Showing posts with label Airline Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airline Travel. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

Airline Travel - Beating the New Regulations on Baggage

So what do you do now that you cannot take two bags with you without getting charged for the second one? How do you get your golf clubs to your vacation destination for no charge? The new regulations that the airlines have come up with makes you have to shove everything into one bag that you can check. Here is how to beat the airlines and get your airline travel for the right price.

First, you can use travel bags called space bags to pack with. These bags allow you to pack about 5 times the amount of clothing you can get in one suitcase. This will allow you to consolidate your clothing into your carry on or with another person that is traveling with you. This will free you up to check your golf clubs or another bag for travel.

Second, you can check with greyhound to see what the price would be to ship your golf clubs to your destination. Usually they can ship your clubs for a cheaper price than what the airlines want to charge for your extra bag. You can also check rates of other shipping companies as well to see who can offer you the best deal.

Last, you can pack your clothes in with your golf clubs and with your carry on. The airlines still allow you to carry on a small bag and a purse or laptop. This gives you a small suitcase that you could get 3-4 outfits into and, then you can put the rest of your clothing in with your golf clubs. This will save you money and space.

If airline travel continues to become more expensive we will have to go back to the horse and buggy route of travel. Maybe that is a bit out there, but you will need to become more creative so that you can beat the prices that the airlines are trying to charge.

Save a Bundle on Your Next Trip with Airline Travel Deals

Whether your flying to see family across the country or planning your dream vacation it's important to setup a budget. You likely have a destination your thinking of, how ever have you considered the costs of flying there? If finances are tight, which they are for so many, take the time to seek out the best airline travel deals. A lot of people don't realize that airline tickets can be booked eleven months in advance. By booking early often you save a lot of money rather then waiting until just a couple of weeks before your trip. The down side is that if you must cancel your trip for one reason or another, generally you're out the cost of the tickets.

Calling the airline directly can be a great way to get airline travel deals. Often the airlines have the best deals available for decent ticket prices. Also they sometimes have last minute seat saver sales to fill up a few seats left on planes. Something else airlines do is they may have unadvertised seat sales. These are deals you'll only get when calling the airline directly for a ticket.

Another good source for airline travel deals is travel agents. They work as brokers between you and all the airlines, so they can browse all the air travel options for your trip and get you the cheapest price. These days travel agents have lost a lot of business to online airfare websites, so you might find an offline travel agent fighting a little harder to get your business.

Don't forget about the Internet as a source for airline travel deals. The Internet allows you to source out your own tickets over a variety of websites. Don't just take one sites prices as gospel search around and compare options. Don't wait to long to book tickets online how ever because a deal you see this afternoon could be gone in a few hours and not be available that night. There are a few things you should watch with airline travel deals. One thing you always want to be sure you're getting what you're paying for. Read the fine print on all websites before making the purchase, also always double check your information so you don't get stuck with the wrong ticket for a great price.

When making your reservations with a travel agent or airline directly always ask them to read back the information you've requested. Things can get jumbled over the phone, and you don't want to end up in the wrong city or state. Also as soon as you receive your itinerary double check everything to ensure no mistakes. Nothing worse then assuming you got a great price, then the airline travel deal you through you got isn't for the right trip at all. If you catch errors quickly enough, most airlines are more then happy to try and rectify it for you

Tips to Get Airline Travel Discounts

We all need to get away. Our vacations are the one thing that we look forward to all year. Unfortunately what happens sometimes is that we tend to feel the stress of how am I going to afford the vacation that I've been dreaming about? Well I hope that with a few of my tips, you will be able to get some airline travel discounts.

Here are some tips to find the lowest fare air ticket:

  • Buy tickets 3-5 months before your departure date

  • Some airlines offer discounts for early buyers. It's also best to buy your tickets at least 20 days in advance to ensure the best seating possible, most discounted tickets sell out fast. You should also know that Airline Tickets are subject to price increase, especially during Christmas season, so buying early avoids further ticket increase.
  • Never fly on weekends

  • If you're planning a trip, plan to leave on weekdays, preferable Monday to Wednesday. Weekends are high traffic times, for travelers and would probably cost you an additional $25-$40 increase.
  • Don't travel During Peak season

  • Airlines tend to increase ticket prices during Peak travel season due to the increase in demand. Traveling during low season is also advantageous if you want to avoid airport and tourist spot crowds. If you really have to travel during peak season, consider leaving home early and going home late to avoid the rush.
  • How long to Stay

