Executive Vanessa Guthrie on why her ideal cycling partner is the Dalai Lama

Vanessa Guthrie bought her first bike in November, to take part in a charity ride.
Vanessa Guthrie bought her first bike in November, to take part in a charity ride. Supplied

Rookie cyclist, Minerals Council of Australia chair and ABC board member Vanessa Guthrie says the Dalai Lama's calm presence would help soothe her constant fear of falling off. She answers our Time Out Q&A.;

First memory of riding a bike?

I never learnt to ride a bike as a kid; my dad tried hard to teach me, but I was too scared. So, apart from a year living in England, where I got on a bike out of necessity (to get to my job), I have not owned a bike until now. Not even going to Rottnest, when the kids were young, could get me on one.

How many bikes and how do you know when you have too many?

"I used to think one bike was one too many, but I am coming around," says Vanessa Guthrie.
"I used to think one bike was one too many, but I am coming around," says Vanessa Guthrie. Supplied

I bought my first bike last November, so that I could ride in the Hawaiian Ride for Youth CEO Challenge in Western Australia at the end of this month. Buying a bike meant that I had to commit to riding, so I am now in training with "L plates" on. I used to think one bike was one too many, but I am coming around.

How much did it cost?

I have a good entry-level bike, which cost about $2200 with all the gear.

Dream bike and equipment?

One that would stop me from falling over would be great. Or, I could go for the four-wheel variety, but that would probably take the thrill out of it.

Kind of riding?

Because I'm just getting into the sport, I would have to say leisure. If it wasn't for the Hawaiian Ride for Youth I would probably never have tried to learn. I mostly ride alone, but also train with the other CEO Challengers.

Tips to become a better rider?

Get a coach. Get alongside someone who is really experienced and can coach you. I have found the experienced riders (like the team leaders in the Ride for Youth) are more than happy to help with tips about riding technique and are super at encouraging you to stretch yourself each time you get on the bike.

Kilometres a week?

I'm working up to 100 kilometres in three rides. Maybe that will increase as I get fitter, more experienced and less spooked about riding with others.

Hills or the flat?

Well, that is a silly question! I don't mind climbing hills, but I hate coming down again. And flat sections can get really boring, so for me a mixture is always best.

Love most about cycling?

You don't need anyone else to do it, and you can subconsciously process a lot of stuff while you are out on the road.

Dislike about cycling?


Most like to go on a long ride with?

If I could ride with anyone in the world, I would pick the Dalai Lama. I think his calm presence would help soothe my constant fear of falling off. Otherwise, my husband would be great (he doesn't ride at the moment, but I am working on it).

Do you think you will ever be too old to ride?

If you had asked me that question last June I would have said I am already too old to ride, but now I am shifting towards answering a firm "no".

Favourite refuel station?

Haven't travelled far enough yet to warrant a refuel!

Favourite piece of cycling gear?

It would have to be the knicks.

Dream bike holiday?

I would love to do a canal and bike tour of France; it is definitely on the bucket list.

Crashes? Catastrophes?

Everyone told me that all riders have a slow motion fall when they can't get their cleats out of the pedals – usually at a set of traffic lights with lots of people watching. So when I recently had my first slow-mo fall, I proudly wore the bruises as I felt like, at last, I had joined the ranks of real riders (and yes, there were loads of people watching – it was during peak hour).

Ever felt scared on a bike?

I always feel scared on my bike (everyone around me probably does too).
