Ask Alys: how can I look after my tree echium?

Alys Fowler has the answer

Echium pininana is a biennial or short-lived perennial.
Echium pininana is a biennial or short-lived perennial. Photograph: Getty Images

Ask Alys: how can I look after my tree echium?

Alys Fowler has the answer

I have grown a tree echium (Echium pininana) from seed and it now stands proudly in my front garden at over 4m high. It has become the talking point of our street. Last winter I protected it from frosts but it has since doubled in height. What can I do this winter? An offshoot has appeared about 50cm from the base of the plant. I feel the weight of expectation from my neighbours to keep the plant going into next year.
The tree echium is a biennial or short-lived perennial, so once it flowers, it dies. Flowering usually occurs in the second year, so it should have set seed; often if it likes its space (and it sounds as if yours does). It will readily self-seed, but it makes sense to collect some seed to sow indoors from February to May. If you want to remain the talking point, you will have to resow the plant every year to keep a continuous supply of flowers.

If it hasn’t flowered (and sometimes they don’t), it may remain vegetative for another year and you will have to erect some sort of scaffolding to keep it warm this winter. Horticultural fleece held up with a structure of bamboo canes is probably your best bet.

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