroy Democratic Rojava and Hold it as a Turkish Jihadi ”Safe Zone”

erdogans-planThe racist dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying every means to blackmail and bribe the US into creating the Trump requested ”safe zone” in Syria by destroying the only progressive multi ethnic, multi religion, non sexist area in the whole of the Middle East, .. Rojava.

Blackmail.. by threats to leave Nato, to join the Russia/Iran/China axis, to expose the US creation and financing of ISIS.. etc, and   Bribery.. by promising to conclude the huge new arms purchases, by perhaps blocking the Russian South Stream gas pipeline, etc.

Will Trump betray the only progressive future for Syria? ..Syrian-Kurdish women carry the coffins of female fighters in Syria's northeastern city of Qamishli on July 21, 2016 during the funeral of sixteen fighters killed battling the Islamic State (IS) group in Manbij. 150 SDF volunteers died liberating the town, including six from the International Brigade.(William Savage, from the US was killed rescuing civilians). Now Turkey is pressurizing Trump to betray the SDF, destroy the democratic revolution, and hand Manbij to Turkish controlled jihadi FSA mercenaries.
Will Trump betray the only progressive future for Syria? ..Syrian-Kurdish women carry the coffins of female fighters in Syria’s northeastern city of Qamishli on July 21, 2016 during the funeral of sixteen fighters killed battling the Islamic State (IS) group in Manbij. 150 SDF volunteers died liberating the town, including six from the International Brigade.(William Savage, from the US was killed rescuing civilians). Now Turkey is pressurizing Trump to betray the SDF, destroy the democratic revolution, and hand Manbij to Turkish controlled jihadi FSA mercenaries.

The Plan is to effectively annexe the north of Syria as a ‘safe zone’ run by his own paid jihadi proxies, the FSA. Russia seems now to reluctantly go along with this, and excludes the SDF and Kurds from all negotiations.

Now the ruling Turks only need to get Trump on board.. so that their 5000 tanks can roll, the Rojava revolution can be destroyed, women can again be slaves, and a new 40 years war with Syria can begin.


funerals of victims of Erdogan’s air attack on 22 Oct  -Kurdish Cat

 Save Manbij from Turkish Terror

However, when and if Trump makes a public agreement with ’emperor’  Recep Erdoğan the SDF have threatened to cancel their offensive which has almost surrounded the ISIS capital Raqqa, and return their now nearly 100,000 mainly arab forces to confront the Turkish army in Manbij.

Recep Erdoğan seized ‘de facto’ dictatorial powers by engineering a populist racist confrontation with the Kurdish minority (who were unilaterally disarming and undergoing an advanced peace process at the time)  which has killed thousands and left whole cities like Cizre and Nusaybin devastated.

Having consolidated power after the ”attempted coup” with the greatest purges of innocents witnessed since Stalin or perhaps Pol Pot, and neutralised the EU with the threat of ‘unleashing’ millions of refugees, he has gone on to declare a referendum on April 16th which will install him as ’emperor for life’ using a state campaign of ‘Vote YES or you are a Terrorist to be Purged’..really!

Women removed and sometimes burned their burqas after ISIS defeat in Manbij by SDF, now to be attacked by Turkey and handed to their new jihadi proxies... but will Trump do the deal?
Women removed and sometimes burned their burqas after ISIS defeat in Manbij by SDF, now to be attacked by Turkey and handed to their new jihadi proxies… but will Trump do the deal?

Having obtained a cynical Russian permission to invade Syria in exchange for the new South Stream pipeline deal to sell gas to Europe cutting out  Ukraine (and other concessions), the Turkish tanks have rolled south, along with a ragtag and half hearted ”Free Syrian Army”, mercenaries paid by the Turkish taxpayer.

Finally, after a nearly 4 month  ‘battle’ and help from both Russian, US and their own bombers plus the Syrian army from the south, they have ‘conquered’ the town of Al Bab (or some say paid ISIS to leave for a spared area. They suffered 76 Turkish soldiers killed and massacred a minimum of 444 people, mostly civilians in the indiscriminate bombardment and bombing of the town before ISIS agreed to pull out).

Next stop, the dictator declares, will be Manbij, already liberated from ISIS at a terrible price and self-run by a democratic council.

15/08/2016.Thousands of ISIS hostages passed from a medieval tyranny to a revolutionary and feminist area as Manbij fell to the SDF. Now Turkey wants to enslave these women again by giving Manbij back to new jihadi mercenaries..''..Women don’t possess any rights under the regime of ISIS. We are left without a will or the possibility of self expression.  Women become prisoners in their own houses; besides giving birth to children, they don’t have any rights or value. We can call this war against women..''
15/08/2016.Thousands of ISIS hostages passed from a medieval tyranny to a revolutionary and feminist area as Manbij fell to the SDF. Now Turkey wants to enslave these women again by giving Manbij back to new jihadi mercenaries..”..Women don’t possess any rights under the regime of ISIS. We are left without a will or the possibility of self expression.  Women become prisoners in their own houses; besides giving birth to children, they don’t have any rights or value. We can call this war against women..”

Erdogan has repeatedly vowed to destroy the democratic revolution in Manbij, hard won from ISIS by the SDF with the loss of the lives of over 150 fighters, (including European and US volunteers and women), and give it instead to his latest brand of head chopping jihadi paid proxies.

Now  Erdoğan and his ultra nationalists threaten often that their intention after Al Bab is to attack Manbij and Efrin, both of which have their security guaranteed by the Kurdish inspired Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

And already on Feb 20, 2017 a Turkish attack killed 3  volunteers in Arima, just west of Manbij.

Hundreds of Manbij people gathered in front of the Euphrates Hospital whre the funerals of the three fighters took place. Ehmed Kenan (Ehmed Minbic), Mele Ehmed (Mele Minbic) and Yusif Merto (Şiyar Tirkmenî) were killed in the town of Arima, 25 km west of the city. . After a military ceremony organized by Manbij Military Council Emre Mihemed, a member of the House of Martyrs, made a speech and said that freedom fighters fed their lives to defend the country's lands. Co-chairman of the Manbij Civilian Assembly Ibrahim El-Qefit gava a postivice message in sipte of the sorrow and said in his speech, 'We will definitely win.'
Hundreds of Manbij people gathered in front of the Euphrates Hospital whre the funerals of the three fighters took place. Ehmed Kenan (Ehmed Minbic), Mele Ehmed (Mele Minbic) and Yusif Merto (Şiyar Tirkmenî) were killed in the town of Arima, 25 km west of the city. .
After a military ceremony organized by Manbij Military Council Emre Mihemed, a member of the House of Martyrs, made a speech and said that freedom fighters fed their lives to defend the country’s lands.
Co-chairman of the Manbij Civilian Assembly Ibrahim El-Qefit gave a postivie message in sipte of the sorrow and said in his speech, ‘We will definitely win.’–source Kurdis Kat

But just a minute,  Manbij is a mainly Arab city with Kurdish, Assyrian, Christian and other minorities, and after it was liberated from ISIS by the Kurdish led SDF it was handed over to the Manbij  Council, which like all towns in the Rojava Revolution is administered with proportional ethnic and women’s representation.

Manbij is a model for the new Syria proposed by the fast growing Kurdish led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). There is now a power sharing multi ethnic, multi religion Council  in the mainly Arab and Christian city. Manbij was liberated from a nightmare ISIS occupation by the Kurdish led SDF after a heroic 73 day house to house battle and  handed over to the previously organised Manbij Civilian and Military Council (MMC)

This is the same highly successful model planned in detail for Jarablus and Al Bab towns before the Turkish invasion condemned the population to continued medieval jihadi oppression under their FSA mercenary gangs.

The same model has  now prepared as the Raqqa and  Deir Ezzor Military and Civilian Councils to share power on an assembly and coop basis when and if they can be freed from ISIS without Turkish intervention.

Great to speak and pay my respects at the memorial of the two British heroes - Eric and Dean. They died fighting the Islamic State. They both came before the world woke to the importance of the SDF alliance and it's ability to destroy ISIS. The recent attack by Turkey and their jihadist allies made the day more poignant. Dean died in Manbij alongside a Kurd. Watching the US sanction the Turkish assault betrays both their sacrifices. These men are an inspiration to everyone. They made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty, justice and the innocent people of Rojava. Rest in peace comrades
”Great to speak and pay my respects at the memorial of the two British heroes – Eric and Dean. They died fighting the Islamic State. They both came before the world woke to the importance of the SDF alliance and it’s ability to destroy ISIS. The recent attack by Turkey and their jihadist allies made the day more poignant. Dean died in Manbij alongside a Kurd. Watching the US sanction the Turkish assault betrays both their sacrifices. These men are an inspiration to everyone. They made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty, justice and the innocent people of Rojava.
Rest in peace comrades”

With 5000 tanks, 300,000 troops and a modern Nato army the Turkish dictator Erdoğan should be able to  take Manbij, reducing it to rubble, destroying the revolution, massacring the population and securing his ‘Arms and supplies for Oil’ business with his latest jihadi proxies.

But then what? An endless guerilla war on his 900 km long southern border with Rojava?  Not if he can do a deal with Trump and label his evil conquests as the new ”Safe Zone”.

Manbij, like all towns in the Rojava revolution, suffers from being blockaded by Turkey, but it is integrated, peaceful and run democratically and with sex equality ( unheard of anywhere in the Middle East) by a Council composed proportionally of all the local forces (not just by the SDF/YPG liberators).

This is what Turkish tanks and jets are aiming to destroy and replace with the another medieval mockery of jihadi gangs of hired mercenaries..

A girl rescued from ISIS terror in Manbij is welcomed by a revolutionary YPJ volunteer.
A girl rescued from ISIS terror in Manbij is welcomed by a revolutionary YPJ volunteer.
The SDF/YPG have no air force and if/when they are completely betrayed by their US allies they will be unable to continue the offensive against ISIS in Raqqa, granting the terrorists time and space to recover from their battle in Mosul..

