Fascism, fundamentalism, and the left


Originally published in issue 11 of Shift Magazine (Jan 11 – May 11) Since the May General Election, we have been witnessing the slow demise of British fascism as we know it. The British National Party’s spectacular failure tore open divisions and animosities that had been long brewing below the surface. Resignations, sackings, splits, and … Continue reading

The revolutionary potential of “social scum”

The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign is one of several active groups which have

Media pundits, politicians, and the outraged chattering classes often go on about the “underclass.” Faced with levels of crime, poverty, and social anger that they are neither willing nor able to understand, the term is one of blame and accusation. It’s a useful catch-all for the long-term unemployed, welfare recipients, the homeless, petty criminals, drug … Continue reading

The argument against multiculturalism

On my other blog, I often write in defence of migrants against the repression of the state. Because of this, and my opposition to border controls, my opponents on the right often presume that I am in favour of multiculturalism and mass immigration. This is not the case. I have already explained, in The case … Continue reading

Exploring race and ethnicity

Perhaps the most contentious and controversial issue that exists, even today, is race. In the past, it has provided the excuse for wars, conquest, and unimaginable atrocities. Today, it continues to be a cause of strife, division, and tension. This is further compounded by the fact that there is no one, unified definition of a … Continue reading

Anti-fascism in the 21st century: race and class in the anti-fascist movement

Following on from Anti-fascism in the 21st century, this article looks at where race fits into a radical, working class perspective of anti-fascism. A major criticism of the anti-fascist movement is that it is dominated by white, middle class people. This demographic, and the liberal, reformist perspective they offer, alienates those most affected by organised … Continue reading

Anti-fascism in the 21st Century

Originally published in issue 7 of Shift Magazine (Sep 09 – Jan 10) In Britain and Europe today, organised fascist groups have been gaining strength and popularity on a scale unseen since the end of the Second World War. A majority of European countries now have fascists elected to government, they form a significant coalition … Continue reading

Fascism and the “Propaganda Model”


In their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of Mass Media, Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman sketch out a “propaganda model” of media control. The basic thesis is that the mass media in the west, particularly the United States, serves a very specific propaganda function. Through the mechanisms of the capitalist “free” market, rather … Continue reading

The Normandy Landings and the legacy of a war that has never really ended

Sixty-five years ago today, Allied forces took the beachhead in Normandy, France, in one of the most iconic military assaults of the Second World War. The event, which has inspired countless cinematic portrayals, was the pivotal moment in defining the ultimate outcome of the war. Moreover, the anniversary of the Normandy Landings has coincided with … Continue reading


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