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Gold Coast Titans coach Neil Henry ends press conference after shutting down Jarryd Hayne questions

Neil Henry isn't generally your 'storm out of a press conference' type. His replies to even the most delicate questions - and he's had more than a few at the Titans - are usually measured, to the point and with purpose.

Since arriving from North Queensland, he's dealt with the ongoing fallout from a cocaine scandal, the NRL taking over a club that was searching for coins down the back of the couch and the Daly Cherry-Evans non-signing debacle.

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Henry's walkout over Hayne

Titans coach Neil Henry walks out of a press conference after refusing to answer questions about Jarryd Hayne. Nine News

More often than not, he's put on a brave face, understood the interest, added some context and kept the door hinges in tact.

Which is why his silence on Jarryd Hayne's twitter controversy spoke volumes on Tuesday. Presented with a chance to publicly set the record straight, Henry refused to even entertain questions, then walked out amid persistent enquiries at his weekly press conference.

To be fair, he didn't 'storm' off, swearing under his breath and slamming doors. Afterwards, he spoke to media in a nearby cafe about other goings on in the NRL. But when it came to Hayne, it was clear he'd had enough.

"I'm not going to comment on it, anything [we discussed is] internal," Henry said. "I'm not going to say anything on the Hayne stuff so not too much is nothing. That's the end of that conversation, we've addressed it and that's it, we're moving on.


"We talked about it, it's old news and if you let it be a distraction, it'll distract you. We're a group where our performances need to speak for themselves and we need to get down there and have a good game.

"It's up to all players to play to the best of their ability and he's a quality player. I expect him to play good footy as I expect other players to play good footy. Any other comments about anything are in-house."

After just one game, Hayne managed to take centre stage for the wrong reasons following a series of tweets in the wake of his team's first round loss to the Sydney Roosters on Saturday night.

The former Eel and San Francisco 49er took aim at a Fairfax Media report about him being fined for his poor attitude at training during the summer and warned that 'loose lips sink ships!' after the matter became public.

In the late night tweets on Sunday, Hayne confirmed the fine but insisted he was given the all clear to fly south by one of the team's co-captains Ryan James and Kevin Proctor.

Henry could well have already soothed matters with Hayne, who dined with players on Tuesday before walking off with young half Ash Taylor, who on Monday said Hayne needed to buy into the team ethos Henry was trying to construct.

In that case, his deflection of the questions would reflect a genuine desire to move forward and concentrate on improving on a lacklustre opening round defeat at Robina. It wasn't pretty and even lowly Newcastle look a danger.

On the other hand, Henry's frosty defiance was symptomatic of a coach that has had enough drama to last 10 seasons and needed more like a hole in the head, especially after just one round.

He may well have seen this coming and Henry's demeanour did little to suggest reports of a power struggle between the pair were wide of the mark. If that's the case, he must ensure the discontent doesn't spread like a contagion through the rest of the squad and impact results.

Hayne has made it clear he despises certain sections of the media but he still has a golden opportunity to be a hero to a group of hardy fans on the Coast that have copped the sharp end of the stick more than most in rugby league.

First, he must find a way to work with Henry and the senior playing group, or his most recent dream of playing rugby in France could materialise all too soon.