TED Lesson.. How to save the Planet..suppressed CO2-free fuel exists now, cheaper and safer.


You can now view the first TED LESSON on the Am Veh CO2-Free car here:

see TED lesson here http://ed.ted.com/on/zahZVhlR

Let’s Begin…

A CO2-Free fuel for combustion engines already exists and is cheaper and safer than petroleum products. Ammonia is CO2 FREE (you burn the hydrogen in it) and could save the planet from Climate Change. It’s easily made from CO2-free renewables and new SSAS tech could halve production costs. Let’s demand this technology and STOP fossil fuel subsidies NOW. 

see TED lesson here http://ed.ted.com/on/zahZVhlR

more on the AM-VEH Car here:  https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/korean-ammonia-nh3-car-to-slash-co2-and-toxic-air-2/

Grab ammonia from Air for CO2-Free Fuel of future: New Scientist


The Free

   natures-hydrogen-tank Grab ammonia out of thin air for fuel of the future

31 July 2013 by Hal Hodson  New Scientist Magazine issue 2928.
”AS VITAL chemicals go, it’s hard to beat ammonia. Industrial production began in the early 20th century, and it played a key role in the second world war and in two Nobel prizes. It brought about a global revolution in agriculture – today, crops grown using ammonia-based fertilisers feed no less than 48 per cent of the planet.

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Fossil Fools to be sued for 7 million Poison Air pollutionDeaths a year?


The Free

poison airOutdoor air pollution causes more than seven million deaths each year, according to a 2014 World Health Organisation  study – the equivalent of more than 2 Chernobyl disasters annually, with over 10 times that number of us suffering chronic health problems from poisoned air.

It calculated that, each year, at least a million people died as a result of ozone and over 5 million deaths can be  linked to fine particulate matter. Air pollution increased respiratory and heart disease risks, with the young, elderly and infirm most vulnerable.

The findings of an earlier study appear in the Environmental Research Letters journal.

Since the Industrial Revolution unscrupulous capitalists have knowingly exposed the public to deadly air pollution to increase their profits, knowing that it’s practically impossible to prove they cause the slow agonizing deaths.

But not any more!

Soon victims and their families will be able to take Court cases…

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Ammonia FAQs: fossil fools use fossil fuels!


++++   FEATURED POSTS    ++++

Nature's Hydrogen TankQ: What is ammonia?

A: Ammonia is simply Hydrogen and Nitrogen (NH3). Notice there is no carbon (C) in “NH3”. That means when you burn ammonia, it cannot release carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or other greenhouse pollutants. Continue reading

Toyota’s CO2-free ammonia car.. to hell with fossil fuels!


note: this article proves all I’ve been saying for years.. ammonia is a safe and cheap fuel, with CO2-free and toxic gas free emissions, and can be made locally from just air, water and renewable electricity, preferably wind power.  Now let’s see if Toyota make a small utility ammonia car, and to hell with the fossil fools!

Ammonia fueled sports car: Marangoni Toyota GT86 Eco Explorer

Marangoni Toyota GT86 Eco Explorer

The Marangoni Toyota GT86 Eco Explorer

A new sports car that uses ammonia fuel is touring the motor shows of Europe. Continue reading

welcome to YOUR resource for promoting CO2-free fuel


This  blog  promotes a long ignored fuel.. ”green gasoline’ as a way to help stop the ‘Climate Armageddon’ that’s coming. We have NO commercial interest.  Please feel free to comment, or add material as comments which I’ll then highlight.     We are happy to accept articles we disagree with (like making NH3 from nuclear) in the interest of open discussion, but NOT to help sell noxious products ! Continue reading

The QUANT: A Fast Electric car that really Works on a Saltwater solution, and a Battery that never Wears Out.

The Free

Sounds too good to be true, but this car exists already with limited public sales beginning this year (2016). It first came out as the super expensive Quant e-Sportlimosine  prototype and now the Quantino family saloon (see QUANTINO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Ic8XI3GlM) . The advantage, for you and the planet,  is you need no oil or electricity, just fill up with 2 ‘cheap salty solutions’. The QUANT is projected to finally cost similar to other electric cars

The Quantino runs on a 'cheap totally non toxic salty solution'.. no burn involved, infinite battery life. In principle you don't even need special filling stations for non toxic fuel. Of course you still have the climate and environment damage from vehicle construction.
The Quantino runs on a ‘cheap totally non toxic salty solution’.. no burn involved, battery doesn’t wear out. In principle you don’t even need special filling stations for non toxic fuel. Of course you still have the climate and environmental damage from vehicle construction.

By Carolanne Wright  Contributing writer for Wake Up World.. shared with thanks.

Not so long ago, excitement rose to a fevered pitch with the announcement of a budget Tesla car slated to hit…

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How to DUMP Fossil Fuels… Alex Lightman.. CO2-free fuel

The Free

At last a major ‘tech guru’ is in favour of green-NH3, the non-fossil aand CO2-free fuel that has always existed, suppressed by the fossil fuel industry. (See Ted Talk below). We’ve been saying it for years with zero impact. all combustion motors can be run on green NH3, cutting climate destroying gases by 30% and abolishing air pollution, saving millions from an agonizing death.

Ammonia Energy System

Alex Lightman has challenged the oil giants, with

Its a huge advance for green-NH3 (ie.  ammonia from renewables) and comes hard on the heels of Toyota’s CO2-free ammonia prototype sportscar..  and the proposal to convert part…

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Life-cycle greenhouse gas and energy balance of community-scale wind powered ammonia production


NH3 Fuel Association

Joel Tallaksen* (1), Fredric Bauer (2), Christian Hulteberg (2), Michael Reese (1), and Serina Ahlgren (3)
(1) West Central Research & Outreach Center, University of Minnesota
(2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden,
(3) Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

11th Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 23, 2014

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