  • Yes your travel stay also affects airline ticket prices. Airlines give discounts if you stay at least a week at your destination and return within 90 days.
  • Consider a Connecting Flight

  • Contrary to popular belief, direct flights aren't always the cheapest. Some people have saved up to $1000 dollars on booking connecting instead of Direct flights. If you don't have a lot of luggage, and aren't very particular with time, it is best, and a lot cheaper to book a connecting flight instead of direct.
  • Use the senior citizen discount

  • Some Airlines offer the same senior Citizen discount for the companions of the Senior Citizen. Ask if it's available.
  • The Early Bird gets the Airline Ticket

  • Call Airlines at 12:01 am on Wednesday mornings. This is when airlines release all the new fares and seat plans. You can be first and choose the best and cheapest tickets at this time.
  • Shop on the Internet

  • The best feature of the internet is that you see all available Prices from a very convenient place, your home. You won't have to canvass travel agencies. Some internet sites even offer internet only discounts that you can benefit from if you use their services.
  • When you do shop on the internet

Check first with travel agents regarding prices, Internet prices aren't always the cheapest, it's best to ask a good old travel agent. It won't hurt to look at news papers too, as some airlines publish discounts on print. If you're planning to buy more than 6 months in advance, it's probably best to ask a travel guide as internet sites don't usually have schedules for longer than six months.Airline travel discounts are everywhere; you just need to know how to find them! I hope that with these tips, that's exactly what you are going to be able to do. Now go out there and get that lowest fare air ticket! Happy travels.

Airline Travel and Air Line Travel

Airline travel has always been the most expedient way to take a trip. Air line travel offers some great advantages. If you have time constraints and need to get there quickly, airline travel is the way to go. If you find that a long journey in a cramped automobile holds no appeal, consider airline travel. If you want to be ready to go when you arrive at your destination, airline travel holds the key. Air line travel will get you where you are going in the least amount of time, in the best physical shape possible and ready to set out on your planned activities.

Some people find the thought of airline travel frightening. Statistics show that air line travel is one of the safest means of transportation. More people die annually from automobile accidents than die in air line travel accidents. The reason for that is that with an air line travel accident more people die at once so the media tends to sensationalize it. There may be 100 people or more killed in a single airline travel accident but compare that with the thousands of people who die each year from other types of accidents. Airline travel has a great safety record and the government tries to make sure it stays that way. Airplanes go through hundreds of government inspections each year to insure the safety of the public.

There are some really great air line travel deals available. A fast check of the Internet will produce thousands of offers for cheap tickets to just about anywhere. This can be a great way to take a weekend trip on the spur of the moment. Last minute air line travel tickets are often offered inexpensively. A fast trip to Las Vegas, New York City or any of the beach resorts is a great way to spend a long weekend. If you would like to plan a little in advance, you might try talking to a travel agent about airline travel. They have some great airline travel deals and can help with other arrangement like hotels and rental cars as well.

Airline travel is a great tool to use in fulfilling the Great Commission. Jesus said in Mark 16:15 "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." As Christians we have an obligation to share our faith not only at home but also in other parts of the world as well. Air line travel makes it less difficult to take mission trips and fly to other part of the world where the Gospel has never been heard. If you are planning a mission trip, make sure to consider airline travel as your means of transportation.

Airline Travel Search - Finding the Best Airline Travel Deal

With the high gas prices causing travel to be expensive it is important to know how to get the best airline travel deals that are out there. There are ways to travel on a budget and there are some great airline travel search engines that you can use to find not only cheap flights, but hotels and rental cars as well. Here is what to do.

The first thing you need to do is compare all the prices that are out there. You can use Priceline, Expedia, SouthWestAir, and a handful of other online sites to make sure you are getting the best deal possible. They will also let you book a flight, hotel, and rental car in a package deal for even more savings. Shop around so that you get the cheapest airline deal possible.

The next thing you can do is book a last minute travel package. A lot of the travel sites have tons of cheap deals at the last minute that you can take advantage of. You can usually save up to 50% doing this and get a great deal on a top destination. You just have to be flexible and willing to go at the drop of a hat.

The last way to save on your airline travel with a top airline travel search engine is to fly out on Tuesday and come back on either a Tuesday or a Thursday. These are the best days to fly for a better price. If you check the websites that book airline travel deals you will find that if you fly on Tuesdays and Thursdays you can usually save about $30 per ticket or so. Sometime even more.

