Despite Effort’s to Undermine and Discredit #22M Mobilizations in Madrid, the Fight Carries On
03/29/2014 · 0 Comments

Despite Effort’s to Undermine and Discredit #22M Mobilizations in Madrid, the Fight Carries On

Original source: revolution-news.com After the 22M Dignity Marches ended, the media war began. Conservative newspapers like El País spread the police headcount of 50.000 people (others even less), which was patently ridiculous when…

Huelga en la Charité : Crisis del sector sanitario en la fábrica hospitalaria #Berlin
08/04/2015 · 0 Comments

Huelga en la Charité : Crisis del sector sanitario en la fábrica hospitalaria #Berlin

Traducción hecha por JL Salazar para Takethesquare Desde que la orientación a las ganancias, la competencia y la presión sobre los costes se ha apoderado del sector hospitalario las condiciones de trabajo de…

08/23/2013 · 0 Comments

#Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey #occupygezi

Source : http://globaluprisings.org By Brandon Jourdan and Marianne Maeckelbergh This short documentary tells the story of the occupation of Gezi Park, the eviction on July 15, 2013, and the protests that have continued…

06/04/2013 · 0 Comments

Vio.Me: Self-Organization in Greece

Original source: http://globaluprisings.org The workers at the Vio.Me. Factory in Thessaloniki, Greece have quickly grown into a symbol of self-management internationally. After going on strike and occupying their factory, on February 12, 2013…

11/19/2012 · 0 Comments

‘Shades of anger’ by Rafeef Ziadah #freeGaza

A poem written and read by Rafeef Ziadah

11/18/2012 · 0 Comments

ROAR presents: ‘Utopia on the Horizon’

By Jerome Roos On November 17, 2012 Versión en castellano aquí. Ελληνική έκδοση εδώ. In May 2011, hundreds of thousands of Greeks swarmed into Syntagma Square in Athens to protest against the firesale…

11/10/2012 · 0 Comments

#14N European strike

A film, by PIIGS United in London in solidarity with the pan- European general strike scheduled for November 14th. For more info about the european strike http://www.facebook.com/piigs.inlondon http://www.facebook.com/PiigsUncut

#Nextglobalday #13O #globalnoise 2012
09/14/2012 · 1 Comments

#Nextglobalday #13O #globalnoise 2012

#GlobalNOISE 2012 from AlfonsoFerri on Vimeo.

09/02/2012 · 0 Comments

Documentary: The forbidden education

site: http://www.educacionprohibida.com/ The forbidden education is a documentary meant to question the current school logics and the way of understanding education by making visible different educating experiences, that are considering the need of…

08/04/2012 · 0 Comments

#19J Spain: Public Servants demonstration and police repression afterwards

The 19th of July, there was a call to demonstrate all over Spain, done by the public servants (teachers, firemen, health care, police, etc.) More than 80 cities went to the streets to…

07/09/2012 · 0 Comments

Amy Goodman interviews @fanetin from #15M @DemocracyNow

Here you can find a conversation I had with Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman last 4th of July, 2012. We talked about the 15-M Movement, Rodrigo Rato, evictions, and more…

06/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Students are rising up around the world #Quebec #yosoy132 #SevillaPara

The following text is from the flyer written for the #potbanging in Berlin in support to the students movement in Quebec. A March against austerity measures and anti protest laws. In Quebec, students…

06/05/2012 · 0 Comments

Marcha Indignada a Bruselas #walktobrussels – ON THE LINE (made by amira bochenska)

Western Europe drowns under political and economical crisis. In May 2011 in Spain hundreds thousands of people, describing them self as indignities, organise them self in to society, that demanding changes in political…

06/05/2012 · 0 Comments

‘Kotti&Co’ Protest Camp Demands, Kottbusser Tor, Berlin

This is a protest camp of a tenant group loacated at kottbusser tor / south. As you might haved heard – rising rent and gentrification is a big problem in berlin. * *…

06/04/2012 · 0 Comments

“The heart of the people of Europe beats in Greece” with Slavoj Žižek

Discussion, “The heart of the people of Europe beats in Greece”.  3. 6. 2012, Athens, Greece Slavoj Žižek, one of the most prominent contemporary thinkers, Alexis Tsipras, president of the parliamentary group of…

06/04/2012 · 0 Comments

20 Days of pot-banging protest in Mordor, far far away in Barcelona

Indignados in Spain haven been occupying local banks with lively noise demos and caceroladas, or pot-banging protests, in Barcelona, Madrid, and other cities. In Barcelona, protesters have targeted La Caixa in a campaign…

05/30/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy for liberation #occupyMoscow #ОккупайАбай

The #russianrevolution is a fact, after months struggling against corruption, couple of weeks ago, people took to the sqaure and camp. In this video they tell us, why are they in the streets….

