
'I'm not happy here': when retirement living falls short

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This is not the retirement Shirley Mancer had hoped for during the many years she worked and brought up a family. In fact, it's much worse: she feels trapped.

Four year ago Ms Mancer sold her townhouse in Rowville and moved into a retirement village in Berwick, drawn by the promise of gardens, a renovated unit and a range of activities.

But she claims that when she moved into Aveo Edrington Park, she found the oven was unusable, a piece was missing from the cooktop, a curtain rail fell down and her dishwasher flooded and didn't work. 

Now, despite many complaints and legal action at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Ms Mancer remains at the home for one reason: she can't afford to move out.

Because of the contract she signed it would cost her more than $100,000 in termination costs to leave, so the pensioner says she has little option but to remain.

"The people are lovely but I'm not happy here," she said. "This is not what I wanted during retirement, not at all."


The laws that govern retirement housing are complex and overlapping, with confused consumers often finding it difficult to unpick and exercise their legal rights, a state parliamentary inquiry has found.

The contracts can be long – sometimes more than 100 pages – and technical, making rights and obligations even more difficult to understand.

And many consumers don't realise that they could face contract termination costs of tens of thousands of dollars if they decide to leave a retirement home.

Most retirement home residents enjoy where they live, but maintenance issues are a regular gripe, said Laurie Robertson, the vice-president of the Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria.

Contracts don't make it clear what assistance residents are entitled to, he said. "I know people who have gone to VCAT and worn themselves out getting nowhere ... they don't understand the system and they're frightened by it."

The Consumer Action Law Centre has calculated that one litigation it ran against the landlord of a Melbourne retirement village cost more than $250,000.

Justice at this price kept it out of reach for most older Victorians, said centre director Gerard Brody.

"If you're an older Victorian and want to resolve a problem with your retirement living, it shouldn't be this costly, complicated and drawn out," he said.

The inquiry recommended the Victorian government introduce a new alternative for low cost, timely and binding dispute resolutions, either through a new body or extending the powers of the existing Ombudsman.

It also said relevant laws should be reviewed, contract and exit fees should be better explained and the minister for planning should consider ways to increase retirement housing stock.

The Aveo Group declined to comment.

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