Cheap Airline Travel - Being Flexible Means Finding Airline Travel Deals

Are you looking for cheap airline travel? Have you every heard the stories of people traveling around the world for less than five hundred dollars? Or someone finding a cheap airline travel deal and flying to a conference on the same airplane as you but they were in first class and still paid less than you did? Budget travelers know there is no better feeling then taking advantage of a great airline deal. Everyone wants to save money whenever they can, so why continue to pay full price for airfare?

Cheap airline travel deals are available to anyone who knows where to look. As long as you are not traveling at the last minute or traveling on peak travel days, with a little bit of research you should be able to find airfare deals that will meet your budget. Location does not matter, the airline travel deals are out there but sometimes it will take a little bit of research to really find the special rates and deals.

Finding cheap airline travel means being open to adjusting your travel dates or travel times. You may prefer to depart in the mid-afternoon but the flight leaving at 5am has seats available for half the price. Use online tools that allow you to adjust the dates and times of your desired flights and then compare the prices to find the best published deals. Be flexible in your flight details and the airline travel deals will start to appear everywhere.

You can also find great airline travel deals if you are willing to depart or land in an alternative airport. You could land in San Jose instead of San Francisco and save hundreds of dollars. Many online tools that are designed to help you find the best airline deal will give you options for alternative airports. Just remember that you will be in a different city then the one you want to visit so check out the transportation costs between the two cities before you purchase the ticket, you don't want to spend all your savings on transportation to San Francisco.

Last year I wanted to travel to Europe for Christmas but thought the flights would be too expensive. The days I planned to travel were considered high travel dates and most airlines were sold out when I started to look for available flights in November. But I really wanted to go see my family and was sure I would pay thousands of dollars for a coach class ticket. I was determined to find the best airfare price I could find so I started adjusting my travel dates and was flexible with the flight times as well. I found cheap airline travel for less than five hundred dollars by being flexible with my plans.

Tips For Finding Airline Travel Deals

Setting up a budget is usually the first step in planning for a dream vacation. You have to consider the costs of getting to, and staying at, a particular place, even if you may have a destination in mind. You may have to spend some time in search of some great airline travel deals if money is tight. Fortunately, finding airline travel deals is not as difficult as it used to be.

Booking a flight well in advance is one of the tricks to getting great deals. Airline tickets can be booked up to eleven months in advance. Early tickets are often cheaper than buying them just until a few weeks before your trip. However, you can have some problems if your trip is cancelled because these tickets are often non refundable.

You should call the airline directly if you are looking for airline travel deals. The airlines are the best source for discount prices. They may be eager to get you aboard because of a last minute flight that they would like to fill. They may also have some unadvertised specials that you can take advantage of.

Travel agents are also a good source of airline travel deals. You can ask them to search through all airline offers and find something to fit your needs. You will have a person who has your best interests at heart if you choose to deal with a travel agent.

In recent years, travel agents have lost a lot of business because online airfare sites have become very popular. They will be eager to help you find very best airline travel deals, so that you will still seek their service in the future.

The Internet is also a good source of airline travel deals. Try not to focus your search on just a few sites, search them all if you want the best deals. Since that ticket price change quite often, you should get a ticket if it has a fantastic price immediately. That great price could be gone in a few hours.

Remember that airline travel deals aren't really deals if you aren't getting what you think you are paying for. Read the fine print on any website before you make any ticket purchase. Otherwise, you may be stuck with the cost of the tickets if there is a mistake.

Always ask the travel agent or the airline's representative to repeat all the information back to you so that you can double check your ticket. Don't be afraid to speak up if you discover that there has been a mistake, or that you have not been given the airline travel deals that you should be getting.

Finding the Best Airline Travel Deals

We are all hearing some pretty strange stories about how the airlines are charging people these days. I just recently heard about an airline that is considering laying their passengers and pricing their tickets accordingly. That's pretty drastic stuff in my book, but then again, maybe it is justified. In any event, booking airline tickets can become a pretty expensive proposition.

But we as customers of the airlines have a way to fight back. And what I mean by fighting back is shopping smart and saving money. Whether you're traveling on business or for personal reasons there is no excuse not to be able to find the best airline travel deals. It is a simple matter of knowing where to look and then actually doing your homework by searching out the best airfares. It is not at all difficult and in my opinion, well worth the effort.

I personally like to use the Internet to shop and compare airline travel deals. There are literally dozens and dozens of websites that are independent of the airlines and are therefore not beholden to them. What that means is that it is in their best interest to show you the very best airfares available.

