Bure (France): Protests and attacks against the CIGEO nuclear disposal project


On Saturday, February 19, in Bure, in the north-east of France, a demo took place in the forest to support the occupation there and then on to the research lab of the planned nuclear waste disposal facility CIGEO. In the process, the ANDRA (French nuclear waste disposal agency) was pushed back more or less symbolically to a section of its illegally constructed wall in the forest. A small action report.

More than 700 people took part in Bure’s February 2017 events, which in the late afternoon resulted in violent protests and massive attacks against the site of the nuclear waste disposal agency ANDRA.

For over a year, the progress of the nuclear waste disposal project CIGEO has been effectively hampered by the resistance of the anti-nuclear movement in Lorraine. In spite of evictions, wall construction and legal attacks and counter-attacks, the forest occupation in the Bois Lejuc and the protest against the apocalyptic-industry-thousand-century-project also extends beyond the region. So there were more or less symbolic expressions of solidarity in other cities – hundreds came to the action day.

Already on Tuesday and Thursday there were nocturnal actions and attacks on the laboratory and its greenwashing department, resulting in considerable damage to the barriers that had been partially replaced by NATO wire rolls. A large bunch of cops prevented people from reaching the buildings in the afternoon, however, large sections of the remaining fence, reinforcements, dead trees and much more were constructed into barricades during a multi-hour field battle. While the cops were attacking and bombarding the demonstrators with tear gas as well as offensive and / or concussion grenades, numerous demonstrators attacked infrastructure and handlers of the nuclear capital decisively and vehemently for two hours. There were several injuries on both sides and at least three arrests.

There will be further decisive processes in the coming week and this spring. Support the forest occupation, support Bure!

The anti-nuclear struggle in Bure dismantles nuclear companies everywhere!


[Via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News.]