Victoria pioneering climate #justtransition package for #Hazelwood coal workers reports @takvera

A special $20 million worker transfer package was announced today for workers affected by the closure of Engie’s Hazelwood Power Station. This will allow early retirement for workers at other LaTrobe Power stations creating places for Hazelwood workers that want to continue their careers in power generation. This transfer package is an important component of […]

Vote on policy? Western Australian Election Scorecards for #WAVotes #WApol compiled by @takvera

Western Australian voters go to the polls this Saturday on March 11. There is the smell of change in the air, and in the polls. Liberal Party Premier Colin Barnett has had two terms in government since 2008 and is seeking a third term. Even so, the Labor Opposition lead by Mark McGowan needs a […]

Fracking, Western Power privatisation issues as Western Australia goes to the polls #WAvotes – @takvera

Fracking is in it’s relative infancy in Western Australia, but is at the stage where it could be substantially expanded to encompass the Kimberley, the grain belt and south-west. Author Tim Winton has made an impassioned plea in the lead up to the Western Australian state election due to be held on 11 March, on […]

Community campaign wins permanent #fracking ban in Victoria reports @takvera

To ensure it’s clean green reputation of it’s agricultural sector, and to guarantee the health of rural farming communities Victoria became the first Australian state officially banning fracking. It was motivated by a strong community lead campaign for a ban on gas exploration from 2011. Legislation was passed in the Victorian Legislative Council, the upper […]

#Solar Feed-in minimum tariff to double for Victorian Solar citizens reports @takvera

The minimum Feed-in tariff for solar PV owners in Victoria will more than double due to changes the Dan Andrews Labor Government has made to the regulation of pricing for solar PV owners. Current minimum feed-in rate is 5 cents per kilowatt hour. Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has determined the new […]

Coral bleaching: #GreatBarrierReef cooking in a marine heatwave while Turnbull dithers on climate – reports @takvera

Record sea surface temperatures in the coral sea are again threatening massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row. If sea surface temperatures don’t cool in the next few weeks, this will be the first time there has been back to back bleaching on this massive scale. “In […]

Shady deals: How Pauline Hanson left a Gold Coast buyer with legal costs – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Pauline and Adam Hanson have been trying to offload their Gold Coast property at Biggera Waters since 2008.

Turnbull Government knew of Qld land grab before election – @qldaah #qldpol #auspol

The Singapore deal to acquire land around the existing defence bases at Shoalwater Bay & Townsville may have been kept from Queensland voters at the 2016 federal election.

Victorian Liberals declare war on #renewable targets, jobs, investment reports @takvera

The Liberal party in three states – Victoria, South Australia and Queensland – vowed to drop state based renewable energy targets if elected. This follows Federal Liberal Party war on renewables and climate policy conducted since Abbott took power in 2013, continued under Prime Minister Turnbull. While climate action at the Federal level has followed […]

#Heatwave makes Australia hottest place on planet with catastrophic #bushfire conditions reports @takvera

Australia is currently the hottest place on the planet with the heatwave in SE Australia according to the Climate Reanalyzer site for Saturday 11 February. And last year (2016) was the hottest year on the planet in recorded history, following two previous years which also set the record. Update: Climate scientists calculate that Climate change […]