Some of these websites can be a little bit intimidating at first but you will soon find that they are actually quite easy to navigate. They can actually be quite enjoyable once you get the hang of them. I see travel websites as treasure maps and it is up to me to find the treasure, which in this case are exceptional airline travel deals.

What you will find is that these travel sites usually offer a whole lot more than just airline tickets and information. Many of them offer package deals that include hotels, car rentals and visits to attractions such as theme parks and museums. Actually makes perfect sense doesn't it? The bottom line is that you can get great airfares as a part of a travel package.

Another excellent alternative is booking last minute flight reservations. Usually to find the best deals you have to book your flight well in advance. But a little known secret is that if you are flexible enough and can travel at the last minute there are some great deals to be had. Airlines faced with last-minute cancellations will price their tickets to sell as opposed to having those seats go empty and the airline not making any money on them.

If you do find a great deal on last minute cheap flights then you must be prepared to travel at odd times. Usually what happens is that the airlines have most of their empty seats during their red-eye flights. But for my money, traveling at odd hours of the morning and night is an inconvenience that is more than compensated for by the savings enjoyed for the airline tickets.

I have personally had great success and save a lot of money by doing my comparison shopping online and taking advantage of those great airline travel deals that are available. They are out there believe me, you just need to know where to look.

Making Airline Travel Less Stressful

Get cheap airline tickets and avoid the crowds

The Air Transport Association is predicting that 2006 will see record numbers of passengers; especially during the summer season. With nearly 207 million passengers boarding commercial airplanes in the United States this year, terminals are going to be crowded and people are going to be crabby. Additionally, due to the rise in gas rises, which especially affects airlines, the domestic capacity will be down this summer, leaving fewer planes to carry more travelers. Don't let this discourage you from traveling though; you just need to plan ahead. Follow these few travel tips and you'll make airline travel less stressful and make summer vacations moreenjoyable.

Booking your tickets: How to get cheap airline tickets and avoid the crowds Trying to book airline tickets is always stressful. There are so many things that need to be considered, especially the price. Just break down the decisions into steps and the task will be less formidable. The more flexible your travel plans are, the better deals you will get. First, when are you traveling? The best deals can be found if you leave during the week and stay through Saturday. Second, the time of day you leave is almost as important. Often less popular times like early morning or late night departure times will be less costly. Also, the airport will be less crowded during the times and alsoduring the week.

If the prices still are high, try looking at departing or arriving at different airports. Sometimes neighboring airports will offer better deals. For example if you are vacationing in
San Francisco, arriving in Oakland or San Jose may save you hundreds of dollars. Additionally, if you are looking to save money, nonstop flights can oftentimes be more expensive. If layovers are not too bothersome, they can oftentimes save travelers money. The more you shop around - the better deals you will find. Visit multiple airline ticket sites like Priceline or Travelocity. Another great place to find cheap airline tickets online is This Web site offers cheap airline tickets for students and educators.

Picking the best seat So, you've found the best deal out there, now you get to choose where you are sitting -- this is one of most important airline travel tips. The first decision is front, back or middle. If you are in a hurry or have connecting flights that need to be made, a seat near the front of the plane is your best choice. If you are traveling with children, the bulkhead seats are a good choice because it allows for more legroom, but these seats also do not have seats in front of you to store items under. Children are not allowed to sit in the exit rows. So, if you want to keep clear of children, the exit rows are a good choice to sit in. They also have more legroom, but you are responsible for opening the exits and assisting if there is an accident. If you get airsick or just hate turbulence, the seats over the wings offer the smoothest ride for airline travel. The last decision is window or aisle seat. If you want to sleep the window seat allows you to lean against the side for comfier snoozing. If you have large legs or have to get up and move a lot to get things from your carry on bags, the aisle seat will be the best choice to make airline travel more comfortable

Check-in: Airline travel tips Once again, the crowds will be smaller during the earlier departure times and during the week. However, to expediate the whole check-in process there are several things you can do. First, if you have an electronic ticket, make sure to have your confirmation number and you may want to call ahead and confirm with the airline to avoid any last minute problems. Departure delays and any other flight information can be found on-line prior to leaving for the airport. To ensure you do not miss your flight, arrive at the airport at least 1 ½ hours prior to departure or earlier if it is a busy flying season like holidays. Electronic check-in kiosks are the quickest; make sure you have a credit card and your ID handy. If you have luggage that needs to be checked in, make sure there is an attendant at the electronic check-in to do that. One way to beat the check-in line is to use the curbside check-in service. There usually are no lines outside. The only downside to curbside check-in is if you're checking luggage that it may not get to your destination as quick, and it is not available for international travel. However, I have never had trouble with my luggage getting lost with curbside check-in and it always saves me plenty of time.

