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Thoughts on sex, relationships, science and the media

When sex is painful

13th March 2014

Dr Petra

Many years ago I was asked to review a small qualitative study for a healthcare journal. It focused on women…



Take part in sex research

22nd January 2014

Dr Petra

One of the main questions I’m asked is ‘how can I be in a sex study?’and I’ve blogged about it…



Happy New Year 2014

3rd January 2014

Dr Petra

The past year may have been one of success, health and happiness for you. Alternatively it may have been a…



“I was abused as a teenager and am afraid of telling anyone”

16th October 2013

Dr Petra

This post discusses childhood sexual abuse and may be triggering or upsetting. The link problem/reply linked to in the following…



‘Help, my man has a sexual fetish’

11th October 2013

Dr Petra

Back in June I answered a reader problem at Telegraph’s Wonder Women about a woman whose partner was unable to get…



I don’t like oral sex but don’t know how to say so

26th April 2013

Dr Petra

Recently my advice column for The Telegraph answered a question from a woman who wasn’t sure about receiving oral sex….



‘Why am I so moody with my husband?’

14th March 2013

Dr Petra

A few weeks ago I answered a problem in The Telegraph from a woman whose moods were getting in the…



24 December Seasons Greetings

24th December 2012

Dr Petra

We’ve reached the end of this Advent blog that’s been raising awareness of Hesperian Health Guides and inviting you to…



23 December Here We Come A Wassailing

23rd December 2012

Dr Petra

If you are celebrating Christmas hopefully by now you’re nearly ready for the big day and are looking forward to…



22 December Merry Christmas is my wish to you

22nd December 2012

Dr Petra

We’re nearly at the end of this Advent blogging which has all been in aid of Hesperian Health Guides. Tomorrow…