05/30/2012 · 0 Comments

The World Tomorrow : Occupy

The Occupy movement has united hundreds of thousands across the world in protest against economic and social injustice. In this episode, key Occupy activists talk global finance, politics, and direct action. The former…

05/30/2012 · 0 Comments

Demonstration against the fascist attacks from the police and the neonazis in Athens

29 May 2012 Athens, Greece Demonstration against the fascist attacks from the police and the neonazis that are taking place in the centre of athens the last weeks. The demo was organised by…

05/28/2012 · 0 Comments

Abusive increase in public transport fares #19M #tarifazo

In Madrid public transport fares have risen 30% in 2012. The increase in prices just goes in detriment of people (workers, students, unemployed, migrants, etc) living in the edge of their possibilities while…

05/26/2012 · 0 Comments

Montreal Pots And Pans Video Of Protest Against Bill 78 Goes Viral

Protest in Montreal against the rise of tuition fees in Quebec and the new law 78. Every evening at 8pm people meet in the street with their pots and pans and make all…

05/25/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy Bilderberg Gathers Steam – Massive activist effort to shine spotlight on secretive global elite

It is now confirmed that the Bilderberg Group will hold their 2012 conference at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd. The Bilderbergers hate the…

05/20/2012 · 0 Comments

Request for solidarity and support for the Legal Committee of the CLASSE

Sisters, brothers, We write you during a dark time for democratic, human and associative rights in Quebec with the following appeal for your help and solidarity. As you have no doubt heard, the…

05/19/2012 · 0 Comments

Demand of support against dictature in Quebec parliament

Dear Fellowcitizens and fellowindignados, We are living a historical moment in the province of Quebec, Canada. Since 2010, students and progressist forces are striking against an austerity budget of our government. The scolar…

05/17/2012 · 0 Comments

#12M London – A section 14 putted in place for a peaceful assembly (Video)

Saturday 12 May, police from virtually every borough in London – in addition to members of the Territorial Support Group – violently removed supporters of Occupy London who were simply sitting on the…

05/17/2012 · 0 Comments

Cleaning Syntagma – Report from Agora Athens

Dear people, The comfort of the squat is dangerous for the revolutionary spirit. Especially when there is little of it. It’s evening and we’re sitting together in the living room, a dozen marchers….

05/17/2012 · 0 Comments

One day in the life of protest camp against inauguration of Putin in Moscow – 14th of May (+Video of the eviction 17th of May)

Last news: At 5 .am police take off  the camp in Moscow… Before evening Anarchist singer-songwriter “comrade Arkadi” made a concert. Later, a freemarket was opened, where everyone could leave their goods and…

05/17/2012 · 0 Comments

#Blockupy – Court of appeal decides: even more protests banned

After the local judge in Frankfurt approved most of the bans that local authorities had declared for the protests against the ECB in Frankfurt, the court of appeal in Kassel now gave its…

05/11/2012 · 0 Comments

The Citizen Court of Justice (Video)

Hi, fellows!! We send you videos of our Citicen Court against bankers. We hope you like it and you spread them as much as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation Cheers…

04/29/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy Prepares For May Day: No Work, No School, No Banking by Allison Kilkenny

Occupy Wall Street hopes to capture headlines once again next week with the May 1 “General Strike”, long-advertised by the group as an event that will prove to the public and media that…

04/27/2012 · 0 Comments

A soundtrack for GlobalMay

As you may have read, on the 15th of May “Occupy This Album” will be released. It contains 99 tracks by 99 artists, and it looks like there will be some good stuff…

04/27/2012 · 0 Comments

Es.Col.A evicted!

(19/4)  Es.Col.A (Espaço Coletivo Autogestionado, http://escoladafontinha.blogspot.pt/) was evicted. Es.Col.A was an open space, collectively managed in Alto de Fontinha, in the city of Porto in Portugal. It was an old elementary school, left abandoned…

03/23/2012 · 0 Comments

The Crisis of Civilization: Full Film

ACCLAIM: “A unique film. Everyone should see it.” – Nick Broomfield (Bafta award winning documentary filmmaker) “A powerful critique of a failed global system and a manifesto for constructive social change” – Leeds…

03/20/2012 · 0 Comments

(Updates) International strategy for justice: Keyname #sos27m

UPDATES This is my last report on this topic, the conclusion after it happened. It was great, everybody enjoyed this action. As said, last wednesday at 11am we started to spam with our…

03/02/2012 · 0 Comments

Growing tension in Aysen: Outraged camped at the town hall and truckers are blocking roads

The people of Aysén strongly demonstrated again in the streets on Thursday after the government made conditional the dialogue to restore public order in the area. The people of the region, which since…

03/01/2012 · 0 Comments

European-resistance.org (video)


03/01/2012 · 0 Comments

“Which Side are You On” – Athens, Syntagma Square 28,29-6-2011 (video)

Come all you good workers, Good news to you I’ll tell Of how the good old union Has come in here to dwell. Which side are you on? Which side are you on?…

03/01/2012 · 0 Comments

February 29th in Portland, Shutdown the Corporations action!

