Stories from Soulmates

We're always pleased to hear stories from soulmates, especially those intrepid explorers who've battled the highs and lows of dating and found the happy ending to their love story.

If you'd like to share a story, contact us but remember that by doing so your story may appear on the website or in the paper.

Maybe, with a spot of luck, yours will be the next Soulmates success story to appear on these pages.


vectorman, 16th February 2017

I found a perfect match, that as it happens couldn't have been much closer to home - 1 mile away! Without this site it seems unlikely I would have ever met them, so thank you!

Karacal, 15th February 2017

I have met the most amazing guy on this site. Thank you so much! I couldn't be happier and I wouldn't have met him were it not for the Guardian.

davidmcn, 30th January 2017

Very happy. Job Done. Thank you Soulmates for a very successful website.

DragonTamer, 15th January 2017

She's wonderful - thanks for great service

stroft, 10th January 2017

Met someone & going well.

Joe14, 8th January 2017

I had a fantastic experience on soulmates. I met my girlfriend on here 9 months ago and we have gone from strength and are now making exciting plans for the future! :) I have and will happily recommend this too anyone looking to find love and happiness Please keep helping others find their soulmate. Many thanks.

Louise1902, 5th January 2017

Have met someone within a week of joining. It is early days but very happy.

CutontheBias, 6th January 2017

I've met someone lovely from this site ... my fingers are crossed that it all works out. Thanks for getting us together

HP Drifter, 2nd January 2017

Took out a 6 month sub at end May 16 - 7 months on and we are planning to marry.

TangledUpInBlue28, 30th December 2016

I found a wonderful lady on your fine website. Thank you!

Merseyman, 22nd December 2016

Almost gave up but then found a lovely lady

ElenaLondon, 19th December 2016

Thank you!! I found my match at the end of October and I am happy to leave the site now. I wanted to say thank you - it's been hard but your site helps bring happiness in people' lives and surely it did bring happiness to me too.

Timebends, 19th December 2016

I met a wonderful woman on GSM. Thanks.

Bellewatson, 16th December 2016

I met Duane in August 2015 and in May 2016, he proposed and we are currently planning our wedding in 2017!! I can honestly say that he is the "one" and it is thanks to you that I found him!

FayW, 7th December 2016

I met my fiancé on Guardian Soulmates!

CitySki, 5th December 2016

So far, so happy

Sunny_Side_Up, 4th December 2016

I found my match on this site. Thank you!

Hils2017, 27th November 2016

I met someone wonderful via Guardian Soulmates back in February. We are having a blast so a big thank you to the guardian!

wanderlust1983, 27th November 2016

I met someone on this site around 9 months ago - we have been together since and it is going very well. Thank you.

Padavona, 24th November 2016

Actually I met someone really great on this site. was an excellent experience

gailmg, 23rd November 2016

I had done three months, my subscription expired but I decided to carry on for another month and then my soulmate contacted me and we're very much in love. Thank you! :-D

PJC1956, 21st November 2016

Found someone who I really get along with, hope it works out, if it doesn't I know the site can work so I'll be back

majesticmoment, 18th November 2016

Met someone three years ago and have started dating with her again !!!! I love Soulmates and have met and been out with many nice girls on here and I hope you keep up the good work and help people to find friendships and love. Thanks!!!

MorganW, 15th November 2016

I have met someone on this site and am going to give that relationship a chance so will leave the site. Should the relationship not work I would have no hesitation in returning to setup a new account.

Amanda41, 15th November 2016

I think I have found someone on this site and will be giving it a try. Thanks a lot

Dunelmian, 15th November 2016

I have found the woman I have looked for all my life. She has found the man she has looked for all her life. What more is there to say?

William49, 15th November 2016

I found my match on this site, I don't need this service further at the moment, thank you

happiness_is_the_way, 15th November 2016

Extraordinarily and against the odds I have met someone wonderful through your site (and I am statistician so a bit amazed!) thank you and goodbye :)

LondonLady:), 14th November 2016

Now happily dating so I no longer need to be on a dating site!!

WelliesAndHighHeels, 14th November 2016

I found my match on this site, and he's perfect!

Healthprof, 12th November 2016

That took no time at all. About a month!! Thank you sooo much!!!

rythmisadancer, 7th November 2016

Have found a lovely woman on this site therefore I no longer need to have an account. Thank you and good luck with the continued success of this site.

Love_Serendipity, 6th November 2016

I met a fabulous fantastic and very funny lady on this site 18 months ago and have been dating ever since.. in love

Izosh, 4th November 2016

Man of my dreams - found him. Thanks

wordsandwater, 3rd November 2016

We're both private, but happy.

Purplebasquiat, 1st November 2016

It's really brilliant--found someone really wonderful here. If it works out, will post up a testimonial. Many thanks!

PeonyCat, 30th October 2016

Fingers crossed, I've found a lovely man!

flibberti, 29th October 2016

I found myself a wonderful boyfriend. We've be going out for a month and things are going great. Definitely got my money's worth. Thanks

Oceane, 27th October 2016

Found an amazing man via soulmates. We have happily been together for a little over a year now.

JamesNotJim, 24th October 2016

I found my match. THANK YOU!

goodfulla, 22nd October 2016

I found my match on this site, I've been very lucky. Thanks.

Tate16, 19th October 2016

I met my soulmate on here nearly two months ago so I don't want to use this sites anymore. Thanks for introducing me GS! :)

Neil31, 13th October 2016

I found my match on this site, it's been good

cuiseship, 13th October 2016

I found my match on this site, she is perfect :)

ablueeyedgirl, 13th October 2016

I have met a partner through Soulmates. I therefore no longer need to keep my account. :-) Thanks!

edwardkidder, 7th October 2016

I have met someone through Soulmates and it seems to be going well. Thanks

Barking, 4th October 2016

Very happy with the person I have found, no need to look any further.

sandea, 28th September 2016

A couple weeks ago I was lucky to meet someone on your site, that works between us and I don't need you replacing services anymore. Thanks for everything but I think I found my soulmate

clod, 26th September 2016

Thanks. If things really take off I'm sure I'll provide Soulmates with an update :)

BirdieMusicLover, 26th September 2016

First experience of Internet dating, hated every minute of it. But actually have found someone on here who ticks all of my boxes. Thank you X

gardenmate, 26th September 2016

Dear Soulmates, I have decided to end my subscription because thanks to you I have found my soulmate, so I am no longer interested in meeting other men. I have already sent you an email to thank you. I am most grateful, and I will recommend your site to other people. With sincere gratitude, gardenmate

sunskingirl, 19th September 2016

I found someone and it's going well. I don't need to look for someone else. but it was an adventure and thank you.

CupidDoesExist, 18th September 2016

I found an amazing lady with your website. I thought I'd be looking for ages but it wasn't that long to wait. We click amazingly well and I couldn't ask for anyone else. We've been together for 4 months now and things are going really well. Thank you for that! Keep up the good work with the website. Kind Regards Kishan

Fyodor'scrime, 11th September 2016

Found someone on this site quite serendipitously that I used to go out with once. Thanks.

jeeps77, 10th September 2016

I found my match on here and have fallen in love

ForReal, 5th September 2016

I found my match on this site, thanks!

Liz22, 3rd September 2016

We met online 9 months ago and its perfect. Thank you for a great service.:)

ThoughtBalloon, 1st September 2016

It has been a year now that I am with the woman I met on this site, and we are expecting a baby in late November. So clearly thank yous are in order: many thanks Soulmates!

snuffsaidbutcorblime, 29th August 2016

Dating an amazing girl. Lots of talking, lots of happiness.

Ssammy, 28th August 2016

My 1st date on SM....16 months later and we are happily sharing a life together. Happy.

zenman, 26th August 2016

Found someone good!

Pendlehill, 22nd August 2016

I fell in love with a man and we are now living happily ever after! Miracles do happen...

Möjligtvis, 22nd August 2016

I met my love by the RA wall, lovely old town, lovely old town....

Petitegalloise, 22nd August 2016

I found my match on this site - He's perfect !

Moonacre, 20th August 2016

Yep. In love!

imslondon, 14th August 2016

Found a great match within two weeks and we're still very happy now 18 months on!

lookin4love, 14th August 2016

I found my match on this site. Job done. Thanks

BillyRuffian76, 11th August 2016

Met a beautiful girl on here. We live a fair bit apart but we're going to give it a go. Thank you.

Charxx, 11th August 2016

I found my match. No time now I am so busy in love!

sibelius7, 10th August 2016

Found my match on this site. Oddly, it was someone I've know by sight for two years.

Papilioneffect, 7th August 2016

We were a perfect match. Thanks GSM; )

just-nj, 5th August 2016

Dear GS team, I've been a subscriber for a while now (on/off) and am happy to say that through your website I've met someone; I'm really happy and really excited because she's great and the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time :-) Thanks for your services. Cheers.

SunshineJojo2014, 5th August 2016

I found my match on this site, very happy

Petrichor1, 4th August 2016

I found my match. It's early days for us . G/S is probably the best dating site by a mile, a truly great experience .

just4kicks36, 2nd August 2016

Who knew!! Perfect site for finding the right kind of person Thanks a Mil

gintomytonic, 31st July 2016

Very enjoyable experience. Thanks.

OzKid, 24th July 2016

I found my match, she's got me in her beautiful, evil clutches. Wench. I've never been so happy.

SeaShells, 19th July 2016

I've met a lovely man and we've been dating for two months. We shall see how thing unfold. Thank you Guardian Soulmates for getting us together whatever the outcome. :)

BauhausMan, 19th July

I found my match, all going well...

DanielPV, 13th July 2016

Worked great with the very first and only person I dated. Thanks.

Pascale66, 12th July 2016

Thank you Soulmates. I have met the most wonderful man through this website. We are incredibly well matched and very happy together. We both know we will be together forever.

StarryEyedSurprise, 11th July 2016

I've met someone special through GS. Thank you so much for what you do.

Jake..., 10th July 2016

I found my match on this site, it's still early days but I reckon deleting profile is a show of faith! thanks

stenhouse1, 7th July 2016

Thank you soulmates, I couldn't have found him without you - as cynical as I was!

Sham50, 7th July 2016

I have met a wonderful person and we have been together for 3 months

single_matt, 5th July 2016

Now moving in with my girlfriend, we met on this site about 7 months ago.

Lolaflo, 4th July 2016

I met someone on soulmates 6 years ago and although we split for a while we are now moving in together. Thank you soulmates

Callahan, 4th July 2016

I found my match, head over heels!

Rapunzellette, 4th July 2016

Found the man of my dreams although wasn't obvious at first, 7 months 3 holidays together and going strong, working on a proposition

Adriana, 29th June 2016

I found my soulmate!

RainyDayDancer, 28th June 2016

Found a wonderful man on your site. So thank you for the introduction. Its amazing what can come from pressing a little 'like' button. Bit further away than we were both looking but it has been worth the extra distance to find someone who is indeed your 'soulmate'. Has been worth persevering despite previous attempts not having been so successful, despite meeting nice people.

yogalove, 27th June 2016

I found someone special on this site x

Kate579, 27th June 2016

I initially signed up for 6 months but have met a lovely man through this site already.

Ru14m3, 26th June 2016

I have found a wonderful woman on this site and we have been dating for nearly 4 months now. We have fallen in love with each other and both of us are now looking forward to spending the rest of our days together! Thank you GS! I am happy to say you will not be seeing either of us again :)

baudelairebaby, 22nd June 2016

I found my match on Soulmates, thanks for your help!

Artic_Guru, 14th June 2016

It is too good to be told :) I found my match on Soulmates

Datewiththedoctor, 14th June 2016

I found my match on this site and I'm very happy!

Juniperlottie, 12th June 2016

I found my match on this site. We really clicked straight away, thank you Soulmates!

classicsong, 11th June 2016

I met a remarkable man on this site. We are ideally suited in every respect and are committed to spending the rest of our lives together. Thank you for being such a professional site.

river, 9th June 2016

I found my match on this site, it's wonderful! Thank you

HipHop, 9th June 2016

I found my match here, who I also happened to work with!

Sky-lar, 5th June 2016

Never thought I would meet someone on here and I did. Thank you Guardian Soulmates.

Castara, 5th June 2016

I found a keeper! Thanks GS 😁👍

Bonviveur, 5th June 2016

Second date he lives down my road! Five weeks now and very happy thank you x x x

urbanhippy, 1st June 2016

I am in a relationship with a man I met on this site & we are very happy, & also hopeful that our relationship will last for the rest of our days- he is 65 & I am 54. We have fallen in love, almost from the first date.

RosiePM, 30th May 2016

I have found my Soulmate. Thank you X

DaBird, 22nd May 2016

I found my match on this site, she's gorgeous!!!!!!

D0odle, 19th May 2016

I found a match on Guardian Soulmates and it's going well!

outdoorman, 18th May 2016

Found a lovely woman on this site and we are very happy together.

Traces70, 16th May 2016

Very grateful to Guardian Soulmates. I met a lovely woman, and look forward to much happiness and a more full life. Thank you GSM

lilymarlene, 16th May 2016

I am the happpiest and luckiest. Have met the best person ever here. Thank you, Grauniad! x

Nanou, 16th May 2016

I found my match on this site. We chatted a bit on here then met a few times and really enjoy each other's company.

AlexLowe, 15th May 2016

I found my match on this site. I have found one or two matches and will see if they work out.

SunshineVoyager, 9th May 2016

I am ecstatic to say that I have found the love of my life on Guardian Soulmates. I am from the US, and he lives in England...we have never been happier and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together....

vita-brevis_1, 8th May 2016

I found my match on this site. Thank you!

RadioProtector, 8th May 2016

I found my match on this site! I've met someone wonderful through Guardian Soulmates. Thank you.

nadeem=, 6th May 2016

I found my match on this site and she thinks I'm a genius.

MonkeyMittKnits, 6th May 2016

I found my match on this site, and he was a bargain

Scrabble1980, 5th May 2016

I found my match on this site, thanks

theaceofbass, 24th April 2016

Thank you Guardian Soulmates. I've met a fantastic woman on here, and we've been dating since last December. Things are going really well and I'm over the moon to have met her, which wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for this site. Keep up the good work.

ATableForTwo, 24th April 2016

I found my match on this site, I'm not looking for anyone else - I've found a good one thanks!

La-vie-en-rose, 20th April 2016

I found my match on this site, Hurrah!

SummerLondon, 19th April 2016

Joined this dating site end of Oct 2015. In November 2015 went on first and only date. We have been happily together since. Great service.

Brightfirefly, 11th April 2016

Thank you for being the instrument by which I have meet the man I want to be with for the rest of my life!

