In exciting news, tomorrow will see us post two fresh poems by Kevin Brophy and Nathan Curnow from their new joint collection of poetry. Kevin and Nathan have both been heavily involved with GDS in the past. Kevin of course, was one of the founders of GDS and Nathan has been both editor and contributor.

‘Radar’ is to be launched by poet and writer Cate Kennedy next week at the Bella Union bar. Details are below. Check us out tomorrow morning for a preview of the poems to come!


Walleah Press presents RADAR Book Launch, a joint collection by Kevin Brophy and Nathan Curnow.

WHEN:     6pm-8pm,  August 18, 2012
WHERE:   Bella Union Bar
Level 1, Trades Hall, Corner Lygon and Victoria Streets, Carlton (entrance off Lygon Street),
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Nathan Curnow is an award-winning poet and past editor of Going Down Swinging. His latest book The Ghost Poetry Project is based upon his stays at ten haunted sites around the country. In 2010 he was winner of the Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize.

Kevin Brophy is author of eleven books of fiction, poetry and essays. In 2008 Kevin was co-winner of the Calibre prize for an outstanding essay. He teaches Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne.