Blind date: ‘We talked about giant spider v giant octopus’

Damola, 25, content writer, meets Karen, 28, researcher

Blind date: ‘We talked about giant spider v giant octopus’

Damola, 25, content writer, meets Karen, 28, researcher

Damola on Karen

What were you hoping for?
A tall brunette with interesting things to say.

First impressions?
Cool, comfortable, cultured.

What did you talk about?
Our families, travelling, religion, how much we both like Jamiroquai, and what it would be like living on Mars. Or a desert island. Or a desert island on Mars. Who would win: giant spider v giant octopus? The usual.

Any awkward moments?
When the manager raced out of the restaurant as we were saying goodbye. We thought he was going to slap us with a crazy bill. He was just coming to say goodbye.

Good table manners?
Yes, very good.

Best thing about Karen?
Her openness. Really nice eyes, too.

Would you introduce her to your friends?
I would.

Describe her in three words
Rebellious, streetwise, kind.

What do you think she made of you?
I think she thought I had decent chat.

Did you go on somewhere?
We didn’t.

And… did you kiss?
Just on the cheeks to greet each other.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
To go for double of everything we ordered.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
Probably as friends.

Karen on Damola

What were you hoping for?
A fun evening.

First impressions?
He was very warm, friendly and dynamic.

What did you talk about?
Life’s zigzags, comedy, Mars.

Any awkward moments?
We were seated at different tables at the beginning.

Good table manners?
Yes, and we made good ordering decisions together.

Best thing about Damola?
He was full of surprises.

Would you introduce him to your friends?

Describe him in three words
Sharp, positive, sparkly eyes.

What do you think he made of you?
That I’m a bit of a luddite and maybe live under a rock.

Did you go on somewhere?

And… did you kiss?
No, a goodbye hug.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
Order more delicious octopus.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
If our paths crossed, it would be nice to see Damola again. He’s a great guy, but we didn’t have so much in common.

Damola and Karen ate at Exmouth Market Grind, London EC1. Fancy a blind date? Email For a free, three-day trial of Soulmates, go to