Thefinerthingsoflife, 11th April 2016

This story has a happy ending! I found a wonderful woman who shares my values and approach to life, and we are moving on to our next chapter of life, together. Thank you Guardian Soulmates.

NoDomesticGulgas!, 2nd April 2016

The site has been a revelation, in a positive way, and I have made 'friends' and found a lover. I am going to explore those for now.

G.Clooney's-brother, 31st March 2016

Jo and I met in February 2015 we hit it off straight away and been in love and inseparable ever since!

Boterick, 29th March 2016

Barbara, wow, what a woman! Where have you been all my life!

Mia16, 29th March 2016

Dating a really great guy from your site... Thanks you!!

miffle, 24th March 2016

I found my Soulmate on Soulmates - thanks!

PaulM, 20th March 2016

I found my match on this site. Thank you for your service which was successful for me!

Roses4you, 17th March 2016

I met a lovely man on your site

Michellehathayoga, 16th March 2016

I found my match on this site, I'm in love!

henrydreamhead, 16th March 2016

I have a strong, long term relationship. We met on here. Thanks for all you've done for me. Love, Henry

mojojojo, 13th March 2016

I have found my soulmate (straight away!) second date, wish me luck!

Ariadne-11, 12th March 2016

Very happily pursuing a relationship with someone I met on Soulmates

history24, 6th March 2016

I've met someone on the Soulmates

Workingtoohard, 5th March 2016

I found my match on this site. It was great!!!

BarefootK, 29th February 2016

I found my match on this site. It worked for us.

Kian60, 18th February 2016

I found my match on this site. Our of respect for the other party we have removed our profiles.

Stone55, 16th February 2016

I found my match on this site, thank very much. x

superman3000, 20th February 2016

I found my match on this site. Very good service

scaevola, 15th February 2016

Thanks, it was a nice surprise to find someone I matches that well with on here

AnnaJoy, 13th February 2016

I found my match on this site. That's it! Don't need to look any further. Very happy. Thank you... :)

Intergalactic, 12th February 2016

I have started a relationship with Lotus Prince. Thank you!

woodmark, 11th February 2016

I've been seeing someone I met through this site for about four months. It's going pretty well (fingers crossed!) and I no longer need to use the site. Thanks!

BruceW, 10th February 2016

Thank you GSM, it's taken a while and a few false starts but I have finally met the one for me, through you. Thanks. Bruce.

Reds72, 6th February 2016

I've met an amazing man - thank you!

Scoot, 3rd February 2016

I have found a lovely man on your site and we are delighted. I no longer need to be on the site. Please delete my membership. Thank you.

giorgosg, 2nd February 2016

I found my match on this site, thank you! Let's go ginger man!

Twoforjoy, 2nd February 2016

I found my match on this site, he's a cutie

zoltarscard82, 2nd Februrary 2016

I found my match on this site, and very nice she is too

Reds72, 2nd February 2016

I've met an amazing man - thank you!

Scoot, 2nd February 2016

I have found a lovely man on your site and we are delighted. I no longer need to be on the site. Please delete my membership. Thank you.

tez777, 1st February 2016

I found my match on this site. She's nice

Canucker, 31st January 2016

Met a wonderful girl who I love very much. Thank you to Guardian Soulmates, I would have never met her otherwise!

Walter_Naff, 31st January 2016

I genuinely believe that I have found my Soulmate; my Kindred Spirit. Thanks!

AprilofTheNorth, 30th January 2016

Fist 'like', first online date... 10 months since we met and I found the lefty, Guardian reading feminist who holds my hand. It really was that straightforward. Lovely, lovely man. Happy days.

GabrielOak, 30th January 2016

In middle age, I did not expect to find my perfect companion, simply to meet someone interesting people, yet I have.

Definitelyhappening, 27th January 2016

I found my match on this site. Thanks Guardian

MarkL3, 26th January 2016

I believe I have found my match on this site, but in any case have decided to give up if this does not work out.

bake_and_hike, 20th January 2016

Tom and I met in July 2014 and are getting married on Saturday - THIS Saturday!! I'd been online dating (on and off) for a few years, he had only just subscribed to Soulmates and was sceptical. We are literally a perfect match, I never thought it was possible, particularly through online dating, but it happened. We are so happy. Many thanks.

settled_nomad, 13th January

I am now in a committed relationship & don't want to continue having a Soulmates account. Thank you!

Jonnyhul1, 13th January

I found my match on this site. So far the relationship is going well so I think I'll talk the plunge

NomestFlojo, 10th January

I just want to say a quick but huge thank you. I met someone on Guardian Soulmates and its been a wonderful few months. Whatever happens, the bones have smiled since meeting him and I am most grateful for it. I had a few dates prior to meeting Mr. X and they were all brilliant. But there was a spark with this one (whoever said you can't spark with online dating is wrong) so thank you Guardian. I pray I won't be back here, but if I am - I would choose Guardian and I have highly recommended and will continute to recommend you in the meantime. Enough, I shall finish by wishing you a Happy New Year. Flojo Mole

Tinks, 10th January

I found my match on this site. He is lovely and a keeper

Gibbo76, 7th January

Found a wonderful man in my second month with Guardian Soulmates, couldn't be happier with your work. Think you may have lived up to your name. When he gets fed up of me, I'll definitely use you again!!!

Northernsmiler, 6th January

I have found the love of my life and have never been so happy, content, in love or loved. It is wonderful

cosmos40, 4th January

I've fallen for a wonderful woman who I met on here - thank you GSM!

howhardcanthisbe?, 3rd January

Found a really lovely bloke to spend time with - thanks

Rusty.., 1st January

I found my match on this site. She's lovely.

Kim12, 1st January

I've met someone wonderful, thank you!! He might actually be my soulmate?! X


I found my partner via Soulmates over 18 months ago and we are living together and did not realise my profile was still showing and would like to delete my account please.-thanks for everything.

musicalnotes, 29th December

I'm in love with the most amazing man. Thank you Guardian Soulmates. I'm very happy.

merchymynydd, 23rd December

I really enjoyed using Guardian Soulmates and have met someone amazing! Thanks!

Devenirs, 23rd December

I'm very happy with the person I found thanks to this site!

thetimeisnow, 23rd December

Happy and no longer single!

lauralorry, 5th December

I met Panos! He's great and I am very happy about it-thanks! I no longer need your site... I would also say you need a few more people in Scotland!!!

sunflower888, 3rd December

Found my match on soulmates thanks no more mails or males necessary

NNorfolkpaul, 3rd December

Found a fantastic lady, relationship going well. Well done Guardian Soulmates!

Antzjames, 29th November

So happy I have found a soulmate thank you so much for allowing us to find each other

incidentray, 29th November

It's been four months since I met him and I no longer seem to use the site. Thanks!

RosaG 20th November

I met someone on this site and would like to see how things go with him.

Prune-ella 19th November

Have found someone I like

Avant_gardener, 19th November

After 8 years of on and off use of Guardian Soulmates I have met my match and married her.

Mariecatherine, 19th November

He's lovely. Not the sort of man I normally go for but more likely the sort of man I need. He moved in after several weeks & I aim to marry him! We'd never have met only for the website.

Monella77, 19th November

I found my match on this site. Thank you!

Armonia, 17th November

We met here, we're happily together and planning to get married! Thank you

SerendipityLdn, 17th November

I found my match on this site, the most amazing man in the world. Thank you!!

Andydoc, 17th November

I found my match on this site, a wonderful woman who will truly be my soul mate.

blueshade, 15th November

Have been seeing someone I met on this site about six months ago. Thanks.

Poppylover, 13th November

I have found a lovely man who has a lot in common with me. We started chatting a few months ago and met at the beginning of October. It is still early days but I am enjoying every moment we are together. Thank you...

betterbusythanbored, 11th November

I met user Eyegazing here. We're now a thing. Thanks GSM, much appreciated!

amer999, 9th November

Thanks Guardian Soulmates. I found a wonderful person to share my life with.


It's early doors. Let's see what happens. Thanks a mil!!!☺️

GGG1970, 5th November

I met someone with whom I am now substantially involved and no longer need the service. Here's hoping I never do again. But it's been a good experience, on the whole. Thank you.

<>, 4th November

I found my match on this site. So long and thanks!

ScarlettFever, 1st November

I have spent 20 years wondering if I would ever find someone who would rock my world. And I have!! We are very happy and completely 'get each other!' - an experience that is an utter delight. The fact that we live some distance apart is quite trying but we are muddling through until we are able to be together all the time. I do think that we will get married some day and that is thanks to your site! Thank you!

GrahamHC, 1st November

I was just about to give up then I was contacted by a lovely lady from Gloucester. We are in the midst of a whirlwind romance and I am very hopeful of a long and happy time together. Thank you for making this possible!!

Happyyogi, 31st October

Thank you! x

Freddieforever, 27th October

Thank you

Sunnydays123, 27th October

After being subscribed for one month I met my soulmate.... A very big thank you to Guardian Soulmates - for enabling us to find each other. We live in Devon only about 10 miles from each other, but without Guardian Soulmates I am sure we would never have met. We are so happy - a very big thank you! And that's why I can now delete my account......

Nickirk, 27th October

I am lucky enough to have found my match. Thank you Guardian Soulmates

booksandcooksann, 26th October

I met a wonderful woman on this site and now we are to be married

Willbebaq, 26th October

Met someone on this site who I would never have come across if I hadn't subscribed. Definitely worth it

Mariecatherine, 26th October

I found my match on this site. He's moving in this week :)

Pressr, 26th October

I have had a great time on GS and met some wonderful people. I am hoping with some confidence that I have met my soulmate through GS, many thanks , Phil

Oberon79, 18th October

Met a lovely lady on here... Watch this space

Strong_Inner_Hippy, 14th October

Thanks to Guardian Soulmates I met CheekyCanuck who turns out to be my dream come true, soulmate. Thanks for a great service guys!

CheekyCanuck, 14th October

Thanks to Guardian Soulmates I met Strong_Inner_Hippy who turns out to be my dream come true, my soulmate. Thanks for a great service guys!

LoveontheRock, 14th October

I met a lovely man in this site and we want to take it further. Happy ,Thank you Soulmates. Virginia xx

jaquwals, 2nd October

A gentleman contacted me through the site who lives locally and we are enjoying each other's company so far. At present I would like to discontinue online dating but have enjoyed the few months of being a member and have met some very nice and interesting people. A great way to meet and would join again if need be.

mpc15, 28th September

I have met a wonderful woman in Germany!

Brightsmile, 27th September

I found my match on this site. Thank you Soulmates

Jazzy333, 27th September

Found my match on here been together for nearly 8 months & therefore don't want to meet other people. Hope it continues to go well.

tulip_999, 24th September

Cancelled subscription after just a few messages and a busy schedule but one of those "few" messages led to me meeting my lovely boyfriend

LemonyB, 22nd September

I found my match on this site :)

Mekel, 16th September

Four years, 157 dates, 82 films, 21 art galleries, 48 restaurants and three one night stands later…

simonf12, 13th September

I found my match on this site. She's absolutely incredible-in my wildest dreams, did I think I'd meet someone so amazing. Thanks Guardian, you da best

Josephine, 12th September

I found my math on this site. Great thank you!

istenem 11th September

I found my perfect match with my first 'like', first email and first date. We would happily feature as one of your success stories!

istenem, 11th September

I have found my dream man. Thank you so much, you have changed my life.

thetreeguy, 10th September

Never thought I would find my dream person... but have! Thank you GS x

singinbird, 9th September

I found my match on this site. Took a long time. Would encourage other to be the best they can and persevere.

Theboxer, 7th September

Many thanks, I have found a wonderful partner.

soulsurfer, 1st September

I met someone on the site, we have been dating for 3 months and are getting on really well.

naomitea, 28th August

Very happy, met my soulmate. We have a beautiful daughter and will get married soon. Thanks!

witch_hazel, 26th August

I've found true love! Very very very happy :-D

indiechic, 25th August

I found my match on this site. I'm hoping it works out!

soulfoodz, 22nd August

I found my match on this site. Fuck yeah!

samsH86, 22nd August

Fallen for the first guy I met up with on GS. Getting round to deleting this quite late. Many thanks.

Alias80 19th August

Yup! Sorted! Thanks.

TA-DAH! 19th August

I found my match on this site. The rest of our lives isn't going to be long enough!

cscottie96, 19th August

Met a really nice girl on here, which was a pleasant surprise as I was a bit sceptical at first, having been on other ones in the past.

fairyfran, 13th August

Met the man of my dreams from your ads in the weekend Guardian, can't believe how happy I feel thank you...............

Merganser, 12th August

Still early days but lovely times. Thank you

lorelei744, 10th August

Thank you Guardian Soulmates, you changed my life <3

pyahnitsa, 10th August

Found a lovely, amazing person through Soulmates - we're very happy and are looking forward to our future together.

Leopardess, 9th August

I've met someone through Guatdian Soulmates and am confident that I will not need to use the site anymore.

chaydizzle, 6th August

I have found a smashingly Scouse gent

sevenstreets1207, 6th August

Thank you :)

Paul5MusicLover, 4th August

I've found a super woman on this site and want see where we go. What more can I say?

ZoeyC, 3rd August

We've been together nearly two years now. Four holidays down. Working on the living together as we are 200 miles apart.

LCSmith, 2nd August

Thank you so much I didn't think it would happen this way, but I'm very happy!

ZCHNG, 1st August

We met in jan and are still going out and just got back from our first 2 week holiday! Very pleased!!

justTom, 1st August

My second subscription, found the perfect someone very quickly.

Mon84, 30th July

Very happy, thank you

"Intergelato & Dotti" 27 July

My fiance Stefania and I wanted to let you know that all thanks to your amazing site we actually met last Nov, fell in love almost immediately and got engaged in May. We are due to be married this October in Tuscany. Quick work, but when you know, you know...

In order to meet her I posed as an ice cream loving spaceman called "Intergelato" looking for a wild Italian adventure with a gorgeous brown eyed Italian space girl. Well it wasn't long before I met "Dotti", an Italian ballet dancing fashionista who just so happened to work around the corner from my flat. We corresponded for a few weeks getting to know one another, both finding the build up very romantic. Eventually we met one cold sunday afternoon for lunch in Soho, a meeting neither of us will ever forget. Later on, arm in arm ambling through the West End we kissed under watchful eyes of Eros in Piccadilly.

Amazing and as simple as that. She moved in that month and the rest is as they say is history.

We wanted to extend our thanks to you and share our amazing news. We will also post you a photo of a wedding in October.

Very best,

Ben & Stefania

Morso 23 July

I got fed up with seeing photos of the men in my area so tried clicking 'like' on someone further afield. His subscription had expired and he re-joined to answer my 'click'. Perfect from when we first met up half way. We are now seeing each other regularly and the world couldn't be a better place. Thank you for helping me find the man of my dreams! I am so happy...

