Founded in 2004, Guernica is a 501(c)3 non-profit magazine dedicated to exploring the cross section of global arts and politics. With contributors from every continent, we publish award-winning essays, art, poetry, and fiction from emerging and established writers and multimedia producers. Our high-quality storytelling lends unique perspectives on global issues, while remaining both accessible and relevant to our global readership.

Guernica readers are not only media-savvy individuals who identify as avid information-seekers and keen social influencers—they also support an all-volunteer organization that gives voice to unique and important social, artistic, and political perspectives. Our readership is vibrant, creative, intelligent, diverse, and attuned to contemporary culture.

Guernica offers advertising on our website and in our newsletter, which is sent out weekly. The website has nearly 200,000 visitors each month and our newsletter has an open rate of 20-27 percent.

For more information about advertising with Guernica, please contact our publisher, Katherine Rowland. You can also 2016-press-kit, consult our rate sheet, visit our self-service advertising platform, or contact Jason Chambers at Litbreaker for more information.

Our readers*:

  • are mostly age 25–34 (32.3%), 35–44 (16.2%), and 45–54 (16.2%)
  • are college-educated (72.3%), with many holding master’s and PhD degrees (45.3%)
  • get their news primarily online (85%) and from radio (25.6%)
  • read blogs daily (76.5%)
  • purchased more than 14 hardcovers and 28 trade paperbacks in 2010, bought through the Internet (74.6%), at indie bookstores (82.1%), and at chain bookstores (55.2%)
  • are interested in multiple literary genres, including literary fiction/poetry (77.6%), philosophy/religion (50.7%), history (44.8%), reference/guides 46.3%), politics/current affairs (43.3%), biography (41.8%), and art/photography (38.8%)
  • pay close attention to the social value of the brands they purchase (80.5%)
  • would think more highly of a company that advertised on (62%)


  • final version of the ads optimized for the Web (jpg, gif, png, or swf format)
  • hyperlink that will lead directly to the desired webpage
  • (optional) a tracking code to insert into the link to calculate the amount of clicks

If a flash format file is used (SWF), it is preferable to include a separated GIF animated version for mobile viewing. The file size for each banner should not exceed 100kb.

Terms and Conditions:

The magazine reserves the right to decline any advertiser or specific advertisement at the sole discretion of the publisher. The publisher’s office reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason at any time even though a reservation has been previously acknowledged and even though a product or account has been directly solicited by a representative. All advertisements must be clearly and prominently identified by the trademark and/or signature of the advertiser. All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof and that the advertiser may rightfully use all trademarks and other intellectual property appearing in the advertisement.

Cancellations or changes in orders will not be accepted after the space reservation deadline. The publisher’s liability shall not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the space purchased. In the event of any error, the publisher’s liability is limited to a make-good on the advertisement. In consideration of the acceptance of the advertisement (subject always to the terms and conditions of the Magazine Rate Card), the agency and the advertiser must, in respect of the contents of the advertisement, indemnify and save the publisher harmless against any expense arising from claims or actions against the publisher because of the publication of the contents of the advertisement. Rates and units of space subject to change by the publisher. Space orders are due on or before closing date and may not be canceled by the advertiser after that date.

Because the publisher is a tax-exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “IRC”), the advertiser represents that each advertisement and any URL (uniform resource locator) or other hyperlinks in such advertisement, and any website associated with such URL or hyperlink may not and shall not contain materials which, as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC, (1) participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office or (2) attempt to influence legislation. Additionally, first-time advertisers must pay with insertion. Payment must be made within 30 days of invoice date (Net 30). A 1 1/2 percent service charge per month will be added.

*demographic highlights from a 2010 survey