Reporting Resistance

Help Mondoweiss Spread Daily Acts of Resistance

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With Your Help, Reporting Spreads Resistance

Please give to Mondoweiss today, so we can continue publishing:

  • Reporting as Resistance: firsthand accounts by people on the ground in Palestine, who put themselves at risk to get the truth out.
  • Resistance through Culture: the actions of artists, athletes, and others whose talents force the world to recognize Israeli repression.
  • Resistance to United States Policy: the myriad efforts within and outside the U.S. to change policy at the State Department, in Congress, and even at the state and local level.
  • Resistance through Movement Building: the growth in mutual solidarity between Palestinians and other movements challenging systemic oppression.
  • Resistance to Mainstream Media: dissection of mainstream coverage of Israel/Palestine, and its effect of reinforcing the right-wing Zionist narrative.
  • Resistance through BDS: the many campaigns for boycott, divestment and sanctions to change the terms of debate and grow the movement against Israel's crimes.

We believe you agree with us that the very act of documenting Israel's crimes and disseminating the truth is an essential form of resistance. And we ask that you demonstrate your faith in this vital movement tool by investing in reporting/resistance: help the Mondoweiss team sustain and grow our work to raise global consciousness and advance Palestinian human rights.

A free, independent press must withstand the efforts of its opponents to silence truth. Please contribute today to keep Mondoweiss delivering essential information.

And if you agree that Mondoweiss must not only survive but grow, please give more. In January, we'll be introducing a new regular staff member. Within the next few months, we'll be issuing more print publications. And every week, we work to bring the world more news and a broader range of voices in and about Palestine. But we can only increase our impact with your help.