The second check point before boarding the plane is security. After September 11, security has been enhanced, but if you know what to expect you can breeze through the security without any problems. First, no lighters, scissors or knives are allowed so don't bring them with. Most airports will you require to take your shoes and belt off, before going through the metal detector. Also, laptops need to be taken out of the case and placed in their own receptacle. Have your ID and ticket ready at all times, because it will be checked here as well. Once you're through with security it's time to find your terminal. If you are unfamiliar with the airport, it is beneficial to print a map off on-line or at least look at it before departure.

No Elbow room: How to deal With fewer planes and record numbers, planes are going to be crowded. According to the Air Transport Association planes may be at as high as 85 percent capacity. So, when choosing your seat keep in mind that the plane may be overcrowded. If you're sitting in the middle or window seat, make sure that you have everything from your carry-on bag that you will need so you do not have to get up frequently. There is nothing you can do about bad airplane food, bad movies or the fact that you are stuck in the middle seat next to a fat guy, with an annoying kid behind you, so prepare for it all. Pack a snack or eat before you leave and bring plenty of things to entertain yourself with. Earplugs always are nice too, if you want to mask out the screams of small children. Most importantly though, just remain calm and do not stress out, you are on vacation.

Elvis has left the building After being crammed on an airplane for hours, leaving the airport as quickly as possible is most surely on your mind. Plan your exit travel plans before leaving. Some hotels offer airport pick-up service, so when booking your hotel ask if that option is offered and plan a pick-up place. Some airlines also offer package deals with airline tickets, car rentals and hotel reservations. If you're traveling with your family this is a great deal, especially if you have lots of children and need a larger vehicle to fit them all. The Transportation Security Administration said it is expecting nearly 200 million air travelers nationwide between Memorial Day and Labor Day, so in order to avoid the crowds as much as possible, get cheap airline tickets and make travel less stressful, follow these simple airline travel tips and you'll be on your way to fun.

Airline Travel

Rising fuel prices have impacted airline travel. Be prepared, and adjust your plans accordingly.

Continental Airlines plans to slash 3,000 jobs and reduce domestic flights in an effort to reduce operating costs. The cuts include pilots, flight attendants, mechanics, administrative personnel, and management.

"These actions will help Continental survive the crisis," wrote Chairman and Chief Executive Larry Kellner, and President Jeff Smisek, in a letter to Continental's 45,000 employees. In a move to demonstrate a personal response and commitment, the executives also announced that they would forgo incentive pay for the rest of 2008.

It has been estimated that charges for fuel will be $2.3 billion higher in 2008 than in the previous year. Beginning in September, Continental will decrease capacity by 11%, and will remove 67 airplanes from the fleet by the end of 2009.

United Airlines announced 14% reduction of capacity planned for fourth quarter of 2008. United Airlines is cutting 1,600 jobs.

United Airlines said that it will eliminate Ted, the discount arm of the airline launched in 2004. Ted catered to leisure travelers with only coach-class seating, but in the spring of 2009, the 56 Airbus A320's will be reconfigured with first class seats and returned to the United Airlines fleet. At the same time, United Airlines will retire 94 Boeing 747's as unprofitable planes and routes.

Delta announced 10% reduction of capacity in the fourth quarter of 2008.

American Airlines announced plans to reduce capacity by 12% in the fourth quarter of 2008.

As oil prices continue to rise, airlines are forced to respond with fewer flights, fewer routes, less staff, more passengers per plane, and higher prices. Reduced capacity translates to fewer flights, and this means that many of the smaller airports may be the first to feel the pinch. While some travelers may have enjoyed the convenience of smaller airports for proximity or to avoid the crowds of large airports, the availability of flight options may be greatly reduced. Airlines simply cannot afford to move aircraft with empty seats, so expect full flights, or expect that route to be on the chopping block.

In an effort to increase the number of passengers per plane, flights that do not have enough passengers may be canceled to combine passengers with other flights to the same destination. While many frequent flyers have experienced this interruption in travel plans in the past, it is likely to become commonplace while the airlines adjust to the new demands. When incomplete flights are combined, the result is typically an overbooking situation, which means more passengers than seats. As a result, some passengers may be temporarily stranded in a city overnight, pending an available flight the following day. Overbooking will become even more common as airlines endeavor to keep prices down by filling every seat on the plane.

What does all this mean to you?

