The QUANT: A Fast Electric car that really Works on a Saltwater solution, and a Battery that never Wears Out.

The Free

Sounds too good to be true, but this car exists already with limited public sales beginning this year (2016). It first came out as the super expensive Quant e-Sportlimosine  prototype and now the Quantino family saloon (see QUANTINO . The advantage, for you and the planet,  is you need no oil or electricity, just fill up with 2 ‘cheap salty solutions’. The QUANT is projected to finally cost similar to other electric cars

The Quantino runs on a 'cheap totally non toxic salty solution'.. no burn involved, infinite battery life. In principle you don't even need special filling stations for non toxic fuel. Of course you still have the climate and environment damage from vehicle construction.
The Quantino runs on a ‘cheap totally non toxic salty solution’.. no burn involved, battery doesn’t wear out. In principle you don’t even need special filling stations for non toxic fuel. Of course you still have the climate and environmental damage from vehicle construction.

By Carolanne Wright  Contributing writer for Wake Up World.. shared with thanks.

Not so long ago, excitement rose to a fevered pitch with the announcement of a budget Tesla car slated to hit…

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