Seattle IT operates a portion of the countywide emergency radio system used by first responders (police, fire, emergency medical, emergency management) and other government personnel for emergency and routine communications. The system is nearly 20 years old, and the manufacturer will cease all support for critical components at the end of 2018. The Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) project will replace the old radio system and is funded by a countywide Levy passed by voters in 2015 with an anticipated budget of $273 million. It is expected to last five years.

The project is governed by a Joint Board comprised of one voting representative from each of the four co-owners of the existing system which include the City of Seattle, King County, the Eastside Public Safety Communications Agency (EPSCA), and Valley Communications Center. There are also representatives from the Police and Fire Services within King County.

Additional information on the project, including regular status updates, can be found here: