Fascism in Action: Waves of 800 dawn Arrests of Left, Feminist and pro-Kurdish


There are already 800  more pro-Kurdish, feminist and left-wing civilians detained in Turkey in just 48 hours.

Meanwhile theTurkish state is receiving billions from European taxpayers in blackmail money to not to send refugees North.

And both the USA and Russia are wooing the dictator Erdogan as a strategic partner and customer in their insane capitalist expansion,  To the extent that both give permission to invade Syria and to bomb and shell SDF and YPG/YPJ areas practising non ethnic, non religious and anti sexist direct democracy.. to replace them with factions of whatever crazed jihadi drug addicts they can find, as long as they are  pro-Turkey.

Sara Kaya the Kurdish mayoress of Nusaybin now jailed in Solitary without trial sara-kaya

According to Reuters the Turkish police have detained more than 800 people for alleged links with Kurdish militants in the last two days. A measure of repression that the parliamentary party Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP, People’s Democratic Party) said was intended to leave them out of the referendum.The Turks will vote on April 16 replacing the parliamentary system with a strongly presidentialist one to give more dictatorial powers to President Tayyip Erdogan. The referendum will be held under a state of emergency imposed after a ”coup attempt” last July. Tens of thousands of people have been arrested since, including over5,000 HDP members.

see HDP Statement on Detention.  Comunicado del HDP ante las detenciones.

The arrests have taken place at dawn in Istanbul, Adana, Bingöl, Gaziantep / Antep and Izmir. These are civilians linked to the left and pro-Kurdish democratic movement.The Prime Minister of Turkey. Recep Tayyip Erdo_an. Don't call me a dictator or I'll imprison your journalists and shut down your newspapers. #1ab

Among those arrested are members or supporters of organizations such as the parliamentary People’s Democratic Party (HDP), the Democratic Party of the Regions (DBP), which until July’s “coup” featured dozens of mayors, the Turkish Socialist Party ESP and the KJA feminist movement, Congress of Free Women.

Oleada de detenciones de madrugada contra simpatizantes de izquierda, feministas y pro kurdos

Los arrestos se han producido de madrugada en Estambul, Adana, Bingöl, Gaziantep/Antep y Esmirna. La policía de Erdogan ha asaltado decenas de domicilios y ha detenido entre 70 y un centenar de personas. Se trata de civiles vinculados al movimiento democrático de izquierda y pro kurdo.

Así, entre las personas arrestadas hay miembros o simpatizantes de organizaciones como el parlamentario Partido Democrático Popular (HDP), el Partido Democrático de las Regiones (DBP), que hasta el “golpe” de julio ostentaba decenas de alcaldías, el partido socialista turco ESP y el movimiento feminista KJA, Congreso de Mujeres Libres.

Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days ..in total ruins and  deafening silence

mardin-nusaybin-de-sokaga-cikma-yasagi-kaldiriliyorNusaybin was a beautiful and ancient European city until Erdogan’s anti-kurd pogrom reached it in 2015

Ya son 800 los civiles pro kurdos y de izquierda detenidos en Turquía en 48 horas
 Según Reuters la policía turca ha detenido a más de 800 personas por presuntos vínculos con militantes kurdos en los últimos dos día. Una medida de represión que el partido parlamentario Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP, Partido Democrático del Pueblo) dijo que estaba destinada a dejarla fuera del referéndum.

Los turcos votarán el 16 de abril el reemplazo del sistema parlamentario por uno de fuertemente presidencialista omo propone el presidente Tayyip Erdogan.

El referéndum se llevará a cabo bajo un estado de emergencia impuesto después de un intento de golpe en julio pasado. Decenas de miles de personas han sido arrestadas desde entonces, entre ellas 5.000 miembros del HDP.

Comunicado del HDP ante las detenciones.

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