news and action

4 Oct 2016 >> Action, News

Confronting The Rise In Racism – Stamp Out Islamophobia & Anti-Semitism
10.30am-4.30pm, Saturday 8th October
Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, NW1 2BJ
Speakers Include:

• Jeremy Corbyn MP, Labour …

3 Oct 2016 >> News, Unity 17 | September-October 2016, Unity Magazine
Anti-fascists round one of the barricades in Cable Street that stopped the fascists marching on 4th October 1936

“I think that Mosley was supposed to come along at eleven o’clock, but thousands of people were there early in the morning. They might have reached the beginning of Cable Street but they didn’t get down there. People were throwing things out of their windows. Anything to build up the barricades so they couldn’t pass.. There were Jews and Irish, the lot. Everyone was down there.”

14 Jul 2016 >> Campaign material, News, Unity 16 | July-August 2016, Unity Magazine
Unity 16 cover

The Convoy to Calais features on the cover of the July-August 2016 issue of Unity magazine, produced by UAF with the National Union of Teachers.
The new issue includes:
• Convoy …

14 Jul 2016 >> Comment, Unity 16 | July-August 2016, Unity Magazine
Children on a refugee protest in Calais (Photo: Geoff Dexter)

Save the Children produced a report that said there were 26,000 unaccompanied child refugees in Europe. That turned out to be an underestimate—actually there are 95,000. And 10,000 of them have disappeared. Isn’t that shocking, that 10,000 children could disappear in Europe?

14 Jul 2016 >> News, Unity 16 | July-August 2016, Unity Magazine
The Convoy to Calais sets out from Whitehall in central London (Photo: Guy Smallman)

Some 200 vehicles set out in a convoy to take aid collected around Britain to the refugee camp outside Calais on Saturday 18th June. It showed the level of support for refugees among ordinary people—but the majority were stopped at Dover

14 Jul 2016 >> Comment, News, Unity 16 | July-August 2016, Unity Magazine
A much larger group of anti-fascists countered the Nazi demonstration in Newcastle calling for repatriation just after the referendum result

Hope and despair take flight from the same sky. The worst thing we can do is give in to despair or believe we face an unstoppable tide of racism.

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