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"Encouraging news from the housing market: cooler winds are blowing."

News that the market is cooling may not please homeowners looking to sell, but we were heading towards a bubble

Meet one of Donald J. Trump's trusted news sources.

One of the most energetic and successful rightwing talk radio hosts has been on the attack despite the slim basis for his claims – and Donald Trump is listening
Basketball’s hijab ban: ‘Muslim girls hoop too’
Donald Trump gives first presidential address
Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims

Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday is a celebratory song with a protest edge.

Electronic musician Roberto Carlos Lange, also known as Helado Negro, reflects on how Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday has an activist edge

The Guardian has launched a new project, the Resistance Now, dedicated to covering the people, ideas and actions pushing back against perceived threats to society.

We’re not just covering protests – we want to examine the breadth and depth of this growing community. Follow along with us

"The sidewalk or a soft patch of dirt is no place for a human being to take their last breath. We took those crimes very personally.”

Police used a unique ploy in their efforts to find the perpetrator behind brutal deaths of two men living on the streets of Las Vegas

You need Ben Carson like you need a hole in the head.

Dean Burnett: Ben Carson claims he can trigger old but detailed memories in your brain. In no way is this true.

Do you want to choose the ending of your favourite television shows?

Good luck to the brave and energetic souls who embrace this novel idea. To me, this seems like a terrible way to watch TV

Nike has designed a shoe that could help athletes break the 2 hour marathon mark - but will it pass the IAAF's stringent rules?

Elite athletes attempting to shave nearly three minutes off the world record will be equipped with carbon-fibre trainers and drag-reducing clothes

"In a way, it’s nice that SS-GB is set in an alternate universe where the Nazis won. Because, deep down, it makes me hope that another alternate universe exists where SS-GB is good or interesting or, at the very least, doesn’t make its audience feel like it’s drowning in cold tea."

The BBC took a timely, fascinating, no-fail premise … and absolutely bungled it

"It is reported that the outrageous group claimed to be celebrating a baptism, and put down a £770 deposit at the El Carmen restaurant in Bembibre, in northern Spain. Then, before dessert could be served, the huge group got up to conga – and danced away to their cars without paying."

A 120-strong group of food-lovers in Spain have perfected the art of dining and dashing without paying the bill. Other walkouts, however, haven’t been so slick

"Fashion’s attempts to intellectualise getting dressed fail at least as often as they succeed. I have sat front row and read enough pretentious show notes that make me want to stab myself in the eye with my Smythson pencil to know that better than most. But in our new dumbed-down world, where public debate is debased by “locker-room talk” and constitutional government overruled by ungrammatical tweets, the argument for at least trying to keep intelligent and nuanced conversation going seems pretty strong."

This week in Paris, designers reclaimed fashion for adult women with barely a Hadid sister – or a crop top – in sight

“Their developing organs and immune systems – and smaller bodies and airways – make them especially vulnerable to dirty air and water.”

Toxic air, unsafe water and and lack of sanitation causing the deaths of 1.7 million children under five every year

"Make no mistake. This ban is just as prejudiced as its predecessor and demands as much – if not more – opposition."

In substance, we’ve been given the same Muslim ban as the first time around. It demands as much – if not more – opposition as its predecessor received

A new dawn?

UK leads Europe for solar growth despite drop in installations after government cut subsidies
The Guardian shared a group.
12 hrs

Resistance starts with the simple but revolutionary act of refusing to accept what you are told by those with power. The Guardian is extensively covering the people, ideas, and actions driving the global resistance movement spurred by the Trump presidency. We've launched a new project, The Resistance Now, to cover these efforts and engage around issues from politics to climate change, reproductive rights, workers rights, equality, immigration, racial justice and more.

Most of the 122 were released under George W Bush.

Trump tweeted an erroneous fact Tuesday, which appeared to mischaracterize a 2016 intelligence report tracking former Guantánamo Bay inmates

"Obamacare helped 20 million previously uninsured Americans to get healthcare and it is feared that the bill will leave many of these without health cover. Under the existing system, the poorest get the most help. The Republicans’ proposals are more market-oriented, based mostly on age, with an element on income."

How does the plan differ from Obamacare, will the proposals leave millions of Americans without health cover and will it pass?