TED Lesson.. How to save the Planet..suppressed CO2-free fuel exists now, cheaper and safer.

You can now view the first TED LESSON on the Am Veh CO2-Free car here:

see TED lesson here http://ed.ted.com/on/zahZVhlR

Let’s Begin…

A CO2-Free fuel for combustion engines already exists and is cheaper and safer than petroleum products. Ammonia is CO2 FREE (you burn the hydrogen in it) and could save the planet from Climate Change. It’s easily made from CO2-free renewables and new SSAS tech could halve production costs. Let’s demand this technology and STOP fossil fuel subsidies NOW. 

see TED lesson here http://ed.ted.com/on/zahZVhlR

more on the AM-VEH Car here:  https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/korean-ammonia-nh3-car-to-slash-co2-and-toxic-air-2/

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