Pizza Hut Workers’ Union


What is the Pizza Hut Workers’Union?

The Pizza Hut Workers’Union, which is part of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), is a union for people who work for Pizza Hut, from shift supervisors, moped drivers to bike repair staff and front of house staff. The only restriction we have are those who have the power to hire and fire can not join, this is generally speaking managers. We are the independent collective voice of Pizza Hut workers.

Our aim is to improve the working condition of Pizza Hut workers and to give us a collective voice that management have to listen to. On top of this we   also want to help protect you at work, and make sure you’re properly represented if you get in trouble at work.

Our History

In 2011 we formed inSheffieldaround the demand for better delivery driver commission and the reinstatement of bank holiday pay. After almost a year of constant attempts at negotiation, we held an international day of protest against managements refusal to take our demands seriously. Protests were held all over theUKand across the world in support of us.

Following this we managed to achieve an increase in the drivers commission of 20p per delivery.

What Now?

We are now looking at where we go from here. In the last year, in real terms, we have all seen a pay cut, while directors remuneration has quadrupled since 2006.

We want to improve how safe our work places are, the pay we receive and other conditions we work under.

BUT where we go from here, is up to you. We are lead by our members, and that’s where our strength comes from!

5 comments on “Pizza Hut Workers’ Union

  1. Update: We have now revived confirmation that management are going to review drivers commission. This is a major victory, it shows that with pressure we can force change. Although the progress at this current time is limited, it means we now have them admitting that 60p is not enough! Management expect that the new rate will be enacted by December this year. We believe that a large increase is more than overdue and we must all remain vigilant and continue to put pressure on management.

    Complacency breeds defeat!

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  3. […] many of you know there is an action in Sheffield UK today (protest and phone blast) for Pizza Hut Workers Union from the Steel City Wobs.  If you don’t know about it, learn more […]

  4. […] Pizza Hut Workers’ Union Pizza Hut Union US Solidarity! […]

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