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Kayleen Yates

Vice President, Corporate Communications


(917) 368-8677

Bankrate Media Center

Journalists turn to Bankrate as their expert source on personal finance matters.

When leading media outlets are looking for expert personal finance advice, they turn to Bankrate. Bankrate experts have been regularly quoted and have made numerous appearances with such highly regarded media outlets as:

The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, The CBS Early Show, CNN, CNBC, ABC News, The Today Show, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, ABC’s World News Tonight, Bloomberg, MSNBC, CBS radio, ABC radio, KOMO, KNX, NPR, PBS

Our expert staff can address topics such as:

  Banking   Investing
  Mortgages   Credit cards
  Money markets   CDs
  College financing   Debt management
  Taxes   Auto loans
  Retirement   Bankruptcy

Bankrate can also provide data and rate analysis for your audience, covering more than 300 products (mortgages, home equity, deposits, checking, auto loans, credit cards, insurance, and student loans), from over 4800 financial institutions in 407 markets across the 50 states.


In the News

Bankrate.com is the Web's leading aggregator of financial information and is frequently referenced in the media. Our seasoned staff of writers and analysts are available for interviews on banking, investing, taxes, mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, money markets, CDs, checking, ATMs, debt, college financing, subprime lending and all other personal finance issues.

Bankrate Inc. has been researching banks and gathering financial data for over 30 years and continues to cover more than 300 financial products in more than 4,800 financial institutions in 407 markets across all 50 states.

The Bankrate team is also happy to assist reporters in need of material for developing story ideas and articles for their media outlets.


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KPRC - NBC - Houston, TX

KPRC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Houston, was one of more than ...

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CNN "Early Start"

CNN cited the July 2016 Bankrate.com Money Pulse.

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WGN - CW - Chicago

WGN-TV in Chicago interviewed Bankrate.com senior economic a...

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KNBC - Los Angeles, CA

KNBC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Los Angeles, was one of more t...

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American Public Media "Marketplace Morning Report"

Marketplace interviewed Bankrate.com chief financial analyst...

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ABC News Radio

ABC News Radio interviewed Bankrate.com chief financial anal...

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CBS Radio "The Osgood File"

CBS Radio cited the May 2014 Bankrate.com Financial Security...

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To book a Bankrate expert contact:

Kayleen Yates  •  Vice President, Corporate Communications

Phone: (917) 368-8677   |   kyates@bankrate.com

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