All times in PST. 5:00 PM – Technical issues with uploading are going to close the blog for today. We’ll have a follow-up post in the next few days to publish many of…

03/01/2012 · 0 Comments

The end of the beginning, report from the evicted camp of St.Paul by George Barda

These are the words of George Barda, a member of Occupy London, who along with dozens of others, was thrown out of the encampment outside St Paul’s in the early hours of this…

02/26/2012 · 0 Comments

Unemployment rate is three times larger than in the mainland, approaching 60% for the 15-25 years old!

Four nights of urban violence on a background of social crisis in Reunion island. The toll was heavy: bins and cars torched, vandalized shops, public buildings damaged, stormed supermarkets, public library destroyed… and…

02/26/2012 · 0 Comments

Shut Down The Corporations the 29 of February – Leap Into Action! Reclaim Our Future!

Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent direct action to reclaim our voices and challenge our society’s obsession with profit and greed by shutting down the corporations.  We are rejecting a…

02/24/2012 · 0 Comments

Corporate media are afraid of the people’s solidarity!

We received information from friends in Germany regarding mass media manipulation of recent activist’s work presented in our blog. A German newspaper published a photo of Greek protesters spelling “We thank you” commenting…

02/23/2012 · 0 Comments

Eleftherotypia’s Workers are back with their own newspaper

“Days of Strike” (click on cc for subtitles) A short documentary on the strike at Halyvourgia Ellados’ steel factory in Aspropyrgos, Greece. For more than 2 months, around 300 workers are fighting for…

02/23/2012 · 0 Comments

#weareallgreeks – thank u.mov

From Mindthecam We asked for solidarity and your answer was #weareallgreeks We just want to say Thank you all !!!!!! equality justice dignity for everybody NOW! Solidarity demonstrations all over Europe Cologne, Scotland,…

02/22/2012 · 0 Comments

Massivity: over a million protest labor reforms in Spain

From: ROARMAG.org   They said the movement was dead. That the indignation had subsided. That rage and frustration alone was never a sustainable motivation for continued resistance against the scourges of financial capitalism…

02/21/2012 · 0 Comments

Police charges against teenager students in Valencia (Spain) #primaveravalenciana

Demostration started at High School Lluis Vives, students protests by funding cuts in education and last week’s police repression with a result of 17 students under arrest and some injureds, some of them…

02/19/2012 · 0 Comments

Riots broke out all around Dakar, a young man of twenty years was shot dead during the confrontation with the police

The demonstrations started last Friday in the Senegalese capital goes crescendo and have now reached the suburbs of Dakar and the city of Rufisque. Left early in the downtown Dakar, precisely the zawiya…

02/19/2012 · 0 Comments

A quick guide to the N-1 communication system

A quick guide to the N-1 communication system. It is a quick way to get you started using this powerful collaboration system. This tutorial focuses around joining the Amsterdam Occupy movement, but can…

02/17/2012 · 0 Comments

Spain’s “Indignados” and the Globalization of Dissent (Video)

The Occupy Movement has taken much of its inspiration from Spain’s “Outraged” Movement: what lessons does Spain have for Occupy now?

02/17/2012 · 0 Comments

(Updated) #F18 Mobilisations in Solidarity with Greece, list of events and official video

(Update) Here a photo blog for solidarity messages to the Greek people. So, if you can’t make it to the street protests (and even if you can), here’s an easy way to show…

02/14/2012 · 0 Comments

Madrid in solidarity with Greece

Several hundred people gathered outside the embassy of Greece in Madrid, in solidarity with Greek people, to whom the European Union is asking for great sacrificies. The protesters chanted slogans similar to those…

02/14/2012 · 0 Comments

(Updated) New action plan against the candidacy of Wade: “Y’en a marre” launched Operation “Fanane to the Obelisk”

Update: Y’en a marre: Dear friends, for cause of ban from the prefecture, the beginning of the program “Fanane” to the Obelisk originally scheduled Tuesday was postponed. There sick takes note of this…

02/14/2012 · 0 Comments

Saturday 18th of February, International mobilization day : We are all Greeks!