Cather1ne, 23 July

Lovely man, thanks so much!

MagicNumber, 23 July

fingers crossed but I think I might have found her :)

BobCatGirl, 21 July

Paul_46 was the first guy I really 'liked' on the site and I was drawn to him straight away. He saw my profile whilst on a train to Sheffield but lost wifi connection and it wasn't until his return trip he saw that I'd 'liked' him first. We exchanged funny, sarcastic and flirty emails for a week before meeting up for our first date on a cold December afternoon on the Southbank. It quickly turned into hours of non stop chatting and a bit of laughing at dead crows nailed to a wall at Tate Modern. I have a disability which I started confessing too in a pub and Paul told me he knew all about it anyway, as he'd Googled me and found my blog. I kissed him and that was it. 12 hours later we were hustled off home by bar staff at the BFI who wanted to close up. Nearly 9 months on and we're very much in love. Thank you Soulmates: you lived up to your name.

TomTom82, 20th July

I met the most wonderful woman on soulmates back in October of last year, I forgot to delete my profile as I no longer need it. Why?... Because we are getting married this October. Almost a year to the day since we first met. Thanks soulmates.

mylaptopmademedoit, 17th July

Met someone with whom I want to build a relationship! It's mutual and pretty marvelous. Thanks.

Pardofelis, 15th July

Thank you GSM for helping me meet the man of my dreams, now my husband :)

just1, 13th July

It has been a successful experience. Thank you.

soulsearchingsteve, 13th July

I managed to find the missing piece of my jigsaw puzzle after only 2 days Thank U & be in touch with the wedding plans 

Sukiwarrior, 13th July

Sukiwarrior has met the man of her dreams on your website Soulsearchingsteve Good bye and thank you.

ElectronicLadyLounge, 13th July

Found an amazing man, it's going really well. It took 3 years, but got there in the end. I read one of your testimonials - somebody who wanted to give it one last try although she'd almost given up, then she met somebody. I read that testimonial and the exact same thing happened to me. Thank you GS :-)

Waving, 11th July

great site thanks!

McDJ17, 10th July

I have found my match within an hour or 2 and we are going for dinner tomorrow night. A big Thank you to you all at the Guardian

bleakhouse, 7th July

She is my first ever girlfriend, and is totally worth the 30 year wait. Hopelessly in love. Thanks so much.

Sunnow, 6th July

I pressed the like button, a return like with a message meant I renewed my subscription. We have met and have "found my match."

curvycathy, 5th July

We met on this site at the very beginning of my membership and are now in a relationship

jflocky, 5th July

I'm in a relationship with the first guy I met in person from this site!

silvercurlew, 1st July

I hope that I have met the most perfect man for me, musical, funny, loving, and deeply compasionate. Thank you. We had both got to the stage where we thought we would never connect with anyone again. We spoke to each other as people that had been through common experiences. It made all the difference.

serendipity92, 30th June

There were some nice guys on here, I had fun. I wasn't looking for a relationship, but I found the loveliest guy, I don't think I would have met him without this site- he's perfect, to me. I thought the site was a bit expensive with it's fees, but I do think it's worth it, really. Thank you, Guardian Soulmates, I found my match through you, and I've never been happier.

LeoLeo, 28th June

I am a very happy man now thanks to meeting Barley on soulmates x

NatureGuy, 22nd June

GSM worked a treat and my new girlfriend and I are full steam ahead! Thank you!

seagirl, 21st June

All going well- I met my true soulmate thanks to guardian soulmates.

Dandandan!, 17th June

I was about to give up completely, and then I met Sarah on this site. Approximately 60 emails and five dates later and we're pretty sure we won't be needing Soulmates for the forseeable future. So thank you.

Johnfrancis, 16th June

great experience, thankyou

kairosman, 12th June

I have found a super lovely person and we are seriously seeing each other exclusively and we intend long term! Thank you soulmates!!

rhodripontcanna, 6th June

First email, and first date within 2 weeks of joining Soulmates. Very happy, and thank you.

MorningPoem, 4th June

It has been a revelation. I felt it was special when we wrote to each other. Each message of hers made me smile, and feel good. We are both very open - well, like you see here coming from me. Then we met and we were in one another's arms before we knew it. I did not know this was possible, to desire somebody strongly and be desired by her as well. There is something calm to that. It has only been a month now, but it feels like we have been together for ages. This sounds all so cliche.

JoJo7778, 3rd June

Guardian Soulmates, you did your job well. I have met the most amazing person, I'm totally surprised at how effective my first go at internet dating has been.

bollweevil, 3rd June

I had 15 dates, and the 15th one worked out. Thanks!

wimberry, 2nd June

After several years and many (eventually) unsuccessful dates, here we are - success! I don't plan to be back. She feels the same way too, so now you know.

Bluewitch, 25th May

Thank you soulmates. I have met a wonderful man and we are sharing our dreams for a future together.

poptones, 24th May

I'm amazed. Thank you. Best £32 I ever spent.

hannahb, 18th May

We're living together and very happy.

Castanets, 18th May

I met an absolutely wonderful women with whom I hope to have a pretty spanking future - thanks!

Katy_Did, 16th May

It worked! We're moving in together soon.

MirrorMan, 11th May

very pleased with successful match!

OneDayasaLion, 9th May

She's awesome :-)

claire72, 4th May

Met a lovely man over a year ago and still going strong!

Miss_Magpie, 4th May

Thank you so much..... I have bagged an actual hero.

Deepbrowneyedgirl, 3rd May

Married! Happier than the happiest person. Thanks Soulmates

olliecat82, 29th April

She's lovely

RunFreeCol, 29th April

I found my match on this site|Taking a break as have found my "Soulmate" - Many thanks!!

darkknight1981, 28th April

I'd normally try and write something smart in an optional box but feel like I really should just say thank you - very much - Soulmates. I've met an absolutely wonderful, amazing and beautiful woman who I connected with immediately and although it's only been 5 weeks, I'm crazy about her and more - much more. We are most definitely an item and we are planning a future - such is the connection. The fact is I'd have definitely approached Kristina had I seen her out and about, but your service laid the way and I'm very grateful. Thank you once again and keep up the great work. Ty

southlondonphil, 27th April

Found a fabulous girl, been dating 8months now and planning to move in together and get married next year! Never though online dating would work! Fancy sponsoring the wedding, guardian?!!

borisbikefan, 25th April

I met my soulmate on this site!

JacquePierre, 21st April

Found a lovely lady, so many thanks for your help, your site, for me has been great. Pete

euridice13, 20th April

We have been dating for eight months and just put the deposit down on our new flat.

Kleine, 17th April

Dear Guardian Soulmates Team, after 20+ first dates from your site (I stopped counting after a while), many promising guys but zero chemistry I had almost given up hope. I told myself just one last time to give it a shot, with really no expectations. I met someone truly amazing, we clicked immediately and although its still very early days, I want to say thank you as this site helped me find him. We are both very happy and you guys are doing a fantastic job in elevating the level of online dating quite a bit! Keep it going :) x Kristina

Let's_Face_the_Music, 15th April

I found my soul mate and she has found hers. We are truly a match and very, very in love. Thank you GSM

honzon, 11th April

Thank you soul mates!

David67, 9th April

Judek and I are getting married. So happy.

Funrunner, 6th April

What's to say? We met up and now, 7 mths later we're very much together. Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo. Thank you!

Shovelhands, 5th April


rwesthen, 1st April

Met the man of my dreams! My search is over :)

Anon, 29th March

Dear Guardian Soulmates,

Zoe and I met through your website nearly four years ago. She works as a Circus performer, and I work in Film, and although we are both based in London, we're both pretty sure that the chances of us meeting by other means were slim... On Friday last week, we got married in New York! Zoe is the most wonderful woman I've ever met, and I know we are going to have an extremely happy life together. I just wanted to thank everyone at Guardian Soulmates who made our meeting possible.

Uniquelyme, 2nd March

Things are working out well with the match I have made via this site. Thank you.

PenSong, 18th February

Thank you

AfterThinkingWoman, 16th February

I am very happy and grateful to Soulmates for helping me find such a wonderful woman.

Youcandream, 16th February

I have met a wonderful man, eternal gratitude GSM x

Sumi, 15th February

I have had a good experience of using Guardian Soulmates and I am very happy with my current partner

VillageIdiot76, 8th February

She's wonderful - we're very happy

dejaWho, 5th February

I'm a dating a lovely, lovely girl; so mission accomplished! Thanks!!

yourgirl1, 2nd February

Thank you very much

Broonski, 1st February

Thank you GS. I'm currently in a lovely relationship thanks to this site!

Bridgester, 31st January

Very happy with service,it worked for me !!

paknight457, 29th February

I have found my one true love and we will be getting married later this year! Thank you Guardian Soulmates :-)

Jay__, 27th February

I'm very happy with my GSM soulmate Paul who I met here. Will keep you posted on our progress... Thanks for creating and looking after a dating site that really seems to do what it says on the tin: making soulmates meet. All the best Jutta Tobias

happyhellebore, 25 January

Very, very, very unexpectedly I found my perfect match on my first date. I was discerning, and so was he. Soulmates gives you enough information to give you a verybgood idea of the sort of person you are going to meet. It certainly did to Richard and I!

angusw, 24th January

I don't think I really believed I would find a soulmate after the death of my wife of twenty years. I did though. Her GSM name was pocketsized and she is everything to me now. So thankyou soulmates.

debjan11, 21st January

Found my perfect match after 1 date.

Bérangine, 21st January


IndigoBlue, 20th January

I am absoluitely blown away! I have never had so much fun in such a short period of time. The one trick to successful online dating is to really put your "all in" to meeting new and exciting people. In all my years, I have never experienced multiple dating. My time here on Soulmates has found me some new friends and a wonderful new loving partner. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

sparx, 19th January

Many thanks.

migus, 18th January

Although the site initially gave us only a 58% compatibility rate, I am glad to say that, in our case, it was wrong (although some of us needed a little bit of convincing). We are almost celebrating our 2 years' anniversary and we're planning to move in. Thank you, Alan Rusbriger!

Astrowild, 18th January

I have found Cosmic Companion here ~ She is my Sun, Moon & Stars ~ The woman to whom I have given my heart. We Are Together, We Are One, We Are Love.

P1ppa, 17th January

Because I met the love of my life, thanks for helping us find each other!

Jkaylia, 11th January

I have truly met my soulmate. thankyou

michalj, 11th January

I met Anna a year ago here on Guardian Soulmates. She is a wonderful person. We've been together now for a year and love her very much (and she loves me).

Magda52, 10th January

I found my soulmate through your site.

BarbaraJ, 8th January

Thank you for providing a very good site.

HappyRoadRunner, 5th January

I have found the most wonderful, loving and beautiful person. We have had an incredible time over Christmas and New Year and I know that 2015 is going to be a wonderful year. Thank you.

rjcopp, 4th January

Thanks! It worked for me, at last....

Plainflower, 4th January

I found my match on this site- He's ace!

Nat, 2nd January 2015

Our first date was on March 24 2013 after we'd exchanged messages for a couple of weeks through soulmates. We got engaged at Christmas and will be married this year. We still can't believe our fortune to have found each other! What a great dating site.

Goldfinch, 29th December

Found a fantastic girl on here, thanks very much!

FrenchFan, 27th December

Thankyou :-)

Cito, 21st December

Found a beautiful man on your site so happy so grateful to GSM no words can express our appreciation

StopMakingSense, 19th December

THANKS... After 3 months of writing around 19,000 words, over 14,000km apart and a temperature difference of over 60 degrees we met up back in London and a month later I’m leaving the site...for the best of reasons. Thanks.

Maisie, 19th December

Thank you! Fingers crossed - have met a really lovely gentleman through your site.

Tubereuse, 16th December

I found my match on this site-thank you!x

jnthn,15th December

I met an amazing guy 8 months ago and things have been going from strength to strength. I feel my life is full of love and is a life that's full indeed. Thank you so so much! It's been amazing.

inconspicuou, 14th December

18 months on, we're very happy. Thanks!

AndyMardle, 10th December

Happily....... Guardian Soulmates has worked for me.

Cellob, 8th December

I met someone from here in May, had a great time, though he wasn't ready. I changed sites, and the guy I met earlier in the year from here, came back and is ready to explore a relationship. Super happy. Thank you for connecting us, it took a little while but we are happy.

John2018, 3rd Decemeber

I'm impressed with the quality of the site. I met several interesting people and made at least one very good friend as well as someone special.

dancing.girl, 1st December

Currently a success story (and hopefully going to continue)- met 18 months ago and still going strong. A lot of luck was involved but also the fact you can filter by so many factors on this site: we found each other using those algorithms I guess! So thanks GSM.

Rooneroo, 30th November

I met the man I'm going to marry in Oct 2015 about a year ago on your website. I'm pretty damned happy with your services.

Artless, 29th November

Thank you! I'm seeing someone lovely, which is very unexpected.

2005phildog, 27th November

Have started seeing someone I met on the site and we have both agreed to take down our profiles to concentrate on getting to know each other without other distractions...!

seafrontsi, 25th November

I met my current girlfriend here. We have been together for nearly 4 months now and although still early days things are going well. Thank you soulmates!

londonparis, 20th November

Thanks Guardian Soulmates, it worked..:)

to_wit_to_woo, 10th November

I found my match on this site& she's incredible! <3

summerset83, 10th November

I found my match on this site; he's lovely :)

Lizzie123, 10th November

Messaged about 5 people but dated one and we are still together and so pleased I joined Guardian Soulmates. Changed my life for the better.

eyesee, 5th November

Didn't think it would happen, but I actually found my soulmate. So thanks, guys.

Torridon, 5th November

Thanks - it took over a year, but things are looking up at long last. Was beginning to give up!

Sdfrankl, 31st October

I found my match on this site; thanks v much!

fighting_tommy, 28th October

Found the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with!!!

telephone, 21st October

I found the perfect woman at soulmates. Thank you very much.

SundayNext, 21st October

Dear Guardian Soulmates: I had NEVER imagined you guys were such powerful Guardian Angels.... I joined in August, he sent a like in September, and that was it for both of us!!! Alone many years and not any longer. Thank you so much. It´s good we can´t have children any more because the poor child would be stuck with the name Guardian Soulmates! WE LOVE YOU BOTH.

Nightwish, 20th October

Met the most amazing lady in my whole life

CultureGranny, 18th October

I have found someone, quite near me, with whom I've already found a close friendship, and we both think it may well go further. Thank you, Guardian Soulmates, for bringing us together.