Expect full flights. You will be able to tell your grandchildren about the days when you secretly counted the remaining number of individuals boarding the plane in hopes that you would have an empty seat between the window and aisle. Your grandchildren will think that you are making up stories when you tell them about the complimentary meals and movies that you enjoyed on the plane ride. One day the free meals and movies may sound as ridiculous as allowing smoking on a plane, imagine that.

Expect longer delays at security and check-in counters. Yes it is true, security is becoming more efficient, and automated check-in counters are intended to facilitate faster service. Nonetheless, as routes are consolidated and oversold crowds are consolidated into flight patterns that maximize the productivity of reduced staff to handle them, human traffic jams will occur. It is inevitable that consolidation will occur in the battle to control price increases, and in many ways the check-in lines will more often resemble the crowded lines at theme parks, mouse ears and all.

When possible, book direct flights. While this may be slightly more expensive than those connecting flights that enabled you to eat lunch in Houston and dessert in Orlando, it will also decrease your risk of spending an unexpected evening in Texas. When making your travel plans, consider the risk of an unexpected hotel and transportation in a connecting city, while your luggage goes on without you. Try to schedule your travel on morning flights, as opposed to the typical evening business flights, to allow greater opportunity for another flight without an overnight delay. If you do need to book a connecting flight, make sure that you have at least one hour between flights at the connecting airport. Remember that next flight boards thirty minutes before the scheduled flight time, which means that your seat could be on the roulette wheel if there is any delay on your original flight. Take responsibility to check your travel carefully when booking flights, and reduce your risks.

Allow some flexibility in your schedule, just in case you are delayed. Whether your travel is personal or professional, you will get where you need to go, eventually. If all goes well, you will arrive on time, and without incident. In the event that you are delayed, or your plans need to be adjusted, remember to always be courteous to the individual on the other side of the counter. Odds are that the staff member has lost many good friends and colleagues in the workforce reduction, and is now striving to do multiple jobs at once. Have compassion, for they are attempting to resolve the personal challenges for every passenger, every inconvenience, and every emergency that comes over the counter. Show your compassion, and you are more likely to receive a little in return.

As airline travel is impacted, it will have a domino effect on the rest of the travel industry. As prices increase, leisure travel diminishes, and routes are eliminated, so too must car rental companies adjust the inventory of available vehicles at appropriate airports. Consider booking your car well in advance, especially when traveling to a popular destination or busy airport. It will become more likely for car rental agencies to sell out.

The hospitality industry will also be impacted by decreased activity. Although this will be a delayed result, based on the adjusted number of travelers, the good news is that hotels may offer competitive discounts and incentives to retain loyal customers. You should sign-up for programs and be vigilant for special deals.

Those special airline rates for leisure travelers, and the last minute special deals for under $100, are likely to disappear. Prices for all seats are expected to increase, and fewer route options with fuller flights will mean that special discounts will be placed on the endangered species list. And for those hardy business travelers who have saved those frequent flyer miles in hopes of tropical vacation paradise, expect black-out periods and greater advance planning to use those miles in the crowded skies. If fuel prices continue to rise, consider your options to use those accumulated miles this year. Rising costs will force some airlines to introduce even more restrictions on the use of accumulated miles, since these free seats become a liability to cash-flow. Airlines have adjusted the policies on mileage in the past, and are likely to do it again in 2009. Your mileage may not be protected if your carrier of choice is forced to merge, be acquired, or enforce restrictions as a part of an economic reorganization plan. Take a break of the bad news of rising gas prices and fuel charges, and use your miles to go on a well earned vacation while you can still get the most for your miles.

It's not all bad news. If hotels offer special rates, you might find some nice local vacation packages before the end of 2008, and early 2009. Rising fuel prices, reduced routes, and prohibitive restrictions on air travel may encourage more businesses to use teleconferencing, VOIP, and other technology to collaborate over long distances. A little less travel may mean a little more time at home, and that is always a good thing.

Words of Wisdom

"The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell

"The saying "Getting there is half the fun" became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines."
- Henry J. Tillman

"Here's what I think the truth is: We are all addicts of fossil fuels in a state of denial, about to face cold turkey." - Kurt Vonnegut

John Mehrmann is author of The Trusted Advocate: Accelerate Success with Authenticity and Integrity, the fundamental guide to achieving extraordinary sales and sustaining loyal customers. This revolutionary book applies peak management techniques and leadership skills, with common sense and practical applications to grow business, sustain loyal customers, and use personal talents for personal success.