When one people is attacked, all people are attacked… The 10th of February, the non elected Greece Government adopted a new hideous and destructive austerity plan, passed by the parliament (MPs voted 199-101…

02/14/2012 · 0 Comments

Report from the battlefield + Video

Testimony What happened yesterday words cannot describe… The brutality of police repression units cannot be put into words. In these few lines I will do my best to narrate what I witnessed first…

02/14/2012 · 0 Comments

Athens burns: has Greece entered its Argentina moment?

From: ROARMAG.org Greece’s political establishment trembles as banks and government offices burn amid violent anti-austerity riots. Has the country finally reached a tipping point?   Exactly ten years ago, the crisis-ridden country of…

02/12/2012 · 0 Comments

(48HStrike Updates) Greece and Syntagma square on February 11-12 + Video

Today, February 12th (03.00 GMT+2), 67 years have been completed since the 1945 Treaty of Varkiza, where the Stalinist KKE (‘Communist Party of Greece’) betrayed armed struggle and thousands of fighters of the…

02/12/2012 · 0 Comments

More than 300,000 people today in Lisbon in the largest demonstration in 30 years.

More than 300,000 people today in Lisbon, in what has been the largest demonstration in 30 years. O Terreiro do Paco became the agora of the people in the powerful demonstration of their…

02/11/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy protestors kicked out of CPAC

During Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s much-anticipated speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), “Occupy” protestors conducted a silent protest that erupted into a chanting match between protestors and conservative conference attendees….

02/11/2012 · 0 Comments

Pensioners are occupying the CAP of LA Marina-Bellvitge for three months to avoid closing!

The policy of cuts to public health applied in Catalonia has caused the closure of referral hospitals, like the Bellvitge hospital, and the closure of Primary Medical Centers (CAPs), making the quality of…

02/10/2012 · 0 Comments

(48HStrike Updates) So its final now… Greece need your solidarity!

Images from the demonstration in Syntagma square 02/11 A few thousand people in front of the parliament. In the afternoon there is a call for an anti-ACTA demonstration. Up to this time (14.25) still…

02/10/2012 · 0 Comments

We are going through a very antidemocratic process in Turkey – Report from the Student Collectives

Hello, We are an independent student movement, the Student Collectives (Öğrenci Kolektifleri), which has been fighting for students’ rights, democratic university and the right of free education for a long time in Turkey….

02/08/2012 · 0 Comments

Video from Occupy Boston and Berlin “No War on Iran” Rally

On Saturday, February 4th Occupy Boston’s Action for Peace Work Group joined communities across the nation, with over 60 endorsing organizations, to alert people to the ominous drumbeat, that unimpeded, will lead to…

02/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Take the City – Toma la Ciudad (Video)

It has been a long time decisions are taken for us but without us. Once upon a time, there were collective spaces where people lived together and took decisions amongst equals, cultivated dialogue,…

02/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy NH Mic Checks President Obama in Manchester

Today, Protesters from Occupations around the state widely known as Occupy NH mic checked President Barack Obama at his “American Jobs Act” speech in Manchester, NH. ONH protesters were spread out throughout the…

02/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Protest at an electricity company office – The office director was obliged to comply!

Here are some photos of a protest at an electricity company office. (DEH or Public Eliectricity Company) where residents of the area demanded to pay only their electricity bill and not at the…

02/06/2012 · 0 Comments

Senegal is fighting to save their democracy! (and the media do not tell nothing or little and bad)

Listen to the AUDIO about what’s happening from journalist Pepe Naranjo in Dakar (in Spanish): http://www.masvoces.org/Senegal-aumentan-las You can also watch a video recording that shows how the President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, has acknowledged…

02/05/2012 · 0 Comments

Another American Foreclosure: Excessively Forceful Eviction of Occupy DC

At around 5:40 am, the peaceful demonstrators of Occupy D.C. were greeted by helmeted swarms of National Park Service police, dressed in full riot gear–despite the very apparent lack of any riot–some on…

02/02/2012 · 0 Comments

Yo no pago! Report from Barcelona by Mikifus

Hi, I’m going to make a report, explaining my personal view of some of the last protests in Spain, wich I think could be really interesting in many other places. – This is…

02/01/2012 · 0 Comments

Farmers v. Mosanto Solidarity Rally

On January 31st, family farmers from across the county took part in the first phase of the OSGATA et al. v. Monsanto court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s…

02/01/2012 · 0 Comments

GlobalAssembly – To all our dear fellows who participate in the Global movement

To all our dear fellows who participate in the Global movement The agenda is here: PAD of the Meeting Since the last meeting we only finish the first point of the agenda and…

02/01/2012 · 0 Comments

Spring is coming – US Occupy call for a General Strike on May 1

What is #M1GS? In most European countries, May 1st is traditionally a ‘Workers’ day – a day of Labor Solidarity, and a public holiday. In Los Angeles, it’s a day to celebrate and…

02/01/2012 · 0 Comments

#OccupyArtF12 – International Day Of Creative Action

Occupy Art #f12 Occupations currently on board for #f12 include: Occupy Melbourne, Occupy Sydney, Occupy Perth, Occupy Adelaide and Occupy Brisbane. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” –…

01/30/2012 · 0 Comments

Catalan police as protesters inside demo in Barcelona!