Aircanoe, 17th October

What a wonderful surprise to have met someone and instantly clicked. Still early days flying through the blue skies with no clouds in sight!

Huacaya, 11th October

Ed and I met just 15 months ago and are expecting our first baby in May. We couldn't be happier. Thank you!

owene73, 8th October

Met someone on here in 2013 and we now have an amazing 5 week old daughter and plan to get married this december. Very very thankful for the whole soulmates experience.

richJ, 6th October

Met someone pretty cool on my 3rd date! - see her on Friday for our 7th, which also happens to be the day of my next payment Going to give it go, see what happens. Thanks Richard

Riverswimmer65, 5th October

I have been lucky enough to find a fantastic woman. : )

Jommy, 4TH October

I have met someone who I am currently dating from this site and it is going really well. Thanks

Dorisdaydream, 30th September

Happy as Larry Nearly gave up, God it was hard work at times But all of a sudden Pop! I met him Screaming with delight right now Thank you. It was the free weekend you gave me at bank holiday that spured me on to try again Then an accidental subscription meant I was on for enough time to meet him. So, an accidental subscription They always say it happens when you least expect it.

JapanFan, 29th September

Thanks Soulmates! I met a wonderful man through this site and am signing out.

NorthernExposure31, 28th September

Subscription fee seems like nothing now I've met a wonderful person. So, that's a giant upside :)

Mr_MWG, 24th September

Thanks Guardian. Unsubscribing as you helped me find someone wonderful.

fenomenomono, 22nd September

We've been together a year and it is wonderful so thank you for existing so we could meet, I am extremely grateful and can say that I have finally found my soulmate

nickname12, 22nd September

Three months since we first met on Midsummer's Day and we are both very happy together - thank you Soulmates!

NunoMG, 17th September

Thank you

CurlyAlex, 16th September

I have found a great guy on here! Seeing each other for 5 months now and we're going on our first holiday next month! Very happy - thank you!

Neville_Bartos, 15th September

I have found the finest lass that I've ever had the pleasure to meet through GS. It was a proper lightening bolt job, she had me at hello! I was recommended this site by my brother who found his belle on here five years ago and I have recommended it to others. It's a really nice site, well done and thankyou. Best regards Rob

Kokoa, 14th September

I am very happy. If it turns out to be wrong I will come back. But I don't think I will need to , thanks.

snapshotmessiah, 13th September

Thank you

orangedave, 8th September

Success! She's bloody gorgeous.....

VanFan, 3rd September

I'm happy to say that I've found a lovely partner through Guardian Soulmates, so no longer need to be registered. I have recommended you to several people who have since joined. Keep up the good work :)

OliviaMessiaen, 29th August

I am going out with someone very nice I met on here. Thanks everyone. X

MillaMar, 27th August

I found my match on this site and I am very happy about it! Thank you so much.

SirGad, 27th August

I have found a lovely lady!

CFlick, 26th August

It's the 2nd time I've used it - the 1st time was 3 years ago and I had 2 unsuccessful dates. This time I had 1 unsucessful date and the next 1 was really good. I can't believe my luck and he says the same which is good!

j_morrison, 25th August

I found my match on this site :)

PJJones, 24th August

Now in a relationship with Nightswimming24

IlGatto, 19th August

So far, so good. Thank you for your help!

AProperGuy, 19th August

She's absolutely lovely in every way - she ticks every box I ever had, then she added some more and ticked them, too. I couldn't be happier. Thank you SO much.

CharismaticConundrum, 15th August

found a beautiful girl and don't need the site any more. Thanks a lot Soul Mates!!

traddad, 15th August

Found a "match" a few weeks after joining. Was the first person I arranged to meet. Have known each other almost 6 months now and very happy about it.

Peterb63 7th August

I have found just what I'm looking for, thank you. Thanks to GSM my future is warm, bright and full of love .......

HugoAndOddsock, 4th August

I went on a date with the first person to 'like' me! After ten days we were in Thailand together, after 6 months we moved in and now, 18 months on we own a flat. So maybe Internet dating does work after all...

UBL4087, 31st July

I have the wonderful Karen and I do not need this site anymore. Thank you very very much soulmates

Fleeto88, 29th July

She is AMAZING! Thank you Guardian Soulmates xxx

Sansby 26th July

I liked the first girl I met on this site and I feel a bit weird about seeing her and continuing to browse women.

another.sarah 24th July

He's lovely. Thanks GS

Catherine77, 20th July

I found my match on this site: He is a lush Geordie fella!

Anon, 20th July

My partner Rich and I are writing this together, on the morning of our first anniversary. One year ago today we met in a park in East London, with the intention of going for a wholesome bike ride.

One bottle of gin, countless watermelon martinis, some reckless dancing and a bag of Hula Hoops later, we got to the end of our 12-hour marathon date, only for me to realise the next morning that I had lost my purse. After texting Rich to ask whether he had casually stolen it, I got a reply to say he was going to gallantly retrace our steps to look for it. Against the odds he succeeded (maintaining to this day he did not, in fact, steal it), and to repay his kindness when he brought it round I roped him into helping me build a wardrobe. After another 12 hours we said goodbye, but have hardly been apart since.

We moved in together four months later, and got engaged on New Year's Eve. This has been the happiest year of both of our lives, and we want to thank Soulmates for bringing us together

Butterflysmiles, 13th July

After 6 months... I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that things work out well

Jarhalffull, 3rd July

Find I fantastic partner and we are a great match...thank you.

White_Iron, 2nd July

3 months after our first date, we started making plans to move in together. This happy, easy and healthy kind of relationship has never happened to me before. It's quick but when you know, you just know.

justfishing, 30th June

Found someone perfect. thanks

Rock101, 30th June

found a great guy on this site and no longer wish to meet anyone else. Fingers crossed!

lemoncake111, 30th June

Woman seeking woman... I found her. Didn't take long. Thanks to all the Cupids in your department (what a lovely job!)

live laugh love, 29th June

He's so wonderful, we're so happy!

B-side_C-side, 25th June

I'm totally amazed, but as I informed you by email, my actual soul-mate found me and contacted me via this site and after getting to know each other extensively by email whilst she was working abroad, we met and have hit it off on all levels. We still find it hard to believe, but are extremely happy, so thank you very much. Guardian Soulmates is definitely one of the premier online dating sites, although my (now) partner did have some rather sleazy men contacting her on here initially. Thank you again.

JoliaRuberts, 15th June

I am happy beyond words. Thank you!

Interesting, 15TH June

thank you - it was good!

Jo, 14th June

I joined Soulmates almost 10 years ago ...I met the beautiful Julia and we've been together ever since. Thanks, Soulmates

JoliaRuberts, 15th June

I am happy beyond words. Thank you!

Interesting, 15th June

thank you - it was good!

Pete_65, 12th June

Her name is Jane and she is wonderful. What else can I say.

Anna2014, 11th June

Thank you, I thought the people I met on this site were great and I have found someone for a longer-term relationship.

MissBea, 6th June

As I said, I found a partner through this site! Thanks.

rossc955, 4th June

thank you so much I`ve met someone wonderfull

Wombatxx, 3rd June

I have found someone wonderful and we are in love ... two 67 year olds like at 17! Thank you for your fab site.

Homeboy_hippie, 1st June

I found my match on this site and she's bloody gorgeous!!!

JBun, 26th May

Tick, this website works

Kazzy, 25th May

I went on a date with 40 people in 11months. That WAS hard work! l was very disappointed most of the time l went on a date and l only fancied 2people........TILL l met my SOULMATE! I didn't expect anything from him as he was much younger and he was out of my age range and so was l! But it's been a year since l met him and things has been amazing and he has moved in with me and my kids. We are thinking getting married too. Thank you so much Guardian Soulmates! I might have been still lonely single mum if l hadn't joined you. Thank you so very much. Kazzy

simonge37, 25th May

I have fallen in love with someone on this site. We have now been together for over a year and are living together. We will get married once we can afford it!

pagliaccia, 22nd May

I think he may be the one!

PanamaGirl, 21st May

Yours is the best dating site I've seen and the most interesting group of people. Alan Siddle on your site and I met there about May 1st and he travelled here to Panama on May 13th and is still here!. Bless you all and congratulations on your excellent Soulmate website. Buena Suerte (good luck) and thank you. Tell your children always to read a good newspaper like The Guardian!

djr.80, 21st May

I met my girlfriend Jenny through soulmates. She's lovely. Thanks!!!!!!

Golden11, 20th May

I am hopeful that I've found what I am looking for.

Dakkar, 20th May

I have found a good match through Soulmates. Thank you.

Bookmonkey, 20th May

I found my match on this site, :-) What more is there to say

Marie_Ell, 20th May

...we got hitched! Wahoo xx

Fifi_laRoux, 20th May

I found my soulmate, so thanks! Very happy :)

FunnyGirlToo, 13th May

I met my 'Guardian Soulmate' on the site in April 2013 and we are coming up to our 1 year anniversary at the end of May 2014. He is everything I was looking for and we are very happy together.

lauraeb, 9th May

Thank you!

Meme9, 7th May

Maybe found my match, so happy to stop subscription. Thank you, good site.

Brox289, 6th May

Very happy with this site. I met my soulmate forgive the pun

Rosalie_900, 6th May

I have found a super man on this site, whom I have been seeing for a year, and very much hope it will continue. Thank you!

Beachgent, 6th May

I emailed her on a Friday, we were to meet twelve days hence, and we were together by the next moon, she is here with me now and will be hopefully by the new moon to come. Thank you all there in the ministry of love, I hope I don't need to contact you again however...

Ernie, 6th May

Thanks. Would never have met without Soulmates.

Bella1986, 5th May

We are getting married this summer! Thank you x

henrydreams, 5th May

I am totally in Love with someone who is in Love with me and I met her on here! and I don't want to meet anyone else as I Love the person I've met more than anyone I've ever met even more than my ex-wife of 26 years !! Thank You Guardian Soulmates for helping to make me so Happy !!

YogiMare, 5th May

Head over heel in love with a man who only live 2 miles away. Thank you## Ness1968, 5th May

Guardian Soulmates really worked for me. I have met the most wonderful person and all the signs are that he is the one. I will be forever grateful to Soulmates. Thank you.

Tess, 2nd May

We met this time last year and we're going on a celebratory date tonight. Thanks Soulmates!

SeussSneetch, 23rd April

Thank you

Irishka, 22nd April

I am so very happy. I found absolutely wonderful person. Thank you

summercat, 20th April

I found my match, a lovely man called David...and we've been together for 10 months :)

melusine, 19th April

He's amazing :)

Vita_brevis, 18th April

11 months into a soulmates relationship... It's a bit weird getting matches sent to my email every few weeks when I have one already. :-)

ProbablyDave, 17th April

Thanks :)

museme, 17th April

I met someone two years ago through the site

Elby, 17th April

I met the man of my dreams on the first date I went on! Thank you :)

mynorthernsky, 17th April

Her name is Ibi and she is amazing, I am so lucky

Seakayaker, 15th April

I have found a wonderful lady and never thought I'd be this happy again..thank you

WinkWink, 15th April

Thank you!

SoldUnseen, 14th April

Thank you, we've been going out for 7 months now and its awesome!

pidiba, 14th April

I'm just about to buy a house with my boyfriend ... who I met on GS!

mark25, 12th April

Getting married

cheekygeekychic, 12th April

It has now been a over a year, we are very happy and hoping to move in together very soon.

WilliamCurls, 9th April

I got in touch with as user, we wrote each other some messages, until we preferred to talk over the phone. We now have been together for nearly a month and things are going really, really well :-)

Joey, 2nd April

Found the love of my life, very happy thank you!

Surfarosa, 1st April

I've met a girl on this site, who is awesome! Well done, The Guardian

tris82, 30th March

Found my soulmate thankyou

Finchetta, 29th March

He's a total babe. But overall the internet process isn't for me. Your site is brilliant, though, and the whole thing was definitely worth paying for. Thanks!

henryisdreaming, 26th March

I have found someone on Guardian Soulmates and I'm very much in Love. Thank you all of you on Guardian Soulmates. Good Luck , Henry

boxtastic2, 25th March

in love. thank you guardian!

penstar14, 24th March

Thankyou so much! I found my soulmate on your site and I'm so happy, we're very much in love! :-)

Changchun, 23rd March

Thank you. I have found my boy friend on this site.

MarmiteMoiMoi, 22nd March

I no longer have to search...we've found each other...Thank you!

Admitsimpediments, 20th March

She's ace

outdoorlover, 20th March

Thank you

Mr_Shifter, 20th March

Thank you!

Sparkie, 19th March

thanks x

antb, 19th March

Very happy!

ModernRomance, 16th March

Thanks, Guardian Soulmates - I've found her!

LadyBird1000, 14th March

Found a great guy- thanks!!

DeckchairDave, 5th March

I met a wonderful woman called Sue - she was the first person to "like" me and she was the first person that I "liked". We hit it off instantly on the very first date, and we have been launched into a fantastic relationship that just gets better every day! Neither of us can quite believe our good luck, so Thank You very very much Guardian SoulMates!

Stevenbob56 4th March

I met Josie on your site-it's taken me 57 years to find my soul twin-we are so happy, thank you so much! I admit I had all but given up !! Regards Steven

gingkoleaf 3rd March

I emailed someone on Soulmates although the site said I was a "zero percent match" for him. That was about 18 months ago. We have been inseparable ever since. We do have a good laugh about the zero percent match every now and then...

Becky and Tom, 25th February

We both moved to Norfolk from London as singletons last year, with no expectation of finding love. We messaged using soulmates in March 2013, had our first date in a beautiful Norfolk pub on 2nd April 2013, and Tom proposed last month. We are very much in love, happily engaged and planning our wedding next year. We just fit perfectly together and feel incredibly lucky to have found each other.

We really cannot thank you enough. Although we are both from London and live in the same county we cannot imagine how our paths would have crossed without guardian Soulmates.

Crystal, 23rd February

I met my boyfriend on Soulmates... when I was just about to have a break from the site. Thanks!

LN, 18th February

I found my match on this site|I met someone almost seven months ago. Relationship is still going strong and we've just spent our first two week holiday together. Thanks Soulmates!

Sophie, 16th February

I love him, he is lovely!

LJSilver, 16th February

We're getting married in September

Jon and Clare, 14 February

'I'd like to say thank you to Guardian Soulmates for it was here that I met Clare, a woman that over time has become my lover, best friend, confidante, fantasy and soulmate, all of which is more than I could have dreamed of when I signed up. We are now in to our second year together so it feels like my proclamation has some substance. We're not a particularly out there kind of couple, we spend nearly all our time together by ourselves so it's quite bold of me to make this public declaration, but I'm sure Clare will smile if she reads this and I say to her 'thank you very much for finding me, Honey'.'

