The Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is a three member, impartial, quasi-judicial body. The Mayor and the City Council each appoint a member to the Commission and the City’s Civil Service employees elect a member. Each commissioner serves a three-year term. An Executive Director and an Administrative Staff Assistant support the Commission and manages operation of the Commission's office. The Commission meets monthly and all meetings are open to the public. Please click on the Monthly Meetings tab for a schedule of upcoming meetings.

The Commission:

  • Hears appeals involving the disciplinary actions and alleged violations of the City Charter, Personnel Rules and the Personnel Ordinance;
  • Administer oaths, issue subpoenas, receive evidence, compel the production of documents, question witness at hearings, and issue such remedial orders as it deems appropriate.
  • Submits recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council related to the City’s Personnel System;
  • Reviews and comments on rules proposed by the Personnel Director pursuant to the Administrative Code of the City and consider written comments and responses from City employees and other stake holders on issues related to Personnel and human resources.
  • Investigate allegations that an elected official, a member of his/her immediate staff, or other person used inappropriate pressure to effect the a city hiring decision;