WA News

Nostalgic new graphic celebrates all things WA

A Perth graphic designer has created a visual trip down memory lane for Western Australia, with some invaluable help from Perth's thriving Reddit community.

Tasmanian-born freelancer Aaron Hillsdon has lived all over the sunburnt country, but settled in WA with his family almost a decade ago.

A fan of Oregon-based graphic designer Aaron Draplin and his "Things We Love" poster series, each dedicated to a different American state or city, Hillsdon was inspired to bring the concept home, creating a suitably sun-drenched poster.

He contacted Draplin to get the OK, and Draplin gave his blessing for Hillsdon to create his own spin.

Next up was to shortlist of things unique to WA and start designing using Adobe Illustrator CS6 and Photoshop CS6, a process of trial and error.

"I pretty much started in the middle and kept building out from there," Hillsdon said.


"I tried to maintain a consistent aesthetic, so it meant balancing the colours and typography so they weren't bunched together. Also spacing between the 'tiles' needed to be consistent. There's also the geographic place names and locations, which kind of have to stay where they are."

He got a quarter of the way through before exhausting his store of local knowledge and turning to the Perth Reddit community. 

"It was certainly apparent from the feedback and comments I received that there was a yearning for the "good old days". WA's isolation also contributes a little too, I think. A lot of brands and so on exist here that don't, or didn't, over east."

Friends and family and other social media pages also contributed, and the project snowballed.  

"When I started to do a little more research the list grew longer, and realised that WA has contributed a lot to the fabric of Australian, and global, society over the years," Hillsdon said.

"There's also this contrast between the more well-known and the more esoteric. Everyone's heard of Heath Ledger or Tame Impala, but I doubt someone who is not from WA would understand the significance of the King Neptune statue at Two Rocks, or what Charlie Carters is, for example."

The project had its challenges. There had to be compromise about what made the cut, which Hillsdon described as a balancing act.

Fights almost broke out on Reddit between Red Rooster and Chicken Treat (which both made it on to the poster).

Multiple suggestions were made for WA 'spud king' Tony Galati, but there 'wasn't enough room for the eyebrows'.

Many of the older logos were also difficult to track down.

"They pre-date the digital era so they don't exist in an easily accessible format," Hillsdon said.

"R&I; bank, Challenge Bank, Charlie Carters, Perth Building Society - I had to re-create these all from scratch using old photos found on the State Library archives.

"It feels good knowing I've breathed new life into these little old marks, which from a graphic standpoint are pretty neat in their own right."

His favourites are the Burswood Dome and Perth Entertainment Centre illustrations, and while you won't find any hidden jokes or red herrings, there is one little surprise lurking in the Conti Roll tile.

"I want to thank the Perth Reddit community for all their suggestions and feedback. Also, a big shout-out to Aaron Draplin, for inspiring me in the first place," Hillsdon said. 

Hillsdon is now selling A2 prints from an online store.

Some of the Reddit gems 

  • "That big dumb limestone statue bust of King Neptune up at the Atlantis marine park."
  • "Jesters. Shortly after I moved over here years ago, a friend asked me to stop at a bunch of shops. She nipped out and ran back a minute later, passed me a Jester's pie and said "Welcome to Australia!
  • "Nightclubs: Rumours, Gobbles, Navigators, Jeremiah's, Pinocchio's, The Globe, Exit, Margeaux. Edit: I nearly forgot Perth's old icon of questionable but affordable smut, The Site. Constable Care; Just make sure you get the one with the Mo. The clean shaven one is strange."
  • "King brown(some combo of the snake and bottle)."
  • "Here are my serious suggestions: - Nyoongar Patrol – Selwyn."
  • "Kulin bush races - tin horse highway!"
  • "I dont want to go all Hailcorporate, but I guess we can be proud of our own home grown multinational conglomorate Wesfarmers."
  • "Good ol' Twiggy and Fortescue Metals."
  • "Scratch that. How about Langtrees?"
  • "Where's Rockingham's biggest export, Sam Worthington?"

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