AW, 14 February

"My now husband showed up 20 minutes late on our first date. I was about to leave and call my best mate telling her to come and meet me down the pub to drown out the fact that I had been stood up. And then he showed. I was later to find out that it takes as much as a nuclear disaster to make him show up on time.

We had a few bottles of red down the pub and got harassed by a man dressed in a Swiss Heidi wig claiming to know my now husband. This obviously didn't help his case any further.

However the red flowed and we found out we had a mutual love for Kruder & Dorfmeister and he pulled out a gift he had bought me it was the eve of my birthday. It was a book called 'Is it just me or is everything shit?' With pretty much summed up all the messages we shared before the date.

We went home with each other that night, to listen to Kruder & Dorfmeister that is of course that is. Which I then couldn't find amongst my CD collection after the bottles of red. Our profiles were offline the next day. And he still tells friends how I lured him into my flat under the false premonition of listening to an elusive CD.

Two years later we got married in a Buddhist ceremony in Phu Quoc, Vietnam later followed by a small official one in London. We couldn't be happier and friends around us have taken up Soulmates as well as they simply can't believe that a couple like us would meet online.

Thanks for everything Guardian Soulmates! You've made our lives!"

Duncan, 14th February

I found my match on this site - she's lovely, thanks.

Carrie, 13 February

'Jeremy and I met through soul mates last April. I think we both knew after our first email exchange that this was something real. After dozens of mails then late night phone calls we arranged to meet a week after our first contact. It was amazing , terrifying and just felt so natural.

It's so hard to write about this without sounding cheesy or using cliches but we are just so happy and so in love. It hasn't been an easy ride; I'm a widow with three children and he has four - we live an hour apart. But we make it work and just enjoy the time we have together; a huge, slightly dysfunctional, fun loving family.

So the site does work! I'm a believer .... living a happier, better life. Thank you .'

Betde, 11th February

I found my match on this site - Thank you!

Sunflower, 11th February

Found some one really nice through the site. Thanks for your service.

Bruce, 11th February

I found my match on the first date and am very happy with your service. We have been seeing each other for a month now and both really enjoying each others company. Thank you.

hopetimist, 10th February

I found my match on this site :-)

AdrianB, 9th February

I found my match on this site|Met my ideal match on here 10 months and very happy. It took a while to find that special one, but it worked in the end, so I suppose a big thank you is due.

rubyland 9th February

I found my match on this site - We've been together for 2 years now! Thank you.

Jtina 8th February

Really good site, the dates were very nice and mature. And I found someone on this site. So thank you and keep up the good work.

MGarner 31st January

I have been on this site for a few months and I have just found an amazing person that I really believe could be my soulmate! We have so much in common, and we get on so well. Thank you for helping me to find him!

Asimina, 29th January

I found a lovely Norwegian man thanks to you 'Soulmates'. Thank you! Asimina

badokidogo, 28th January

A great dating website - a better class of person can be found on this site than on others. Thank you, I feel I have met the perfect woman for me!

Ann1e, 25th January

I met my boyfriend through this site. We are now going out for six months

CD72, 23rd January

Loved up and very happy! Think this might be 'it'!

Hmm-_mmmm, 21st January

I met a wonderful man on my third date via GS which I joined in early Dec 13 - we are very happy and are both now deleting our accounts....thank you GS, worth every penny!!

Jenny, 21st January

I met my boyfriend on Soulmates. I joined on the Saturday night, and liked him that night. the next day he got in touch. The following Sunday we met up and have been going out ever since. That's 10 months now and it's going great! My boyfriend is slightly annoyed that I met him on my first visit, and he has been looking for me for years!!! (kidding)

Amity, 18th January

After only 2 months on the site I found and fell in love with the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with. I was the first person that he contacted and Im so pleased I was able to snap him up before anyone else did. We have had the most wonderful 4 months together and are enjoying every moment. Thank you GSM

Peckham 79, 17th January

I'm getting married! Hooray!

redacted, 12th January

I found my match on this site - strange but true.

Lancashirelass, 6th January

Success with Soulmates! Thanks

Haze, 3rd January

We’re completely smitten! I've found my soulmate. Buy a hat - I've never been so sure that I've found the one! Thank you - I feel so lucky to have found him.

JNG, 2nd January

Found my match on this site - It works!

ShowerSinger, 2nd January 2014

I found my match on this site - She's awesome! Wasn't reeeeaaaallly looking for a serious thing (I wanted one, just didn't have much hope!) but I found the loveliest girl in the world. Thank you!

WB81, 31st December

I met someone from this site just over two weeks ago, and as daft as it may sound, we've been pretty much inseparable since. So, as much as you never know how life will pan out, it's nice to cancel a subscription to something with a good news story. Thank you! Steven

Danny, 29th December

I’ve met someone using your site, we met 3 months ago, have had 8 dates and spending New Year together :) Thank you for connecting us...who knows!!! Dan

Vik, 21st December

I'm delighted to have met the love of my life here in July and we're very much in love almost 6 months later. He continues to surprise and delight me every day, we're virtually inseparable and we can see a long & happy future together. I credit our meeting to everyone at Soulmates who work to make this a great space with compatibility at the heart of everything you do. There was no doubt we were a match from day one.

For all you new joiners, or those feeling it's a lost cause.... please, please, please have hope. It WILL happen for you and you're in the best place for when it does :)

JLC, 14th December

I just want you to know that I found my true soul-mate thanks to you 3 years ago. We are now married and we have moved to France together. I hope the same happens to many of your subscribers. Thank you from both of us.'

Jo C, 11th December

Thanks Soulmates, met someone great!

Amelia, 11th December

Thank you, thank you! Soul Mates works! I no longer need you!

Richard, 9th December

Thankyou Guardian Soulmates, I have found someone very special.

Ditzy-blonde, 8th December

I found my match on this site. And we're now having a baby..!

Daphne, 4th December

I have met the woman of my dreams Thank you GSM!!

CZ, 29th November

I am now in a steady relationship thanks to guardian soulmates. Cheers!

Jaimie, 29th November

We've been together for 18 months and we are truly soulmates. Thanks!

Girl in red, 28th November

I found my match on this site - Thank you!

Maillot_Jaune and Welsh67, 26th November

We are writing this message jointly from our 2nd holiday together after meeting nearly 8 months ago. We had different experiences of internet dating. GS was the only dating website that I had ever used and within 24 hours he had sent me a message - we met 2 days later and haven't looked back. He was the only person I met - he says I hit the jackpot first time (he had to wait awhile before he was so lucky!) His story is slightly different. He had tried a number of dating sites and been on a considerable number of dates before he met me. He says it was a very interesting time but that he's glad that he has now found his 'perfect woman'. We clicked instantly and haven't been apart much since that first date. We are very happy to have found each other and are planning to spend the rest of our lives together."

Sweet SW, 25th November

Thank you for making it really happen! I have met an amazing guy and we are making plans for the future and are in love.

Lulu_P, 19th November

Well...thank you very much for helping me to find my soulmate...It is actually working! :)

Tilapia, 18th November

Early days, but oh so happy! Thank you!

Andrew, 18th November

In the words from Mark off Peepshow: "She might be the one!"

BTC, 18th November

Fantastic dating site. DON'T CHANGE A THING ABOUT IT! Expensive? Perhaps ... or so it first seems but the retro, very basic, very focused format, (without forums, add ons or gimmicks), delivers exactly the right kind of experience and environment for bringing folk together. I'd been using similar sites for nearly a decade with mediocre success. Guardian Soulmates led me to a potential partner I had been seeking for all that time ... within 7 days! The course of my life has already changed profoundly ... whatever happens from now on. :) Thanks Soulmate team. (A very attentive and helpful soulmates team). That original £30 initial outlay would still have been worth it if it had been £300 or £3000! :) xx

Big Joe, 16th November

I found my match on this site - I love her

CaptainPlanet, 16th November

I found my match on this site - off to Bruges with my GSM find!

Amy, 16th November

I found my match on this site - 3 months with Steve and going strong

Chelmer 16th November

Following a second meeting that was really great I'm signing off. Hopefully I won't be back (!) but thanks.

Anniebell, 13th November

I've found my match on this site and we are engaged.

Clare, 12th November

I am really happy because I have finally found someone who is kind, caring and treats me well. He also happens to be hot too. So I don't need to be on here anymore. Thank you, Clare

Thwiepp, 11th Novmeber

I met a wonderful woman - looking promising.

LC 11th November

I Have found the love of my life - thanks guys!

Agnieszka, 9th November

I have a success story from your online dating site, still married since we met four years ago.

Elizabeth, 9th November

Just wanted to say thanks as a year and a half ago I net my perfect match on soulmates. We are getting married in February and will hopefully live happily ever after!

Hard to classify, 8th November

It's our first anniversay today since meeting on soulmates and we're getting married

EW, 5th November

He is awesome!!! that's all I gotta say.

Lee, 4th November

Thanks for setting up this site. Regards, Lee.

Laura, 4th November

It worked, you set me up with a good 'un, thanks! ;-)

Ben, 4th November

We've been dating steadily for a couple of months now and I can't believe how well it's going! Thank you for Soulmates - I never expected to fall so completely in love!

Bejewel, 2nd November

I found my match on this site. We are soulmates. Many thanks.

Anon, 30th October

'Thank you so much Soulmates! I launched into online dating 6 months after my separation from my husband. I made a few mistakes along the way, but every one taught me something about what I really wanted and needed. I was a little cynical when I went for it for a third time (after two short relationships that didn't work out) but deep down I was ready, confident in myself, and I knew what I wanted from someone. And bingo! I met someone, who was everything and more I could have hoped for, and we are very much in love. Relationships aren't straight forward when you have exes and 5 children between you, but being with the right person, every bit of time we spend together whether with the children or without them, is just brilliant fun and full of laughter. We might not get married, have children together or move in together any time soon, but we are completely there for each other, and make each other so happy, enjoying precious time together in amongst our busy, complicated lives! I couldn't have imagined I could be this happy, thank you.'

Ruth, 28th October 2013

Hi, I would like to leave Guardian Soul mates as I have met someone! Thank you so much X'

CS, 27th October 2013

Thank you. I really never expected to find anyone.

Justin, 27th October 2013

I found the man I always wished for but thought I would never find. We have been together a year now and I have great hopes for the future. Thank you so much, you have changed my life.

Flowergirl, 23rd October 2013

Early days but feels right! Was the first date I had too :) thank you!

BBB, 23rd October 2013

We met through the site in November 2012 and are getting married 9 November 2013 - thank you!

Polyvalent, 23rd October 2013

After three days I am canceling my subscription. Because the girl of my dreams messaged me three hours after I posted my details. Thank you Guardian! And good luck to everyone. It will happen at the right time. It works!

Chantelle, 19th October 2013

We're celebrating our first very happy year together after meeting thanks to Guardian Soulmates. We're absolutely committed to each other so won't be needing the site anymore. Thanks!

Credence, 15th October 2013

Great site and service - thank you.

Kojak, 14th october 2013

Thank you so much for a great site, I've met someone amazing and we've been going out for over 3 months now, off on our first holiday which is very exciting.

Grendel, 10 October 2013]

Matched up with the very first soulmate I started messaging :-)

Justin 30th September 2013

Dating a lovely girl from GSM!

MacDrum, 25th Septemeber 2013

We will be entering a civil partnership and very happy about this!

Laroque, 23rd September 2013

I think she's amazing. I think she thinks I'm alright. Fingers crossed....

Fiori, 21st September 2013

I found my match, he is amazing - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Vicki, 19th September 2013

I am seeing the first person I dated which is great and we're getting on well so thank you guardian soulmates. I'm glad I joined!

LS, 18th September 2013

I'm in love! Thank you and goodnight

Aventurier, 9th September 2013

I got myself a beautfiul Silesian woman. Thanks!

Denny, 4th September 2013

I found my match on this site. YAY! THANK YOU!!!

James, 2nd September 2013

Success! Found her at last! Thanks guys!

Jon, 3rd September 2013

Claudi and I met on Soulmates 5 years ago and we're getting married together at the end of the month. It's a big Anglo-German wedding involving a lot of lederhosen and tweed, and our Dog Gunther bearing the rings!

I'd just like to thank Soulmates and let everyone know that it does work! One word of advice: don't write a profile that you think will appeal to the most number of people, write one that appeals to you, that makes yourself smile. Then marry the one that laughs at your profile!

Richard, 29th August 2013

Thanks to you, I have found my match and I am extremely positive about the future.

John, 27th August 2013

I got lucky - found my 'soulmate' on the second date. I'm very happy! We're very happy!

Ria, 26th August 2013

I found my match on this site. Thank you!!!!

Stevie, 21st July 2013

I met a wonderful woman about a month ago. We have been meeting up regularly and decided we will see each other exclusively. Thank you for bringing us together.

Chris, 13th July 2013

Thank you Soulmates. I put a year into dating using this site and it has been a bit of a roller-coaster, and just when I was about to call it a day, I met the most amazing guy and fell in love. I never imagined I would meet someone who got me and loved me in the way he does, so thank you. I am so grateful.

Will, 6th July 2013

I have met the most amazing man that I have ever met. So, here's hoping things continue but so far...well, I just don't have words :- ) Thank you Guardian Soulmates!

Richard, 1st July 2013

I have met a lovely lady on this site several months ago and we have have recently got engaged. So many thanks to Guardian Soulmates.

Gordon, 30th June 2013

Online dating works! Thanks very much... Best £32 I ever spent.

Elliott, 27th June 2013

I found my soulmate. Thank you. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Paeonia, 27th June 2012

Very pleased to tell you I met someone great through Soulmates over a year ago, and we moved in together recently.

Sue, 24th June 2013

Thanks to Soulmates, I've met the man of my dreams.Thank you.

Jesmond, 24th June 2013

Found my match on this site, we are getting married next month!

Felicitas, 19th June 2013

You've made it possible that I have found my match. We have been going out for 6 months and our love has been growing ever since. I am very greatful to this site.

Fiona, 16th June 2013

I have met my soulmate on the first date!! Thank you !!!! He's fantastic!!!!

Neil, 11th June 2013

A truly great lady, we are ideally suited, and she is my true companion for the rest of my life.

Sarah, 11th June 2013

I found my match on this site and we are getting married...!

Kevin, 9th June 2013

Found my partner on here, so thanks to all at GS for an excellent experience.

Natalia, 4th June 2013

I felt completely in love on my first date, and he loves me, its been 3 weeks, and he already gave me 2 drawers..thanks guys

Natasha, 3rd June 2013

Thank you Guardian Soulmates! I met the most wonderful person on your site, who hilariously you listed as a 0% match for me - we have been together for nine months since first contact on GSM and are joyously, wonderfully happy.