Min 3:30 appears catalan police On Saturday afternoon over a hundred thousand people participated in the rally against the cuts the Catalan government. The demonstration was called by trade unions, the Catalan Social Forum, 15M movement and other groups. The curious fact of the demonstration was to…

01/30/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy Oakland Responds to Oakland Police Repression, Demands Accounting of Brutal Tactics, and End to Disinformation

Occupy Oakland’s building occupation, an act of civil disobedience, was disrupted by a brutal police response yesterday. Protesters were met with baton strikes, shot with rubber bullets, and exposed to tear gas along…

01/28/2012 · 0 Comments

Police operation carried out in several Italian cities against NO TAV Movement

Yesterday in the early morning, a police operation was carried out in several Italian cities, against the NO TAV Movement. 26 activists were arrested and 15 are required to stay. The arrests are…

01/25/2012 · 0 Comments

The police top brass, finally charged for the brutal eviction of Plaza Catalunya

The security ex deputy mayoress of Barcelona, Assumpta Escarp, the managing director of the Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonian Police), Manel Prat, the responsible for the public order supervision of the Catalonian police, Antoni Antolín,…

01/23/2012 · 0 Comments

The Oakland Commune (Documentary)

On October 10th 2011, hundreds of people in downtown Oakland occupied Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of city hall. They built a self-organized tent city and began to meet some of the community’s…

01/18/2012 · 0 Comments

#15MGlobalStrike Catalan police raise the protest

If there is something that Catalan nationalism is not playing with, are the symbols. The police unions know, and very well, so they decided to raise their protests and  threaten to strike about catalan…

01/16/2012 · 0 Comments

#AgoraRoma #OccupyVatican Exclusive Video

Exclusive videos of the marches to Athens on pueblotv.blogspot.com

01/15/2012 · 0 Comments

#Agoraroma International Communicate Part.2 #occupyVatican

Agoraroma Debt audience At  10 a.m. Agora Roma’s program opened with the debate about public debt,  where experts like teachers, journalists and members of collectives as  Reforma della Banca Mundiale, Rivolta i Debito[I,…

01/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Creativity moves in Barcelona

Performance of the Assembly of Les Corts in Barcelona on the subway. During the action they talked about the possibility of joining the movement across the 24 assemblies of the city and the different commissions, the voiceover mentioned about cuts in education and health and how they affect citizens…

01/07/2012 · 0 Comments

Occupy Pittsburgh call for Solidarity on January 10

Since the October 15 global day of action which launched many Occupy efforts, we have rallied and occupied People’s Park, a space formerly known as Mellon Green. Pittsburgh’s is one of the Occupy…

12/31/2011 · 0 Comments

Lobbying’s Hidden Influence on Repressive Regimes

Britain is gaining a name as the place despotic regimes go for reputation management. A lack of regulation and no requirements for transparency mean PR companies can represent the most repressive governments under the cloak…

12/30/2011 · 0 Comments

Lisboa November 24, Who are the violents?

Our Platform 15 October, which is international, non-partisan and peaceful, demands the restoration of justice and truth with regard to the events of November 24th, and declares: We witnessed and denounced the presence…

12/30/2011 · 0 Comments

Troops beat Cairo protesters after clashes

Egyptian soldiers with batons charged into Tahrir Square, beating protesters and burning tents, on the second day of violent clashes and anti-military demonstrations in the capital. The renewed fighting in Cairo on Saturday came…

12/29/2011 · 0 Comments

Russian protesters demands

To support the declaration of the meeting of Bolótnaya Square last december 10th, we demand: 1. Immediate release of all political prisoners, supression of articles 280 and 282 of Penal Code of the…

12/24/2011 · 0 Comments

The German reparations and Greece’s entry into the Euro … or else ‘the missing pieces of the puzzle were lying under the carpet’

Speaking with a friend in Washington today I was able to fill in the missing pieces and see the big picture. Through my conversation with Heleni Yioka, a Greek American, a scientist, one…

12/17/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco [programa 4] – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Cuarto programa de “Amanece que no es poco”. Un programa creado entre Audiovisol y TeleK para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista…

12/12/2011 · 0 Comments

@OccupySPb #RussianWinter – We won the first fight on Dec10!

