- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 1128841
In general, a rural area or countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities. The Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines the word "rural" as encompassing "...all population, housing, and territory not included within an urban area. Whatever is not urban is considered rural."
Typical rural areas have a low population density and small settlements. Agricultural areas are commonly rural, though so are others such as forests. Different countries have varying definitions of "rural" for statistical and administrative purposes.
Agriculture is a major industry in the United States, which is a net exporter of food. As of the 2007 census of agriculture, there were 2.2 million farms, covering an area of 922 million acres (3,730,000 km2), an average of 418 acres (1.69 km2) per farm. Although agricultural activity occurs in most states, it is particularly concentrated in the Great Plains, a vast expanse of flat, arable land in the center of the United States and in the region around the Great Lakes known as the Corn Belt. The United States was a leader in seed improvement i.e. hybridization and in expanding uses for crops from the work of George Washington Carver to the development of bioplastics and biofuels. The mechanization of farming, intensive farming, has been a major theme in U.S. history, including John Deere's steel plow, Cyrus McCormick's mechanical reaper, Eli Whitney's cotton gin to the widespread success of the Fordson tractor and the combine harvesters first made from them. Modern agriculture in the U.S. ranges from the common hobby farms, small-scale producers to large commercial farming covering thousands of acres of cropland or rangeland.
Domics: Rural
Urban, Suburban, & Rural
Life of Rural America
65+ Being old in rural Japan
Rural Life in Nepal. Part-1. HD
Motivos Para Ter Uma Rural
Life in Rural America
Globo Rural - 26/03/2017 | Programa Completo
Kapper on a Magazine Cover!!?? Rural Lifestyle Magazine Article April 2017
The Village
Rural Iowa Skies
Ian Rural Compton
Can't we just call it nonurban or something Read/follow my comics/tumblr at: http://www.domics.me Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/OmNomDomz Like the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/domics.me
The project was to capture Rural America. We were only allowed to film from sunrise to sunset. Here is my piece, filmed with my new Panasonic GH4.
Pia Kieninger and Isabelle Prochaska-Meyer are scientists. In an empirical study “Aged communities and active ageing - A case study of rural villages in the Japanese Alps” (funded by the OeNB, JSPS, OeAD, DIJ and ÖFG) they investigated the daily life of elderly in rural Japan and spend thereto 4 months on site (2013 and 2014). The documentary is an outcome of the research (funded by TIFO). Short Synopsis: Demographic change - ageing of society and depopulation of peripheral regions - is affecting many industrialized countries. Japan, with a proportion of currently 25 % elderly of 65 years and/or older, is in this regard a forerunner worldwide. Based on the ethnographic research project „Aged communities and active ageing - A case study of rural villages in the Japanese Alps”, conducted b...
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http://www.PopleBackyardFarm.Blogspot.com If you would like us to do a product review for you please email us at PopleBackyardFarm@gmail.com
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Veja o Projeto: Parte 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j754xNVGGEs Parte 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vFyfAZSLiU Parte 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkkUoZzim_M E assim chegamos a reta final, uma jornada que valeu muito a pena, obrigado a todos que acompanharam o projeto, parabéns Nelci pela realização deste sonho, obrigado por ter escolhido a 7008Films para registrar, parabéns Custom pelo trabalho realizado ficou linda demais! Para que o sonho do Nelci se complete, basta apenas um autógrafo do Chip Foose no painel desta Rural, vamos compartilhar para que isso chegue mais uma vez até ele? Que 2016 seja um ano de muitos projetos, valeu galera forte abraço e até breve. Filmagem e edição Alê7008 - Fotografia Leka
Wow, is really all I can say.. I am excited and humbled to be sure that someone thought that our story was interesting enough to write about! Just a quick video and commentary about the Article: https://www.rurallifestyledealer.com/articles/5907 Please check it out if you are interested and write Lynn Woolf some feedback if you've enjoyed the article or found it valuable in relation to equipment ownership. Thanks!