Heather, 29th May 2013

I have found the love of my life on this site!

Ashley, 28th May 2013

I have been with my beautiful girlfriend for the last six months thanks to Soulmates

Zuzana, 26th May 2013

Just thanks :) hoping for the best now, found, actually someone found me here, who met me 5years ago and wanted to go out with me but did not happend for whatever reason and now we are dating after he found me on your site :) thanks

Stephen, 24th May 2013

She's great, could not have found her on my own thankyou!

Jenny, 23rd May 2013

We met a week after I joined the site and he's lovely. I don't want to meet anyone else!

Lucy, 20th May 2013

I have met my soulmate! Thank you

Ian, 20th May 2013

After only 9 days I met and fell for someone, I hope and think may well be the one. Thank you for providing a great service. I hope never to return, that this will be the one.

Adam, 6th May 2013

I have found my perfect match. We will have been going out for one year this Friday! Thank you Guardian Soulmates

Nina, 3rd May 2013

Absolutely unexpected and amazing - first date on here and found my soulmate!

Ryan, 13 June 2013

It was to my surprise that little over 3 weeks ago I received a like from someone who I thought looked and sounded amazing. After 2 emails we set a date for the following night. As soon as I met her I was struck by her beauty. Our first date was literally amazing and near the end we kissed (something I had stopped doing on first dates due to high level of experience gained!). There and then we set our next date and I promise you on that second date (a beginners Tango class) we started falling in love. Fast forward just 3 weeks, 15 dates and a handwritten poem later we are now boyfriend and girlfriend (officially as of last night) and we are so madly in love with one another it’s incredible. I know it’s very early days but I really was clear what kind of person I was looking for (the most amazing person I’ve ever met) and I was clear what I wanted (the most amazing extraordinary relationship ever) and I know I’ve found that in her/with her. She is the girl of my dreams.

We have been introducing each other to our friends, posting cheesy pics on facebook, she is meeting some of my family next week and she has invited me to be her +1 at her friend’s wedding back home in Spain in September when I will arrange to meet her parents too.

I will marry this girl.

So I want to thank you for the work that you do, the great site, the reputation that proceeds you which enrolls really great people to join and for providing the kind of platform that has allowed me to meet someone sooooooo unbelievably special.

Yours very happily,

Ryan and Natalia. x

Stottie, 30 April 2013

Hey presto! - I've met someone I like!

Hels, 29th April 2013

We've now been together for an year and a half and we have a 8 month old beautiful daughter !! Thanks !! : )

Hugh, 22 April 2013

Three and half years after I had been widowed my three boys were out and I was gardening when I had a sudden revelation - why not join Guardian Soulmates? This was rather strange because I wasn't actively looking for a partner - in fact I was rather content on my own. By the time my boys came home I had signed up and was wondering what I had done because I had seen someone - Roo (There was something about her picture) on page 46 and emailed her. Roo hadn't had any success before and so she'd let her subscription lapse but seeing my message she'd signed up again and emailed me back that first evening. A few days later I found myself telling my boys that for the first time since their mother died I was going to meet somebody - it wasn't easy but they took it well. Ten days later Roo and I met and I knew I had been right about the woman I'd seen in the picture - the chemistry was indeed, correct. Roo had brought up her children alone - for eight years - she was wonderful. A year later my once quiet house is regularly visited by Roo and her family and despite the 76 miles that separate us we are planning our future together.

Sara, 22nd April 2013

We are getting married in July!

Soonita, 21st April 2013

We have been together 1 yr and now live together. Still going strong.

Sara, 17th April 2013

I've met someone really great - only the second person I met up with - and we've been seeing each other for 6 months. We're in love and I think it's time to put a bit of faith in the future, so I'm deleting my account.

Heidi, 17th April 2013

In blissful happiness, thank you GSM!

Melanie, 16th April 2013

I found my perfect man within my first month's subscription. Would never have thought it was possible but it is! :-)

Claire, 14th April 2013

Very happy to say I met my match on this site and we're planning on moving in together. Delighted to be deleting my profile for good reasons. Thank you!

Aaron, 13th April 2013

I found an absolutely wonderful girl on here and 9 months on it gets better and better. Thank you soulmates!

Jo, 13th April 2013

Your dating site found me the love of my life!! We are moving in together this week. Best thing I have every done was using Guardian Soulmates. Thank you so much!!!

Chris, 8th April 2011

I met a girl on here in August 2011. She's ace and we've moved in together! Thank you, great site.

Daisy - 4th April 2013

I will no longer be needing your services... I might add that this is due to having met someone super wonderful through the site.. Soooo... Thank you for helping us find one another and filling our hearts with Love xxxxxxxxxx

Paloma, 1st April 2013

Thank you for existing Guardian Soulmates! Found my dream man here and I am happier than ever!

Marcela, 1st April 2013

As weird as it might sound, I found my It was the second guy I met - and now we are dating for almost 8 months and things are getting better and better. I guess it was written... :) Thanks for creating this site, the probability we two would meet in the real life is almost nil.

Mark, 24th March 2013

I chatted to a Tim, just as friends. I didn't fancy him and he lived quite a distance away, but he made me laugh. We spoke and emailed - phone calls were getting to be an hour, plus long. He came down to meet me, as I parked the car I saw a guy I thought "Phwoar, he's rather nice. He looks a bit like...". It was Tim. In the short time we've been seeing each other my ice cold heart (or so I thought) has melted slightly. I don't want to tempt fate and say the 'L' word yet - but definitely heading that way. We're not only enjoying finding out about each other, but ourselves too. I thought finding a soulmate was a load of old tosh - but I genuinely think I've found mine.

Sacha, 19th March 2013

Thank you - I've met someone quite wonderful via Soulmates. Very happy.

Rebecca, 17th March 2013

Thanks to GSM I met mister right! Not mister rightnow! Everyone should do this.

Alice, 11th March 2013

Lewis is the best thing that's happened to me.....and this is because of Soulmate...millions of thanks for your help, finding someone truly special to me.

Roy, 4th March 2013

Found my soulmate on Soulmates. After being persuaded reluctantly to go back on the site,I found my partner within a couple of days...or should I say she found me.Thankyou Soulmates.

Susi - 3rd March 2013

I have met the love of my life on Guardian Soulmates, and we got married on New Year's Day in one of the churches in the parish where he is Rector. Thanks so much for your part in our meeting.

Sue – 14th February 2013

Hi, my fiancé and I met through Soulmates in June 2010 and haven't looked back. Valentine's Day has prompted me to contact you, to thank you for the part you played in bringing us together. Sue

Katherine – 14th February 2013

I just wanted to send an email to let you know that my gorgeous fiancé (yikes) proposed to me last night and it is all because of soulmates!

We met August 2011 online. 2 emails later and our first date. We went out in soho and after a lot of drinking and dancing and getting home at 2am, we have been inseparable ever since. Last night he made me the happiest girl alive.

Thank you thank you thank you!!

Nicola – 14th February 2013

A month after signing up in December 2011, a guy who was "waiting for a star to fall" caught my eye. After a few emails we decided to meet up on the first Saturday in February 2012. During the time leading up to "the date" our email exchanges got longer and longer (we exchanged around 4,000 words!) I couldn't help but feel excited about the date as each email I received revealed something new I liked about this person.

However, I knew that communicating freely by email and actually getting along in person were two very different things. So whilst I was excited during the journey to meet him, I also knew not to have too high hopes...

That first date began in the afternoon and finished by the time I had to catch my last evening train home! We chatted non-stop for 7.5 hours and still had plenty more to say to each other. It was so easy to be in his company. Three-hour long calls and many more dates followed until December 2012 when we moved in together.

All of our friends and family can see how happy we are to have found each other. I don't know if I'm his "star"...his love and respect towards me infers I am. However, I know my life is so much brighter for having him in it. Cheers Soulmates!

Amalia – 13th February 2013

I had been in Soulmates on and off for 6 years and I met a few nice men (I even had a two year relationship with one) but 20 months ago I decided to give Soulmates another try and within a couple of months I was contacted by Ray. We exchanged a few messages and decided to meet up. We had a wonderful date and it quickly became clear that we had a lot of things in common, however, when the time came to say good bye I inexplicably decided to turn down his suggestion of meeting up again. As soon as I got in the bus I changed my mind and was in the process of sending him an apology when he texted me, so we decided to meet again after my two-week holiday. We exchanged many text messages during that time and I even started waiting impatiently to hear from him, I was already falling in love with him. We met up again in possibly the hottest day in the summer and we had a wonderful time. He moved in with me in April last year and we are getting married in June, a few days shy of our second anniversary. Ray has brought back to my life the confidence I lost after my first marriage failed and he's been nothing but the most supportive, kind, generous, charming and sensitive partner anyone can ever hope for. We are very happy and I can't wait to be his wife. So thank you Soulmates!

Kirsty – 9th February 2013

Just wanted to thank you and somehow let users know that 'it works!!' My husband (Borntofun?!?) and I met 5 yrs ago on Soulmates and are now married with a wonderful son. Been meaning to write for ages...guess I've been too busy having fun!! Thanks so much!

Dominic – 7th February 2013

I wanted to say a big thanks for helping me find love on Guardian Soulmates. I had six fun months on the site meeting lots of fun, interesting, interested people. Then along came Meg; I knew pretty much instantly that we'd go the distance. We've been going out for a year and two months, and are very, very happy together. We have been traveling together and plans to move in soon. It's been the best year so THANK YOU!

Lucy & Paul - 6th February 2013

I joined Soulmates only expecting to have a few dates on my rare nights off, within 4 weeks I had met the perfect man for me. We had our 1st date in October 2011 and in September 2012 we were married in front of all our family and friends, so many people said they had never seen two people look so happy. I'm still pinching myself today, thanks for bringing us together!

Georgina - 3rd February 2013

7 years ago, I met my wonderful husband through soulmates. The two of us have since become four. Thank you from all of us, soulmates xx

David – 21st January 2013

In June 2010, after nearly 24 very happy years together, my wife died suddenly and unexpectedly. I had lost my life partner, my lover and my best friend and I felt that my life was over. As I battled with the grief and loss over the subsequent months, I also started to feel that, at some point in the future, I might be able to have some kind of loving, intimate relationship. More than this, I felt that, as a result of being happy with someone for so long, a life without this would be a life with no value, purpose or meaning

After some long nights of doubt and with some guilt, I joined Guardian Soulmates in February 2011. After a couple of months, someone on the dating site contacted me. Reading her profile, she was my age and had also recently been widowed. Whilst I was interested, I was also very hesitant as I felt that both of us were still very early on in grieving for our previous partners and, because of that, getting together might not be good for either of us; indeed, I worried that it might make things worse, rather than better. As I wrestled with this, I looked at her fairly long list of likes and I saw that we did seem to have lot in common.

We met for the first time in April 2011 and, almost immediately – within a couple of hours – we both felt a very strong connection which has only got deeper over the last 20 months. I moved through to her home in Edinburgh from my home in Glasgow last year. And on 30 April 2013 – the second anniversary of our first date – we’re getting married. Were it not for your Guardian Soulmates, we would never have met up & I might never have found this fantastic woman who has given me a life worth living.

Anya - 5th January 2013

Over 3 years ago I threw caution to the wind and signed-up to Guardian Soulmates. Dave was the first guy to contact me and we exchanged a couple of messages. This suited us since we were both busy travelling. We finally met 2 months later and there were sparks. We have different interests but work round these. After 2 years, he proposed and we've had the most amazing wedding. We're very happy - working through our relationship with laughter and tears - growing stronger everyday. I used to be a cynic about online dating but without it our future together wouldn't have been possible - so thank you GS!

Sarah - 14th December 2012

I found my soulmate thanks to Guardian Soulmates! We have been together for 3 years now and our wedding is in a few weeks! MANY THANKS for your site.

Alex - 9th December 2012

Rosie and I met through Soulmates and were married in October, just 17 months later. We're wonderfully happy together.

Sue - 5th December 2012

I was just about to give up computer dating......too old, can't be bothered, quite happy as I am - that sort of thing....One last date I thought, when I made contact with 'rockyroad' on Soulmates. We emailed, spoke on the phone, and arranged to meet for lunch on 14th July. Lunch lasted until 8pm, and a couple of months later we spent a week in Corfu together. At best I hoped for companionship and a close friend, but we have found a tender and passionate relationship as well!! We are so happy, and expect to be together for a very long time. Thank you Soulmates.

Rebecca - 15th November 2012

It's coming up to our one year anniversary of our first date this Saturday - after messaging for a few days, we were both logged in and chatting on a Saturday night, when he asked if I'd like to share a bottle of wine somewhere. BOLD - I liked it - and after agreeing to meet, one year on we are planning our anniversary date. We have been living together since May and are excited for the future. Even better for me - it was my first Soulmates date so it was a 100% success rate! I've been recommending it to my single friends ever since...

Richie - 15th November 2012

I just wanted to say a quick message of thanks to Guardian Soulmates. I met my girlfriend after about 2 weeks on the site. We exchanged numbers, and after talking on the phone for 3 months, we met up, and 3 years later we are living together and couldn't be happier (well maybe a little more money would help!). The site was very user friendly, categories are spot on, there is an almost 50/50 split of men:women (unlike other sites), and the matchmaking system is brilliant.

I tried a few sites before, but none of them come close to Guardian Soulmates. Don't believe all that you read; It's not just full of old men! It is not the cheapest dating site, but it is well worth the money. Before online dating, I hadn't had a girlfriend, and always felt this was missing in my life, but I am now the happiest I have ever been and am looking forward to happy future with my partner.

Thank you so much to everyone at Guardian Soulmates. I have definitely found my soulmate.

Jacqueline – 6th November 2012

Having been single most of my life I had never given up hope of finding a nice man. Neither of us imagined that it would be possible to meet a long-term partner online and be truly happy. We are now moving in together after 11 months of enjoying getting to know each other and falling in love. It is a wonderful romance and I've asked him to marry me (he said yes!!)! Thank you Soulmates.

Nick – 29th October 2012

In May 2010 a beautiful girl from Belgrde, in Serbia, called Emina, aka Venus74, identified me as a favourite. Initially I thought it was ridiculous to even contemplate a long distance relationship but, in the end, I couldn't help myself. It took me 2 months to get in touch but, on 27th July 2010, I made contact with her.

It was the date that changed my life forever. The chemistry between us was instant. We progressed from texts and emails to Skype pretty quickly. I couldn't believe my luck, she was absolutely drop dead gorgeous and, not only that, she spoke perfect English. We had so much in common and we would talk for hours every night and at weekends.

