Family History

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Roll of Honour name projections

Opening hours

10am – 5pm daily
Closed Christmas Day

The Memorial's galleries are progressively closed from 4:40pm for the Last Post Ceremony.

Admission to the Memorial is free


For country for nation exhibition

For Country, for Nation

For Country, for Nation tells Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories of military service in times of war and peace. Exhibition closes 20 September, 2017.

The Holocaust exhibition

The Holocaust: witnesses and survivors

The Holocaust as told through the experiences of survivors and Australian official war artist Alan Moore.

A Home on a Southern Hill

A Home on a Southern Hill is a series of exhibitions that tell the story of how the Memorial was brought to being, exploring its history and continuing relevance.

    • Mephisto

      After 70 years of exhibition in Queensland the First World War German tank Mephisto has arrived at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. To commemorate the centenary of the First World War, the Memorial has collaborated with the Queensland Museum to display Mephisto outside Brisbane for the first time since it was transported from Europe after the end of the First World War. Now on display in Anzac Hall.

    • Anzac connections papers

      Anzac Connections

      More than 50,000 pages of First World War private collections have been digitised and released online, as part of the Anzac Connections project.

      • Interested in transcribing letters and diaries? Find out more...
      • The Daily Digger project on Twitter uses personal quotes drawn from digitised private letters and diaries of First World War diggers and nurses.
    • Roll of Honour name projection

      Roll of Honour name projections

      During the Centenary period, the name of each of the 62,000 Australians who gave their lives during the First World War will be projected onto the façade of the Hall of Memory at the Australian War Memorial. The names will be displayed from sunset to sunrise every night, and can be seen from the Memorial's grounds. Each name will be visible for 30 seconds.

    • The Last Post Ceremony

      At the end of each day, commencing at 4.55 AEDT pm, the Memorial farewells visitors with its moving Last Post Ceremony.

      Live video stream