It is definitely great that so many thousands of people in may be 50-60 towns all over Russia should get themselves out of their homes out in the gold streets (it is winter time –…

12/06/2011 · 0 Comments

Tahrir in Review: The start, the clash and the music of Egypt’s Revolution. Online Video essays.

Months after the Egyptian Revolution started, toppling President Hosni Mubarak, the turmoil continues. People in the first line of the revolution explain the start, the clash for Tahrir square and its spirit. Tahrir in Review:…

12/05/2011 · 0 Comments

Mayor Eberhard van der Laan visited Occupy Amsterdam to speak about development of the movement

Mayor Eberhard van der Laan is visiting Occupy Amsterdam to speak about development and future of the movement on the Beursplein (stock exchange square). The discussion is about leaving a ‘point of presence’…

12/04/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco [programa 3] – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Tercer programa de “Amanece que no es poco”. Un programa creado entre Audiovisol y TeleK para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista…

12/02/2011 · 0 Comments

N30, corporate greed, Xstrata and the right to protest

Report from occupylsx.org On Wednesday 30 November, Occupy London – part of the global movement for social and economic justice – sent a message to Mick Davis, CEO of Xstrata: As the highest…

11/28/2011 · 0 Comments

That Which We #Occupy by @AtTheHop1

YouTube Version: youtu.be/XtO4vHv_oek Friends, This is for you who have stood up. This is to acknowledge your cause. We are trying to awaken a world that has sunken into a swamp of lies….

11/26/2011 · 0 Comments

“Egyptian shebab will never give up, none of us will give up any more”, Report from Cairo

Dear friends, I am since 4 days in the middle of shooting and nerve gas, here in Bab El Louq square, 5 minutes behind Tahrir square, close to the Ministry of Interior. Right out of…

11/26/2011 · 0 Comments

Our support to the Egyptian movement, from Rome…

Flash mob in front of the Embassy of Egypt… Here are some videos and photos… http://video.repubblica.it/edizione/roma/flash-mob-all-ambasciata-egiziana/81432?video http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2011/11/23/foto/flash_mob_all_ambasciata_egiziana-25468163/1/

11/21/2011 · 0 Comments

Massacre and repression in Egypt: another January 28

In Egypt, we are facing yet another January 28, now with both police and army attacking. Protests have been violently attacked in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez. Tahrir square is under continuous attack since…

11/16/2011 · 0 Comments

Yo No Me Muevo / I’m not Moving, Hypocrisy at its best (video)

Original video from Corey Ogilvie. Hypocrisy at its best, with the excuse of protecting civilian population they bomb and kill people from afar, while his own people is humiliated in his face.

11/15/2011 · 0 Comments

“Global Weeks of Action for Education” 07 – 20th November 2011

After a few Global Chat Meetings and a call for feedback people involved in the struggle against the increasing commercialisation of education and for free emancipatory education at various locations around the world…

11/15/2011 · 0 Comments

Occupy Wall Street was evicted this morning with 70 demonstrators arrested.

Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park), home of Occupy Wall Street for the past two months was evicted this morning by a large police force in full riot gear and 70 demonstrators was arrested. Michael…

11/14/2011 · 0 Comments

Inside Occupied Portland – Restoring Our Park

Following a gesture of overwhelming support from the people of Portland, a night of music and peaceful protest Police and Occupiers came to an agreement to reopen the streets and clean up the…

11/10/2011 · 0 Comments

Trafalgar Square Occupied during the student protest and quickly evicted…

At least six people were arrested in London after setting up a camp in Trafalgar Square while they were trying to establish a third camp in the city in order to galvanise the…

11/09/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco [programa 2] (3/3) – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Segundo programa de “Amanece que no es poco”. Un programa creado entre Audiovisol y TeleK para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista…

11/09/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco [programa 2] (2/3) – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Segundo programa de “Amanece que no es poco”. Un programa creado entre Audiovisol y TeleK para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista…

11/09/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco [programa 2] (1/3) – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Segundo programa de “Amanece que no es poco”. Un programa creado entre Audiovisol y TeleK para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista…

11/08/2011 · 0 Comments

The indignants try to occupy la Defense in Paris

They were evicted by the police, but this Friday, November 11th, they will try again. Join them!

11/08/2011 · 0 Comments

@OccupyLondon Direct Action – Mic Check to Boris

MIC CHECK: We find it amusing That Boris Johnson Is pretending to listen to questions While the government for the people Consistently ignores its people’s voices We stand in this theatre As people…

11/01/2011 · 0 Comments

Here a little chronicle about what´s going on in the Bay Area, US: Oakland, San Francisco and Berkeley.