We eventually arranged to meet in November 2010. I flew to Belgrade and she met me at the airport - it's a day I will never forget. She looked stunning, a smile beaming from ear to ear and a kiss that made me melt.

Further visits to Belgrade were pretty frequent, as were Emina's visits to the UK. Needless to say we fell head over heels in love instantly and, on 10th September 2012, we got married on the island of love, Cyprus (Paphos).

You've made all our dreams come true and we can't thank you enough. It has been a fairytale journey with a fairytale ending and, not only are we true soulmates, we are as happy as anyone could ever be together. Thank you so much.

Ishita – 7th October 2012

We met in 2010 on Soulmates and married in September of this year. The irony is he had been living round the corner from me all along. Thanks Guardian Soulmates.

Iain - 1st October 2012

I only clicked on her profile because she had the same postcode. I thought she looked like a bit of a crusty to be honest (one of her pictures involved an accordion). She thought I was someone who wore superhero outfits and gelled my hair far too much (I was wearing a drysuit and had just emerged from a scuba dive in my profile pic). Nevertheless we sent each other a few messages but hadn't really arranged a meeting. Then I saw her on a late night train (on my way home from another date in London), tried to put my least scary face on and said hello. 9 months later we were married and two years after that we have two little boys of 18 months and 4 months. Fate? Destiny? I think it was sheer dumb luck and I'm grateful every day. Thanks Soulmates.

Jon – 1st October 2012

Just over a year ago, I was playing tennis on a Soulmates first date with a gorgeous 28-year-old South African. We then talked philosophy and music in the pub after, followed by a Thai meal and a first kiss on Waterloo Bridge.

Ten months later, we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro together, and I proposed at the top. And we plan to marry in Durban in July 2013.

I have never been so happy as I have been in the past year. I thought it impossible to find someone so wonderful, who just effortlessly fits me: spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. I really have found the person who is perfect for me. Thank you!

Liad - 11th September 2012

After 3 years on Guardian Soulmates, much fun and the occasional disappointment I met my now husband. He was lucky and had only gone on 5 dates before meeting me.

We got married this June and are very, very, very happy. I remember how the success stories would keep motivating me when I'd think I'd never meet someone where it felt right.

So now here's a success story...especially for anyone who has been looking for a while. Oh and I recently got together with 20 school mates and we worked out that a third of us were in serious relationships/marriages through Soulmates. So it does work!

Mao - 11th September 2012

It has been around one year and half since I met my girlfriend for the first time through Soulmates and to say the least, my life could not be more different and happier. God, if I could only tell you all the things that happened and that I never imagined. We have been living together for almost one year. We think we do not want to rush things over marriage but it feels that every unit of time becomes a strong step in the right direction. I am very grateful to Guardian Soulmates for putting her across my path. I recommend people to not have prejudices about online dating and give it a try.

Jane – 5th September 2012

I met schiehallion on here in May 2011 and we had our first date on 28 June 2011. On David's birthday, 14 October 2011, we were able to announce that we were expecting a baby to our friends and families and we welcomed Amelia into our family on 21 April 2012. Our wedding is in 6 weeks on 20 October 2012.

On our first date we were both nervous which makes him quiet and makes me gush so I thought he was a bit stuffy and he thought I was a bit dim, but I soon changed his mind by finishing his crossword.

Rebecca - 5th September 2012

After a year of having stopped using my account (due to my having met a lovely man), on the eve of the anniversary of our first meeting, we wanted to write and thank you... "Sunny_Afternoon" and I moved in together in April 2012, adopted two kittens, and will be married in April 2013!

Thank you very much for your life-changing business. We continue to recommend it to all our single friends!

Grant - 5th September 2012

One year in, engaged, lovely new home, two cats, contentment reigns, life is good. Thanks Soulmates!

Paul – 3rd September 2012

Pleased to say that last December I met an absolutely wonderful lady on Soulmates and we are now getting married next month!! Thank you.

Anon - 30th August 2012

We met 3 years ago through Guardian Soulmates. It was love at first sight. A year later we got married and now we have a beautiful 1 year old and just have celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. Thanks to Guardian Soulmates!

William – 29th August 2012

I would like to let you know I am getting married to my beautiful fiancé who I met via your website in October. This was following a first date when her handbag got snatched, and almost couldn't meet me because she was recovering from an operation! Thanks for your help.

Tim - 28th August 2012

Thanks to you I have met a wonderful woman, and we are going to be married in the new year. WooHoo!

Antony - 28th August 2012

Well…Lucy and I met 16 months ago…we both seemed to know almost at once of there being a mutual attraction…a year on and we are living together…our young families combined…rings on our fingers and gazing into the future…we owe a debt to Soulmates…bringing two ships that may have simply passed in the night…into safe harbour…thank you

Libby – 26th August 2012

Martin was my first date after joining Soulmates at the end of 2008. We got married last Saturday and I have never been happier. Thank you for helping me find him.

Shilinka – 23rd August 2012

I met my new husband on Guardian Soulmates! We met first as 'mates' cos he was in contact with other Soulmates romantically, but I saw from his post code that we weren't far from each other, so I said 'let's at least be friends'. This was October 2010. He agreed, we met and to cut quite an inauspicious story short, we were married on 3rd July this year!! Thank you Soulmates!!!

Fiona – 14th August 2012

So very happy to have married Rob on 24th July this year, after writing to him the first day he posted his profile in Jan 2009. He's the best. Good job GS!

Kelly – 5th August 2012

I joined Guardian Soulmates in December 2010 and got chatting to a gorgeous guy who had also recently joined online. After many exchanged messages we both decided to meet in the New Year (it was both our first date) and we really hit it off. Despite living 65 miles apart things started to get more serious and it soon became obvious that we were madly in love with each other. Some 18 months later we decided to move in together. I couldn't be more happy, if it wasn't for Guardian Soulmates I would have never met him. I'm excited about our future together and I am a very lucky girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Kelly & James.

Peter - 9th July 2012

This has been a complete success for me, now I have found a woman and she has found me, the beginning of a great friendship that was missing from both of our lives. I cannot thank you enough. The best year for twenty years for me.

Lucy – 5th July 2012

I found love on Guardian Soulmates and this year got married. We are so happy we found each other and have recently found out we are pregnant!

Charlotte - 29th June 2012

Back in early 2011 I decided to sign up to GS and in my profile I said I was "looking for Mr. Right"...well, I am so pleased to say that only after a short stint on the GS website, I found him :) After just a couple of dates, we both 'knew' that we had found our soulmate! We got engaged 8 weeks ago and have set a date for our wedding next year - I could not be happier.

Thank you so much GS for enabling to meet the man of my dreams - I will forever be a huge supporter of the site.

Michele - 25th June 2012

I have met the most lovely man on your site, we both live near Barcelona and are so pleased we joined. The really strange thing is that we have a mutual friend dating back many years and many other connections. We both feel it has taken us 40years and a few relationships to find each other! So thank you,it was really worth joining GSM , I have met other people who have also had happy beginnings from your site! We are going to live together and are planning our future together!

Jonathan - 18th June 2012

Thought I would just drop you a line to let you know that just over 2 years since we first met through Guardian Soulmates we got engaged over the Jubilee weekend on a beach off the Pembrokeshire coast. Thank to everyone at Soulmates for running such a wonderful site and bringing us such happiness.

Duncan - 13th June 2012

You may be pleased to hear that at the close of 2007 I had a date with a beautiful lady called Linnea, in 2008 I managed to persuade her to go on more 2010 we were married by an idyllic lake in Sweden...and in August 2012 we expect to have our first child. Thank you G. Soulmates.

Helen - 8th June 2012

I met Tom through Guardian Soulmates in January 2011. After 18 happy months together we are now engaged and planning our wedding for August 2013! I had just about given up on internet dating after unsuccessfully trying other dating services but am so happy I gave Soulmates a go. Thank you so much for bringing us together as we would have never met without you!

Mike - 7th June 2012

My fiancé and I are getting married on Saturday, we met three and a half years ago through Soulmates. We've got a 17 month old boy too. Many thanks and what a great service.

Toby - 4th June 2012

I and my partner met on your dating site, a little under 2 years ago, and are now just about to be married.

Dan - 4th June 2012

In 2008 I met StepfordLife on your website. I was Dan72. We've been living together for over 2 years and are now making plans for our wedding. Thanks very much.

Alison - 1st June 2012

According to Guardian Soulmates Alex was a 100% match for me, ridiculous, I thought, but as I was just about to give up the whole idea of internet dating it seemed a good idea to meet up. It went very well!!!! So well in fact that we got married last week on the second anniversary of the day we met. Thanks Guardian.

Julian - 28th May 2012

Despite my reservations when I initially joined, I am very pleased indeed to inform you that I have met him. Yusuf63 is his profile name. We are a 13% match according to the "Oracle", he is in Ireland and me in London so on paper it shouldn't work. I guess when two people want love however and are open to receiving it, no obstacle can get in the way and we have discussed and found ways to overcome them. It feels like magic, early days yet but it feels so right, thank you for playing a part in making it happen.

Anastacia - 26th May 2012

I removed my profile because I started seriously dating "Skywalker799" whom I met on your website.. well he found me actually! After being together for 2 1/2 years, he got down on his knee and proposed on Christmas eve last year! We've getting married on the 2nd June (Queen's Diamond Jubilee). I was a sceptic but now a convert that meeting someone on-line does work - if you both want the same thing.

Nadja - 25th May 2012

On 11th June 2010 I joined Soulmates, on 13th June I was contacted by 'Jeroen' - he was the only one I ever went on a date with and we are getting married in September. He really is my soulmate and I could not be happier! I have convinced a few friends of mine to give online dating a go and there are a few other success stories out there :-)

Kirsten - 23rd May 2012

We would like to thank Guardian Soulmates for providing us with the platform to meet each other. We were married on 5th May 2012, the happiest weekend of our lives and would like to let you know in the hope that others who hope to meet Mr or Mrs Right might read this and might give it a go, and have an opportunity to be as happy as we are. THANK YOU!!!!!

Anirban - 25th April 2012

We're getting married September 1st this year. My fiancee emailed me my original message I sent her today which reminded me where it all began. Thanks so much again!

Graham – 13th April 2012

I wanted to share our storey - I went on to Soulmates a number of years ago, in 2004 to be exact. One, Anke, stood out and I marked her as a favourite. We messaged /emailed and telephoned a few times and then met one glorious summers day - 7th August 2004 - at the Southbank centre and just got on. Shortly after I was asked to return to Berlin to work and although was very taken by her was keen to work on the project in Berlin. We continued our relationship for a few months - a British man in Germany and a German woman in London - but after a while Anke decided the distance was not for her and we separated. A month or two later I was back in London and bumped into her on the underground. We went for dinner and have been together ever since. Tomorrow, on the 14th April, we marry in Germany where she grew up. Thank you Soulmates for giving me the opportunity to meet the most wonderful woman. It would just not have happened without you.

Helen – 12th April 2012

I'd tried a few dating websites before Soulmates and wasn't amazingly impressed, however Soulmates was ace - very straight-forward with no mumbo-jumbo, just nice profiles that give you a good idea of who the person is, whether you'd like them, whether they'd like you... and also that's how I met Pete, my boyfriend! We've been together about 10 months now. He is incredibly lovely.

Bev – 2nd April 2012

I've met a wonderful guy through Soulmates & couldn't be happier.

Claire - 20th March 2012

I just wanted to say that your website is just the best in the world...not only did I find my best friend, soulmate, but also (only last week) my husband to be! Imran and I get married next year in Cambridge and I just want to say thank you soooo much its been amazing journey for the both of us.

P.s: I'm so excited we are soooo happy I just can't tell you xxx

Tim - 19th March 2012

Tamsyn and I met through Soulmates in September 2010. We now live together in London and are both pretty pleased with ourselves! We're very grateful for the chance to meet each other and would recommend Soulmates to anyone interested in living happily ever after!

Kelly - 13th March 2012

My husband Ryan and I met on Soulmates on the 2nd December 2010. We got married last November and have just had a gorgeous baby boy. We couldn't be happier and are so grateful to Soulmates for leading us to each other. Thank you!!

Jacinta - 9th March 2012

We wanted to tell you that we met on Soulmates and we're getting married in June after two and a bit years together! whoop!

Tim - 7th March 2012

So, after a few years of on line dating on various websites, I decided to give GSM one more go. I knew there was someone out there who when I met, would knock me off my feet, who looked better than their photos !! and who made the world stop when she walked into the room, and that's exactly what happened on the 19th of November 2011.

Alexie and I knew on our first date in Richmond that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. We were both buzzing, it is so 'meant to be'.

Our plans have moved on perhaps a little quicker than some, but when you know, you know. Our wedding day approaches on the 19th April, and a relocation to the Sussex coast or countryside ahead of us. Love has never felt so natural, life has never been better, and the better it gets...the better it gets.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Mary-Ellen - 20th February 2012

I am engaged and will be married this year and it's all thanks to Soulmates, we meet on here.

Salli – 11th February 2012

Couldn't have met a nicer man. Now living together over a year (two years together) and excited to be pregnant!! My life is now fantastic with a new partner and I can only recommend that your dating service is excellent. Thank you, thank you.

Shelagh – 10th February 2012

My gorgeous man and I met on Soulmates two years ago, having been on the site a matter of weeks. I've moved from London to Hampshire to be with him and we are marrying this summer. We're blissfully happy. I think everyone who wants to meet anyone should use your site. It works.

Christine – 7th February 2012

My husband-to-be and I met through Guardian Soulmates in May 2010 and having not spoken at all on the site except for a time and place to meet we ended up having an amazing first date, then a few months later moving in together, then a year later starting a business together and now three years down the line we have a successful business together and are planning to marry next year. He is truly my soulmate and my best friend and online dating really worked for us.

So Thank You Guardian Soulmates!

Luke – 31st January 2012

Just wanted to tell you that I met Sara on the 19th September 2010 and we are getting married on the 7th of April this year. We couldn't be happier.

Lindsey - 29th January 2012

1 January 2010: the start of a new year, and a new relationship - a relationship which continues to bring much love and laughter into our lives. My first phone conversation with Dave on New Years Day came after some wonderful email exchanges and messages on Soulmates. It wasn't straightforward - in fact, owing to a bout of the blues I had withdrawn somewhat foolishly from Soulmates, but underterred, Dave contacted me via my blog. And thank goodness he did. Eight hours worth of phone calls later, we'd clearly established that we were passionate and curious about the same things.