Will the US under Trump have the guts to stand up against the Turkish invasion and blackmail? Or will they stand back, do a dirty deal and let Erdogan, the supreme commander, massacre the SDF, a nearly 100,000 strong secular democratic coalition of  Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen, Women, Assyrian, Christian, International (including US) volunteers, Yazidi…  anti-ISIS militias?

see also:  Turkey-US Annex Syrian Territory… 

Will the Turkish State  now massacre the lightly armed SDF, which is the only democratic, inclusive, feminist and multi ethnic militia in the whole Middle East just to satisfy the bloodlust and imperial ambitions of Hitler-admirer Erdoğan and protect his family’s oil business with new jihadi clients?save-manbij

Fascist State terror taking Total Power in Turkey

Having eliminated all opposition, criminalised the Kurdish politicians jailing thousands without trial including many mayors and members of parliament and conducted a series of massacres of civilians  in Eastern Turkey, Erdoğan’s invasion of Syria is been accompanied daily by hysterical calls from the by now 90% state controlled Turkish media for bloody revenge, the death penalty and a new genocide of the 18 million Kurds.

The state campaign includes anyone who supports a NO to giving him total indefinite power in the upcoming referendum of siding with Kurdish terrorists in the monstrous ongoing witch hunt by which he is purging, firing and imprisoning tens of thousands of people, with the western press silent for fear of damaging the ‘strategic relationship’ or in the case of Europe provoking the dictator to herd refugees again across the borders.

The new Turkish prime minister Binali Yildirim (‘Erdoğan’s poodle’) repeated endlessly that ”the Kurds must go ‘East of the Euphrates’ before they will stop the invasion. But then again they also repeat ”the YPG/SDF are all terrorists and must be removed to make Turkey safe”.

But their new slogan is that it is Turkey, (not the SDF who have the place surrounded) who must evict ISIS  from their capital in Raqqa. That would mean that ‘to make Turkey safe’ the Turkish armies and allies need to take over the entire Rojava Democratic Federalist Revolution (an area the size of Kuwait and Qatar combined) and permanently occupy and militarily suppress it (as they do already with the Kurdish areas of Eastern Turkey).

This appears to be the latest¡ Erdoğan Plan, to effectively annexe the north of Syria as a ‘safe zone’ run by his own paid proxies. Russia seems now to reluctantly go along with this, and excludes the SDF and Kurds from all negotiations. Now the Turks only need to get Trump on board.. so that their 5000 tanks can roll, the Rojava revolution can be destroyed, women can  again be slaves, and a new 40 years war with Syria will begin.

However, when and if Trump makes a public agreement to back ’emperor’ Erdogan the SDF have threatened to cancel their offensive which has almost surrounded the ISIS capital Raqqa, and return their now nearly 100,000 mainly arab forces to confront the Turkish army in Manbij.

Help Stop Erdogan’s Genocidal Crimes

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by …

by  in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq..   shared with thanks

Levi Jonathan ShurkeyAn American volunteer fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria was killed during the offensive to recapture the town of Manbij from Islamic State militants.

Levi Jonathan Shirley, known by his Kurdish comrades as Agir Servan, died last 14 July in Manbij, according to a statement on the official website of the People’s Protection Units (YPG), in whose ranks he was fighting,  helping defend Kurdish-held areas from Islamic State and recently participating in the successful battle for the northern town of Manbij.

Turkish airstrike kills two Western SDF fighters near Manbij – ARA News15267954_2052476088312105_3074493215761876110_n.jpg

Manbij – Michael Israel from California and Anton Leschek from Bielefeld were killed in a Turkish airstrike on November 24 2016. The two men were foreign volunteers, serving in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).They fell during Turkish warplanes’ bombardment of MMC positions in western Manbij on November 24. Born in Lodi, California, USA, Michael joined the revolution of Syrian peoples in July, 2016, saying “There is a revolution for the freedom of peoples in Rojava and North Syria. I came here to participate in this sacred struggle.” Born in Germany, Anton joined the ranks of Manbij Military Council in September, 2016, saying: “The war in Rojava and Northern Syria means a lot to me because the people living here do not accept cruelty, slavery or terror. I will support this democratic revolution to the end.”      Source: Firat News Agency


You can contribute to the Tactical Medical Unit (UMT) of YPG HERE
Monitoring UMT page Facebook Macer
Explanatory video of the UMT (in English): below

The Coopfunding campaign raised 98K euros, now closed, (14 July16), but the contribute page lists various ways people for people to participate and help this cause. Also right now volunteers can`t get into as the siege is total.Rojava Revolution Plan: Organising and Funding Projects and Volunteers         

Getting Started….Visit our wiki for info on our projects and detailed resources. Here you can find more about our work in Rojava.  The contribute page lists various ways people for people to participate and help this cause.If you are ready to come, then head to the join section.    You can also invest in our work by sending a donation.

IHD reports 46,292 human rights violations in the Kurdish region in 2016

IHD reports 46,292 human rights violations in the Kurdish region in 2016

Human Rights Association (IHD) Amed Branch announced its yearly report on human rights violations committed in Northern Kurdistan during 2016…

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