What is anarcho-syndicalism: revolutionary unionism

An IWW cartoon which captures how important the general strike is as a tool to bring about revolution

The third part of a series exploring anarcho-syndicalism, its aims and principles, and the practicalities of enacting them in the real world. Although it isn’t limited to workplace struggles as traditional syndicalism is, industry remains an important battleground for anarcho-syndicalism. After all, it is here that the working class create the wealth of the world, … Continue reading

Some further thoughts on anarcho-primitivism

My article on anarcho-primitivsm, written in May, has of late sparked some quite interesting debate. In particular, a commenter called Cecil Curry has posted a lengthy response which has also appeared on his blog, Mysidian Dreams. Especially as it claimed to put forward an argument I had failed to address, I thought that this deserved … Continue reading

Where do the “middle class” fit into it all?

Many far-left organisations, such as the Socialist Workers' Party, are dominated by people of middle class backgrounds looking to be the "revolutionary leadership" of the workers, whilst working class people often see their actions as irrelevant to their situation and real life

It is, perhaps, the most vague and ill-defined term in sociopolitical discourse. At the same time, it’s one of the most commonly used. It can be everything from a badge of honour to the most callous insult. Something which defines your economic status or destroys your street cred. The term I’m talking about is “middle … Continue reading

Charity, mutual aid, and class struggle

The kind of mutual aid that sees community resistance to capitalism, such as rent strikes, is far more revolutionary than a workers' cooperative within a market economy

Charity, defined biblically, is an unlimited loving kindness towards others. It’s a virtue, and one that is recognised far beyond the Christian faith. After all, who could argue that giving to those less fortunate is wrong? Anarchist communism would seem to be precisely the philosophy that encourages charity. The basic mantra of “from each according … Continue reading


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