Cut to February 2010 and our first meeting: perfection. We discovered that we'd probably been at many of the same gigs in the local area during our early/mid twenties, had the same geekish determination to scour local record fairs ... Fate, surely, that through Soulmates we had finally found each other when our paths had crossed so many times?! Trips and weekends away, gigs and films, cider making and baking, the conclusion from all friends and family members that we were destined to be, all followed.

In August this year, we marry. Music and laughter, never far away for us, will be soundtracking what is another exciting chapter in our lives. And none of this would have happened without a little help from our favourite newspaper :-)

Sarah – 26th January 2012

As a 30 year old woman I begrudgingly signed up for internet dating. I really didn't want to meet someone on the internet as I felt it seemed unromantic. I wanted to meet someone at a gig, or Jane Austin style on a horse in the middle of a field. But I live in a city and I don't go horse riding these days.

Anyway, after a few internet dates that didn't rock my world I kind of gave up. Then I got a message from someone who said they liked the sound of me. I replied, "I like the sound of you too but you NEVER KNOW". We agreed to meet up to share dating horror stories as therapy!

4 months later I genuinely have never been happier. Nor been in a more romantic, awesome, fun and equal relationship. I'm completely in love. I used to think these stories were made up by someone from the Guardian, but I PROMISE, this is 100 per cent prime time true. I could not recommend more giving this whole funny process a go!!!

Jason – 22nd January 2012

My partner Andy and I met for the first time through Guardian soul mates back on 3rd February 2002, 10 years later and we are still going strong having built a home and travelled all over the world together we are now planning to finally tie the knot! Thanks to soul mates we changed the course of our lives and never looked back. We still joke that it was variably the best/most expensive pound we ever spent!

David – 22nd January 2012

I went on my first Soulmates date in November 2006 - I've been with the girl I went on that date with ever since; we married last year and we have just had our first child together, the gorgeous Luke. Love you Sophie! We are total soulmates and we wouldn't have met without you guys, so you are due a huge thank you!

Lizzie - 15th January 2012

I just wanted to let you know that I have now been married to my guardian soulmate for 1.5 years and we have a beautiful 8 month boy. Thank you guardian xx

Debbie - 13th January 2012

This is to all the guys and girls who might be a bit embarassed about online dating and look at the "stories" page first: DO IT! I joined Guardian Soulmates in May, having never been on a dating website before. I was quite apprehensive and didn't know what to expect. I was amazed, it's great fun and it works! In one month I went on 5 dates (one with a bloke off the telly!) and on date number 5 I met the love of my life, Jon. He's fabulous! On my birthday in December he proposed to me and we're getting married next year. I'd have never met him had it not been for Soulmates. So, thank you!

Mark - 11th January 2012

Thank you Guardian Soulmates for sandwiching us together, this jam certainly found his cream! The icing on the cake is that we are to be married in May!

Louisa - 8th January 2012

I am very happy! After meeting in September 2009 for the first time I have just got engaged to the most wonderful man. The past two and half years have been so so wonderful. I would never have met my Fiancé if it hadn't have been for Guardian Soulmates. To any doubters out there, you wont regret it. I promise. Thank you.

Nicola - 8th January 2012

I was on GSM for 2 years, dated a number of women, all wanting different things. I was truly the most synical person, who expected to live happy ever after alone, and was on the verge of givng up! But in March 2011, something amazing happened. After three months of not visiting GSM I had a strange desire to give it one last try. This moment changed my whole life. On March 26th, I met the love of my life. Not only the love of my life, but my soulmate. I have no way of explaining the connection or the way I feel about her or why in that single moment I decided to visit GSM one last time, but its real and its happend to me. And in fact to us, as she herself feels exactly the same. We're currently living together and engaged to be married in 2013. I can truly say that I am at last complete. So thank you GSM, and to anyone hopelessy searching, keep looking because if your can find what I have you'll never ever regret it.

Jon - 5th January 2012

Me and Deb met on Guardian Soulmates last year, and have recently got engaged - in a nut shell she's bloody fantastic, so thanks a lot!

Nick - 31st December 2011

Thank you so much for being there at just the right time and the right place. It was my sister who made me do it and today is one year on with the finding of the absolute Love of my Life. We like to keep it quiet, but wanted to tell you... you out there... well we are so so so fortunate to find one another. Thank god for Guardian Soulmates.

Michaela - 31st December 2011

Just had the urge to let you know that on this day (new years eve) in 2008 my lovely husband and I exchanged our first few emails via Guardian Soulmates and it was literally love at first 'write'. I just knew he was different. We met for a date on the 4th of Jan 2009, he moved IN three weeks later, we got engaged a year to the hour after our first email whilst on a 2 month trip to Sri Lanka and got married in May last year.

As I write it down we look nuts but we're just normal, professional people who clicked more than we ever knew was possible!

So there you have it Guardian Soulmates you've done it again and we're four new year's eve's down the line to prove it.

Andrew - 22nd December 2011

I am getting married to the love of my life as a result of meeting someone on Guardian Soulmates.

Rhian - 4th December 2011

My soulmate and I met after corresponding for a couple of weeks. Despite an 80 mile distance between us - we conquered it, and after 17 months moved in together in the summer. We are now expecting our first child - the future is bright.

A great dating experience full of plenty of opportunities to fulfill more in life.

John - 21st November 2011

I wanted to say that the site has been very successful for me and I have been contacted by some wonderful women. One was extra special and we have a full relationship now that we want to be permanent.

I would definitely recommend Guardian Soulmates

Nicki - 18th November 2011

Rob and I married on Sept 11 this year, nearly 4 years after meeting on GSM.


I had a great time dating guys from GSM and have stayed friends with several but knew he was 'the one' after just a few dates.

I tell him everyday how lucky he is - and he agrees!

Billy - 7th November 2011

About 2 months ago I met someone on Soulmates and we are now very happy together; bowled over in fact.

Stevie - 21st October 2011

I am someone who has had a lot of friends, but - well, it takes a certain something for me to be interested in a romantic sense. Although 'sense' and 'romance' aren't two words I'd usually put side by side...

So although I signed up, I wasn't really convinced I'd find anyone that could make me laugh. And cry. However I seem to have spent the last few months in a fit of giggles, and permanently tired from talking till far too late in the night.

Just wanted to let you know and say thanks.

Nami - 14th October 2011

After a particularly difficult start to the year a close friend of mine recommended I join GS one Saturday over lunch. I did so that night, and just 8 days later I met the man who I was recently engaged to, just 6 months after meeting. We spent 3 weeks 'talking' for hours and hours before we first met on April 8th, then we became inseparable, and then I moved in 8 weeks later. We're to be married in Bali next year. It was the best £30 I've ever spent :-)

Jenny - 12th October 2011

I met my dream man (I quote Phoebe from friends, \\\\\\\\"my boyfriend; he's sooo dreamy\\\\\\\\") here on this site in Jan this year. He was the first and only date. It was rather a shock how well we fit in real life despite the minimal info we both disclosed in our profiles.

We have 6 beautiful little boys between us, their ages go 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. (three each) we all went to the Villa in Spain this summer, all 8 of us! It was fantastic. We do spend many weekends together and a stolen night here and there.

Fiona - 9th October 2011

I met the man of my dreams on your wonderful site. I have never been happier or more in love with anyone! Thank you so very much!

Anon - 21st September 2011

I would like to share my success story...I spent about two years on and off at the guardian site. I would meet somebody and it would never go beyond the 3 month trial and then one day somebody calling himself NorthernSky contacted me, his underline said he was looking for Little Miss Sunshine, my username and the nickname that, for years, my friends have used with checked his profile...he was slightly older than my set age, he lived an hour away from my city but... curiosity took the best of me and made me reply his email and have a date with him. We have now been together for almost two years, we are living together and we are extremely happy together.

Karola - 19th September 2011

I enrolled on Soulmates in Feb 2008 after a fruitless spell on a site elsewhere. I was having a drink one night with one of my bestfriends who said why don't you try Soulmates. I thought, yes, why not? I found and met a chap on there (the first one in fact). After lots of emailing and calls, we met in a cafe in London and a year later were married. Chris was a widower in Sheffield, I was living and working in London, although I'm originally a northerner. We left our jobs after getting married, I moved to Sheffield and we have just published an iphone App all about London's Cafes, obviously featuring the cafe where we met!

Dave - 18th September 2011

Rachel and I met on soulmates nearly 4 years ago and we're getting married next Saturday.

Sarah - 7th September 2011

Hi, we want to thank you for enabling us to meet. Earlier this year I met my fiancee on your site and we are both so happy and impressed with the quality of service that you offer and the fact that we really were so well matched, it was amazing, like a dream come true to meet our perfect partners, something we both felt sceptical about doing through any site, but it actually happened by using yours and we are so so grateful to you for giving us such a fantastic future together and for facilitating us in finding true love.

Kate - 4th September 2011

In 2007 my daughter persuaded me to sign up to Soulmates. He was my 4th date and we are from such different spheres of life that we never would have met without you. In our late 50s when we met, the chemistry was there from our first meeting and we now have developed a great love and are so happy and contented we hate to be apart. Over the next 2 years we negotiated our way through various complications and we were married 18 months ago. We want to say 'Thank you' and to let you know how your site is contributing to world happiness!

Joan - 3rd September 2011

We met through this site in January and haven't looked back. This worked for us!

Margaret - 2nd September 2011

I have met a very nice man through the Soulmates (after kissing a few frogs!) We have been together for about 6 months. I would say to other would-be subscribers “give it a go and don’t be discouraged when first dates are not successful. Keep on trying and be positive, eventually, that special someone will come along”.

Bryony - 26th August 2011

After years of trying different websites a friend suggested I try Soulmates in August 2010. I was sceptical but decided it was one I hadn't tried yet!

I duly joined and starting communicating with a few people. Due to work etc I eventually went on my 1st date in mid-October... I'm still with him and we're relocating overseas in the next month! I always joke I didn't really get my moneys worth out of Soulmates as I met someone on the 1st date! Thanks a lot! :-)

Katerina - 20th August 2011

We want to say a big thank you, Guardian Soulmates, for giving us the chance to meet. 'gentle_giant' noticed me because the name 'GreekChinese' caught his eye. After several sparsely timed messages back and forth where he wrote at length about where to get the best feta cheese in London, he finally asked me out. We met up for the first time on 6 August 2009 for a cinnamon bun and a walk through a gallery. On 6 August 2011, we married. We now live in Athens where there is plenty of great feta everywhere, but singles aren't so lucky as to have Guardian Soulmates as an option. Thanks again.

Rachel - 20th August 2011

We had our first kiss on date number three after i had realised there was a huge spark between us. I couldn't keep away from him after that. What can in say I'm addicted. I'm typing this in bed with him next to me fast asleep in the bedroom we share in our house that we bought together. We're getting married next May. It's hard to believe sometimes that i've actually met an incredible, funny, intelligent, talented man who is my best friend. who i love and who loves me back. I tried something different and it really worked. Thank you guardian soulmates.

Helen - 8th August 2011

Thank you Soulmates. I have met my match via this site - the most wonderful man and we are very, very happy.

Jenny - 2nd August 2011

I just wanted to say thank Oct 08 I had a serious accident (damaged my spinal cord), which led to 3 months in rehab and long break from work.....once i had learnt to walk again, and feed myself (I kid you not) I began to do some serious soul mission involved finding a man....having been (as my friends would say) 'ridiculously picky', in the past.....I decided to enrol on your website and start poking anything and everything that raised a smile.......Dating was my mission and fun was to be had! I met some interesting men and made many friends.....then i met Paul, I had hesitated in contacting him as he was 'too tidy' (he has since grown a proper beard), but i chuckled every time i read his profile.....and by date 2 i had withdrawn from the site........within 5 months we were engaged....(very romantic....Barcelona).....and soon after that we announced the imminent arrival of our gorgeous daughter....we are to be married on Sept 10th and life is just thank you.........officially, from the bottom of my heart......

Naomi - 27th July 2011

Hi, just wanted to tell you that I joined soulmates in april 2008 and met my soulmate the very day I joined (he was the first to contact me). I met up with him a few weeks later and we really had a great evening and although we both went on and met other dates later that week by the weekend after we both realised we wanted to see each other again and on christmas day 2010 at the top of a mountain in Bulgaria he proposed. We are getting married on September 3rd and I wanted to say thank you to Guardian Soulmates for helping us find each other. :)

Brian - 22nd July 2011

I sought the One and have found the One and married her, thanks to Guardian Soulmates. Admittedly it took me five years but it shows that perseverance pays, even in your 60s.

Nanna - 15th July 2011

We met on Soulmates on 22nd March 2011, and since then have discovered what TRUE love really is, we will never look back and are looking forward to our wedding day!! When i look in her eyes i see my own future, all that I am meant to be and all I have ever wanted from life, she is my angel, and the person i was born to be with!! Please share this message with as many people as you can so there can be as many people in the world as possible who are as happy as we are!! Thank you for helping us find our Soulmates!!!

Jared - 7th July 2011

We just wanted to say cheers - Soulmates led me and my wife to each other, and we would never have met without your site. She tells everyone she bought me off the internet!, and despite me ignoring her first 'favouriting' of me, she inadvertantly 'faved' me again and the rest is history - moved in together 6 mths later, engaged 2 mths later, bought a house 6 mths after that, and just got married a month ago. We are wonderfully happy and so grateful that Soulmates was there as a way to meet. Thanks so much!

Becky - 18th June 2011

Eighteen months ago, I met my fourth (and last) date via Soulmates and he is the love of my life. Thank you GSM.

Norman - 12th June 2011

Just to let you know, I and my partner met on Soulmates two and a half years ago and will be getting married in September! We are eternally grateful to Guardian Soulmates for bringing us together, we feel so lucky and so happy together. Thankyou!

Marianne - 26th May 2011

Just a quick note to say, following my divorce, a friend recommended I met new people via the site. With a lovely little boy of 6 years old, I wasn't sure how attractive I would be to the men out there. Well...I neededn't have worried. I met a wonderful opera singer I would never have come across in my everyday life as a full time working single mum. Two and a half years later, we are married, have renovated a house together and are expecting a little sister for Daniel. We are simply happy together. When I went through my marriage break-up, I was hoping my true soulmate was out there somewhere and the love I believed in was possible. Thank you for making this possible for me.

Jen - 20th May 2011

Just a quickie. I want to really thankyou for helping me and my fiance find each other. I had never considered looking for love in this way before and after meeting Robin over 2 years ago through soulmates we are getting married on July 30th this year. So thankyou so very much for helping us find more happiness than we ever thought possible!

Denise - 19th May 2011

I just wanted to tell you that Trish and I are two seniors who met in September 2007 through Guardian Soulmates. We are both so grateful to Guardian Soulmates for giving us the chance to meet and together continue our soul journey!