How RTÉ Is Run

How RTÉ is Funded

RTÉ is part-funded by the licence fee and part-funded by commercial revenue i.e. advertising income and other commercial activities.




Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TV Licence for?

Who collects the TV Licence Fee?

Where does your licence payment go?

Why are there ads on RTÉ?

How does RTÉ use licence fee income?

Do I need a TV Licence?

What if I have more than one television?

What if I don't have a TV Licence?

How much does a TV Licence cost?

How can I purchase a TV Licence?

What if I move house?

What if I have a second home or a holiday home?

What if my business has several branches?

Am I entitled to a free TV Licence?

For more FAQ's please visit

What is the TV Licence for?

In Ireland, public service media is part-funded from revenue collected from the public by way of the TV licence fee.

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Who collects the TV Licence Fee?

An Post, appointed by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, is the sole agent for the sale of TV licences to the public. An Post maintains a database of both licensed and unlicensed household and business addresses which is checked and updated regularly.

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Where does your Licence payment go?

It goes to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, who provide approximately 85% to RTÉ to carry it out its Public Service Media commitments.

A further 7% is paid to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland for the operation of the Broadcasting Funding Scheme, TG4 also receives €9.24m per annum and An Post is also paid approximately 6% of the fee in respect of TV licence collection activities.
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Why are there ads on RTÉ?

The majority of RTÉ’s activities are of a public service nature. The cost of providing these services, however, exceeds the amount of licence fee revenue which RTÉ receives.  As a result, RTÉ engages in commercial activities to bridge the funding gap.

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How does RTÉ use licence fee income?

Each year RTÉ publishes a Statement of Commitments to our Audience. To view the RTÉ Statement of Performance Commitments Reports Click Here

RTÉ reports on the progress that it makes in relation to these commitments each year in the RTÉ Annual Report. To view RTÉ’s Annual Reports Click Here

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Do I need a TV licence?

Every household, business or institution that has a television set (within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 2009) must by law be in possession of a current TV licence.

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What if I have more than one television?

Only one licence is required for each address regardless of the number of televisions present.

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What if I don't have a TV licence?

In Ireland, around 92% of households have a television. An Post is responsible for maintaining a database containing records of every premises which should have a TV licence. This database is regularly updated to include new buildings. If you do not have a current TV licence, you should expect a visit from a TV licence inspector. If an unlicenced set is found, a prosecution will follow which could result in a fine of €1,000 for a first offence or €2,000 for a second or subsequent offence. An Post collects TV Licence fees on behalf of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment.
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How much does a TV licence cost?

The TV Licence currently costs €160.

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How can I purchase a TV licence?

  • A TV licence can be purchased online at using MasterCard or Visa
  • By phoning Lo-Call 1890 228 528 (24 hr service) using MasterCard or Visa.
  • By direct debit from your bank current account. With direct debit you have the option of making an annual payment, bi-annual, quarterly or monthly payments.
  • From any post office by cash, cheque or TV Savings Stamps or by debit card at post offices across the country.
  • By cash at selected Postpoint outlets
  • By posting a cheque (crossed and made payable to An Post) to your local TV Licence Record's Office.

What if I move house?

Let An Post know your new address so that your TV licence can be transferred. Alternatively you can update your details yourself online at

What if I have a second home or holiday home?

If you have a second home or holiday home with a television set then you need a separate TV licence for that address.

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What if my business has several branches?

If you have more than one premises with a television then you need a separate licence for each address.

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Am I entitled to a free TV licence?

The Department of Social Protection pays for TV Licences for certain categories of its clients under the Household Benefits scheme.

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