Kate Aubusson


Health editor, journaliser , somnambulist kate.aubusson@fairfaxmedia.com.au

Csatlakozott 2009. március


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jún. 3.
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    14 órával ezelőtt

    In case you're wondering where the good people of the are at on climate change, they're currently publishing articles saying Greta Thunberg has "many mental disorders. In any normally functioning organisation, this would be called out by colleagues and leaders.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
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    14 órával ezelőtt

    How can reproductive violence be so common? Linked to intimate partner violence - and has dreadful outcomes for women. Prof Laura Taft advocates asking women and believing them, followed by warm referral- not just a slip of paper with a number

  4. 18 órával ezelőtt
  5. 19 órával ezelőtt
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    21 órával ezelőtt

    This is really interesting research, and a reminder if you have the flu to take it seriously: researchers have uncovered a clue to what makes the flu potentially deadly to healthy people

  7. júl. 31.
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    júl. 31.

    Putting attitudes to sexual assault, harassment and women on the front page of today's and .

  9. retweetelte
    júl. 30.

    The abortion bill debate has been postponed for a week. Alex Greenwich, Sydney MP, says he’s disappointed with any delay, but says the government is now locked into the new date. More details at 6pm on

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    júl. 30.

    Wendy McCarthy placed an advertisement in a newspaper letting the cops know she'd had an illegal abortion. Decades of campaigning later and she might finally see abortion decriminalised in NSW

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  11. retweetelte
    júl. 30.

    Breaking: Following a fiery NSW liberal party room meeting this morning, the abortion bill, due to be debated in the lower house tomorrow, will be ‘kicked down the road’. Seven news has been told conservative MPs pushed back - and more time will be given for consultation.

  12. júl. 30.

    When Jaclyn said she was allergic to pesto, the chef just scraped it off: National Allergy Strategy launches new online training for cooks and chefs via

  13. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    Media release: RANZCOG, welcomes the tabling of the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 in the NSW Parliament & urges all MPs to vote in favour

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    júl. 29.

    Chile oil spill: 40,000 litres of diesel spilled into sea off Patagonia - one of the planet’s most untouched places with important biodiversity.

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    júl. 29.

    This is Anastasia McCardel - she told me what it was like receiving a $6,000 debt notice for her son, six months after he died. More on tonight

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    júl. 27.

    How Twitter works: Me: "I prefer mangoes to oranges..." Random Person: "So basically what you're saying is that you hate oranges? You also failed to mention pineapples, bananas and grapefruits. Educate yourself."

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    The Southern Hemisphere Bond we should have had.

  18. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    🚨BIG NEWS🚨 NSW Premier will support the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill when it's introduced to parliament this week! Both Premier Berejiklian and Opposition Leader Jodi McKay MP support the Bill.

  19. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    !! Fifteen MPs from across the political divide are co-sponsoring a bill to decriminalise abortion in NSW

  20. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    Sky commentator concerned that students will be "indoctinated" with science in science classes.

  21. retweetelte
    júl. 29.

    Frontline staff don't need fancy, just parking, pens and passwords.


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