The Occupy movement here has arisen really fast and it´s getting stronger and stronger, from the 17Sept but specially since the 15O. It reminds me very much the beginning of the 15M in…

11/01/2011 · 0 Comments

October 29, Global March for the RobinHood Tax

Marches occurred in dozens of cities around North America, with about 1,000 taking to the streets of San Francisco, in San Antonio, Las Vegas, Washington DC, Santa Fe, Denver, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sydney,…

10/31/2011 · 0 Comments

The 5th. of November, Move Your Money!

Big banks have gambled our economy away, making the 1% richer and squeezing the rest of us tighter. Its time to take action into our own hands. Break up with the big banking…

10/31/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco (2/2) – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Este es el programa que entre Audiovisol y TeleK hemos creado para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista de los ciudadanos, de…

10/31/2011 · 0 Comments

Amanece que no es poco (1/2) – programa de TV de audiovisol-15M y TeleK

Este es el programa que entre Audiovisol y TeleK hemos creado para dar respuesta a la necesidad de una televisión diferente, crítica y que aporte el punto de vista de los ciudadanos, de…

10/27/2011 · 0 Comments

Tribute to the 15O Worldwide

[This post continue to be updated everyday days as we collect and filter the information] We’re collecting data (videos, press release, photos…) from October 15th in a unique Site. You can view this…

10/27/2011 · 0 Comments

Violence an tear gas to evict Occupy Oakland

This Tuesday 25th at 5am over 500 police in riot gear from cities all over central California brutally attacked the Occupy Oakland encampment at 14th & Broadway. The police attacked the peaceful protest…

10/26/2011 · 0 Comments

#TransitionDay, Occupy Vancouver escalates with Run on the Banks!

Today at Occupy Vancouver the people moved from the eternal process of the general assembly to the exciting world of direct action. The Run on the banks action marks an escalation on an…

10/25/2011 · 0 Comments

A reflection on 10 days at #occupylondon, #occupylsx

 London has been occupied since the 15th of October. More than 2500 people gathered outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London City to take Paternoster Square, home to the London Stock Exchange. The event…

10/25/2011 · 0 Comments

People First, Not Finance! Face to the G20, All in the Street!

“The G20 was formed by 20 of the richest countries in the world, in disregard of all the rest. Though it proclaimed itself to be the guarantor of world economic and financial stability…

10/25/2011 · 0 Comments

What is common in the recent demonstrations in Hungary and in the world?

The wave of demonstrations of civil movements in Hungary are in line with the global trends, namely the mounting resistance against the austerity measures and antidemocratic tendencies. These unfavourable developments in the wake…

10/24/2011 · 0 Comments

Update on Transition Day, some cities already started the action!

  The 5th. of November is becoming a day for global actions, for going from the theory to the praxis and the Bank Transfer Day or Transition Day, or operation CashBack is spreading…

10/24/2011 · 0 Comments

“The system is disliked – Protest!” 100.000 people participate to a huge demonstration in Budapest

About 100 thousand people rallied in the heart of Budapest on 23rd October 2011 demanding system change. The demonstration ended without any atrocities and, despite the unfavorable weather conditions, the organizers managed to…

10/24/2011 · 0 Comments

Lecture about GlobalRevolution by Slovenian philosopher dr. Igor Pribac: “Are we in the same boat?”

October 15 in Ljubljana Part. 1 2 3 Facebook Livestream OccupyLjubljana@hotmail.com Twitter  

10/24/2011 · 0 Comments

Occupation of Cinelandia, Brazil

The movement is growing and now 30 tents rose and assemblies are daily, even on weekends. With some friends we participated of this mobilizations and working groups. I keep describing it as something…

10/23/2011 · 0 Comments

Demonstrations brutally repressed in Morocco. A second dead in the 20F movement

On October 13, Boudaroua Mohamed, a young stood militant of the 20F movement died in Safi (350 km. South of Rabat) after ten days of unemployed graduates sitting in the ANAPEC (Moroccan INEM…

10/22/2011 · 0 Comments

After the Global Day, Go to a Global Week for the Financial Alternatives! Minutes of the IX Squares Meeting

The 5th. of NoVember will be signed with a V as Vendetta, After an amazing Global day on October 15 where hundreds of cities started their first assemblies, emerged this last days a…

10/18/2011 · 1 Comments

“Y’en a marre!” call for the Senegalese revolution on February 26

Senegal’s president is facing the most serious political unrest of his career just months before seeking re-election to a third term. It has been getting unusually hot in the normally stable and democratic…

10/17/2011 · 0 Comments

Occupations and General Strike: A Strategic 15O in Barcelona

In Barcelona, during the demonstration of the “Global Day” on Saturday 15 of October where 350.000 people was processing in the streets, the manifestation was divided in three blocks: First Block: Education A…

10/16/2011 · 0 Comments

15O – GLOBAL DAY Ep1 – It’s a new day for Asia & Oceania

  Chronic of the first hours of the 15O in Asia & Oceania Tokyo, Seoul, Taipai, Auckland, Sydney, Hong Kong, Manila with a early wake up in the protest camp of Israel to…

10/14/2011 · 1 Comments

Belgian secret police caught severely violating human rights #agorabx #walktobrussels

Watch closely as a policeman in civilian clothing kicks an 18 year old girl in the face while handcuffed, in a clear violation of human rights agreements. This is only an extract of…

10/11/2011 · 0 Comments

15.O INDIGNATI ROMA video 2.0

WE HAVE A DREAM! —————————————— 15 ottobre – Indignati Roma Pz. San Giovanni ore 17 Assemblea Pubblica Nei pressi della statua di San Francesco —————————————— 16 ottobre – Indignati Roma Pz. San Giovanni…

10/11/2011 · 0 Comments

15.O / INDIGNATI ROMA video 2.0

WE HAVE A DREAM! —————————————— 15 ottobre – Indignati Roma Pz. San Giovanni ore 17 Assemblea Pubblica Nei pressi della statua di San Francesco —————————————— 16 ottobre – Indignati Roma Pz. San Giovanni…

10/07/2011 · 0 Comments

Richard Stallman nos cuenta la razón para salir a la calle el 15O. #my15oct

Por supuesto también en formato libre: https://n-1.cc/pg/file/read/827770/richard-stallman-nos-cuenta-la-razn-para-salir-a-la-calle-el-15o-my15oct

10/07/2011 · 0 Comments

Richard Stallman tell us the reason for taking to the streets on October 15th. #my15oct

Of course also in a free format: https://n-1.cc/pg/file/read/827774/richard-stallman-tell-us-the-reason-for-taking-to-the-streets-on-october-15th-my15oct

10/04/2011 · 10 Comments

Use Mumble for voice conference

Since we are looking foward to hear each other, we invite you to download mumble (windows, mac, gnu/linux) and use it as voice conference free software. Also you can install it from Android…

10/04/2011 · 0 Comments

Occupy South Africa – 15 October 2011

Who is Occupy SA - Operation Ubuntu? Occupy SA – Operation Ubuntu is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We…

09/24/2011 · 0 Comments



09/03/2011 · 0 Comments

Chile: “El estudiante”

Video Realizado en la ciudad de Arica en el mes de Agosto en apoyo a los estudiantes chilenos y su lucha para lograr una educación gratuita y de calidad.

09/03/2011 · 0 Comments

Hissez-haut, Indignado !

Une vidéo pour donner du courage aux marcheurs indignés en route pour Bruxelles et de passage à Paris le 17 septembre. On lâche rien !!

09/03/2011 · 0 Comments

Israel Machine

Here is a cool video some people in Tel-Aviv camp made. It’s called the “Israel Machine”. Tomorrow 3rd of september they’re expecting the biggest demonstration yet. Estimated numbers are between 500-700 thousands.

08/24/2011 · 0 Comments

The march continues to Brussels

Western Europe drowns under political and economical crisis. In May 2011 in Spain hundreds thousands of people, describing them self as indignities, organise them self in to society, that demanding changes in political…

07/27/2011 · 0 Comments

One World One Revolution

By the friends of the Media-center of Amesi-Dimokratia.org (Syntagma Square, Athens).

Follow livestream of the indignant marches arrival to Sol #mpi23J
07/23/2011 · 0 Comments

Follow livestream of the indignant marches arrival to Sol #mpi23J

Watch live streaming video from spanishrevolutionsol at livestream.com

07/07/2011 · 0 Comments

Join the #SpanishRevolution

and let’s make a #globalrEvolution  

  • #Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey #occupygezi
  • Assemblies in #occupygezi
  • #occupygezi Documentary Film
  • Vio.Me: Self-Organization in Greece
  • Our Present is Your Future: How to destroy public health services #Greece
  • Two Years in the Egyptian Revolution, why are we still rioting? New @mosireen video
  • Die Spanien Rettung (Spain Bailout) – Mitteilung an das deutsche Volk von Spanien (A message to the german people from Spain)
  • ‘Shades of anger’ by Rafeef Ziadah #freeGaza
  • ROAR presents: ‘Utopia on the Horizon’

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