
Reflections on prophecy: a critical appreciation of Michael Bakunin's thought - Marc B. Young

A novel and somewhat unorthodox analysis of Bakunin's ideas, emphasizing his shared philosophical ground with Spinoza, his often misunderstood attitude to violence and religion, and his generous vision for humanity.

Address of August Spies

The address of August Spies at his trial in his and his co-defendants defence, in the aftermath of the Haymarket massacre.

Debate: socialism or anarchism?

Report of a public debate held at Bethnal Green Library on Friday 16 May, 1957, between the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the London Anarchist Group.

The Commonweal

An incomplete archive of the publication The Commonweal produced by the Socialist League which was one of the earliest socialist/anarchist organisations in the UK, and edited by William Morris.

Is the working class movement dead?

Winter of Discontent, 1978-1979

The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in Leicester, 25 January 2017.

J20 in Portland: report from a comrade

An anarchist reports from the 'Rise Up and Resist Fascism: Inauguration Day Protest' J20 demonstration in Portland, on the 20th January 2017, which began in Pioneer Courthouse Square, organised by the 'Direct Action Alliance' and a number of other groups in Portland, and set-off at 15:30. It was attended by thousands and met with some police violence.

Neither Democrats, nor Dictators: Anarchists

Written by Errico Malatesta, from 'Pensiero e Volontà' (May 1926). Taken from "Malatesta: His Life & Ideas" ed. Vernon Richards. London: Freedom Press, 1993.

The art of not being governed: an anarchist history of upland southeast Asia

Map of Zomia

A book-length anthropological and historical study of the Zomia highlands of Southeast Asia by James C. Scott, first published in 2009.

Anarchists and social revolution: the transition period - André Prudhommeaux

André Prudhommeaux

A 1932 text calling upon anarchists to give serious consideration to the practical question of the “transition period”, in opposition to what the author characterizes as the idealism, reformism, passivity or bolshevism of the majority of the world anarchist movement.