Sara Kaya the Kurdish mayoress of Nusaybin now jailed in Solitary without trial

 Friday, Feb 17, 2017sara-kaya
Sara Kaya was detained by police of Erdogan last January. The democratic mayoress of the devastated border town is accused of “wanting to break the unity and integrity of the Turkish state.”

She was decreed jail without bail on 27 January. She was detained in prison of Mardin E-type but now has been transferred to solitary confinement in a high security prison of the type E, Wan.nusaybin-destructionChildren shelter from the indiscriminate police and army attacks on Nusaybin

No one knows why. E-type prisons are a high security level but below the dreaded F-type prisons where torture is practiced regularly.

Sara Kaya is one of dozens of Turkish mayors and Deputies arbitrarily imprisoned without trial in Turkey

Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days total ruins and  deafening silence

All they asked for was autonomous local government. Nusaybin is one of many Kurdish towns being wiped out on the orders of Erdogan, the darling of Europe.

All they asked for was autonomous local government, feminism and real democracy. Nusaybin is one of many Kurdish towns being wiped out by the dictator Erdogan,.

original en català

L’alcaldessa de Nusaybin tancada ara en règim d’aïllament

Sara Kaya fou detinguda per la policia d’Erdogan el passat de gener. L’alcadessa democràtica de la ciutat fronterera és acusada de “voler trencar la unitat i la integritat de l’estat turc”. Fou decretada presó sense fiança el 27 de gener. Reclosa a la presó de tipus E de Mardin ara s’ha conegut que ha estat traslladada en règim d’aïllament a la  a la presó d’alta seguretat del tipus E, a Wan. No se’n saben els motius. Les presons de tipus E són d’alta seguretat però un grau per sota de les temudes presons de tipus F on es practica habitualment la tortura.''Terrorists''' celebrating International Women Workers Day.. 8th March”PKK Terrorists” celebrating International Women Workers Day.. 8th March, in Nusaybin before their city was wiped off the map by Erdogan’s genocidal ‘peacekeepers’. In the 95% controlled media all 20 million Kurdish people in Turkey, Syria and Iraq are labelled as ‘PKK Terrorists’ and are being used, as Hitler used the Jews, to boost  Erdogan’s bid for absolute power in a referendum on 16th April 2017..

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Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days total ruins and  deafening silence

mardin-nusaybin-de-sokaga-cikma-yasagi-kaldiriliyorNusaybin was a beautiful and ancient European city until Erdogan’s anti-kurd pogrom reached it in 2015

sacked 101,000
jailed     32,000

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