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  1. 19 hours ago

    will Leigh Sales personally confront Michaelia Cash over $1.4M undeclared like she did for Dastyari $1600 declared. Why not?

  2. 20 hours ago

    The finest minds of the LNP Brandis can't recall Sinodinos can't recall Cash can't recall & Turnbull is not allowed to make a call.

  3. 20 hours ago

    Attention all Politicians - When you get home, stick your head outside & check to see if you own the house next door. Cheers.

  4. 7 hours ago

    Jacqui Lambie says Senator Cash is looking "shifty!" Liberal members may be corrupt?

  5. People View all

  6. 29 minutes ago

    BIG SPENDER Dutton spending like a drunken nazi sailor It is just very difficult to imagine Peter Dutton as PM

  7. 1 hour ago

    They are COMPLETELY out of touch

  8. 1 hour ago

    Tough call... Who does one believe re the % of good muslims in Australia Pauline or the Head of ASIO?

  9. 1 hour ago

    Guthrie restructure not just about job losses. Her 3 new Divisions, Finance, Tech, Audience, are rubbish in context of Charter

  10. 2 hours ago

    Shorten saying what most rational people know Shorten "Basic economics: If pay is cut, people spend less & local economies suffer."

  11. 2 hours ago

    Remember when claimed to be a "friend of the ABC"?? Oh how we laughed.

  12. 2 hours ago

    Andrew Bolt today: " is the only Liberal yet with a plan to fight the next election - and win."

  13. Hanson's OneNation says it opposes power sale but preferences Liberals who want to sell it!

  14. 3 hours ago

    Asked to explain the anti-Muslim stance of One Nation, makes it very clear that anti-vaccination is dangerous. WTF?

  15. ALP could seal the deal on winning the next election with a push for universal from

  16. More Australians have been killed by their partners than terrorism. Maybe we need a domestic violence department .

  17. 4 hours ago

    Contemptible Cash just the latest reason why Libs fight so hard against . Only about $$ for them. Take as much as they can.

  18. 4 hours ago
  19. 4 hours ago

    Media in WA lapping up Hanson's poison, not holding her to account please explain?

  20. 5 hours ago

    Please and MSM can we stop referring to as a "Christian". He's not. It's just marketing spin.

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