The Village Image: Daniel Espírito Santo Camera Assistant: João Botas Editing: Pedro Sousa Music: Corridinho em cavaquinho - Amadeu Magalhães NEW VIDEO https://vimeo.com/69637041 www.boldcreativestudio.com www.ositedopedro.com
This time-lapse film features some of the most peaceful scenery found in Iowa. We spent countless hours capturing and editing these shots to truly capture the beauty of Iowa through all the seasons. From meteor showers and lightning bugs to brilliant sunsets at some of our serene ponds, it's easy to spot the beauty if you slow down and look around. Even in the cold winter mornings there is plenty to explore and discover if you keep your eyes open.
The first seedlings have started and I reflect on the winter. I do not enjoy city's nor do I travel often to them, instead I stay hidden in the trees. The smile never leaves when skiing within these trees. / Music: John Compton / Filmers/ Pail Reid Kevin Merchant Dylan Demers Jack Heath Max Hill Shane Mcfalls
The Rural Alberta Advantage - Stamp From the album Departing, out March 1, 2011 on Saddle Creek. Director - José Lourenço Cinematographer - James Lourenço Producer - Luke Bryant Production Company - Adams Corbet
- We brought the country to the city. To revive the grey concrete, to break the routine and give you a moment to reflect on what we are and where we are going. Sometimes surprises just happen and we have no influence over them but we do have influence over our perception. How ready are you to accept whatever life throws at you with a smile? - Mēs atvedām laukus uz pilsētu. Lai atdzīvinātu tās pelēko klonu, pārtrauktu ierasto rutīnu un uzdāvinātu Tev mirkli pārdomām par to, kas mēs esam un uz kurieni ejam. Dažreiz pārsteigumi vienkārši notiek, un Tu nevari tos ietekmēt. Vari mainīt tikai savu attieksmi. Tad kāpēc lai Tu nedotos pretī visam jaunajam ar platu smaidu?
Directed by TLoC Rizzle Kicks and Rural's official remix of Jessie J's Price Tag
TRW'16 The Rural Workshop é uma experiência sem igual para fotógrafos, videógrafos, amantes da imagem. O que começou por ser um encontro de amigos ao fim de semana passou rapidamente a quatro dias de troca de ideias, fotografias e aprendizagem. Este ano tivemos a sorte de ser escolhidos para fazer o vídeo do The Rural Workshop e não podíamos ter ficado mais felizes! Foram quatro dias passados em Santa Susanna, Barcelona, com criativos de todo o mundo. Conversamos e rimos, experimentamos e relaxamos. Estamos mais inspirados, fizemos novos amigos e divertimo-nos muito! Melhor do que contar é levar-vos até lá! Façam play...! * The Rural Workshop is a unique experience for photographers, videographers, image lovers. What started with a weekend meeting between friends, is now four days of ...
"Grain - A Documentary about rural life in Australia" tells the story of rural living in Australia and what it is like to come onto a farm after living in big cities for practically all your life. This is the documentary that Clinton Harn and I shot while I was in Australia. The piece was shot in about 5-6 hours or so on one single day with no preparation before hand. The aim was not to make a technically spectacular and visually incredible documentary, but to simply tell a story! We visited my brother Tim on the farm for 2 days, shot timelapses and created the documentary. Kit used: Sony FS100 Canon 24-70mm F2.8L Genus Eclipse Metabones Adapter Rode NTG-2 on camera microphone Rode PinMic Edited in FCP X. READ BEFORE YOU POST: This documentary doesn't encourage neither does it take a n...
I think I've seen your silhouette
Up in the stars
I think I've got an autograph
Penned on my heart
I think I've yet to understand
Who you are
Lookin' for the answers
but can't see for the dark.
And they call it a halo
They call it what they want
And they call it a savior but I don't know what it was
I think I've found your residence
Over the clouds
I think I'm plenty confident
To say it aloud
I'm sorry for the wrong I've done
Don't mean you to frown
I'm lookin' for the answers
But there's none to be found
And they call it a halo
They call it what they want
And they call it a savior but I don't know what it was
And they call it a halo
they call it what they want
And they call it a savior but I don't know what it was
And I lift up my eyes to the one who shines the most
And I lift up my eyes to the one who shines
And I lift up my eyes to the one who shines the most