Murray River death: NSW launches probe into state agencies as mother faces court

The NSW government is investigating how its own agencies handled the case of a 27-year-old mother before she was accused of drowning her young son in the Murray River.

The body of the five-year-old boy was pulled from the river at Moama on Saturday. His nine-year-old brother remained in a serious condition in hospital on Sunday night following the incident.

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Body of boy found in Murray River

NSW police have confirmed the body of the missing five-year-old has been found in the Murray River at Moama. (Video courtesy: ABC News 24)

Police allege their mother, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, held both their heads underwater, but the older boy managed to escape.

The boys' grandparents are furious at government agencies, believing they failed the family and could have done more in the lead up to the tragedy, said Dale Brooks, a lawyer for the family.

"Family and Children Services and Corrections have failed the family miserably," he said.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said all agencies involved in the mother's case are now under investigation over the tragic incident.


"We've asked for all of our agencies to give urgent reports on what they knew," she said on Sunday.

"We will be instigating investigations, but also co-operating with all the authorities, to make sure we get to the bottom of this."

She said it was "absolutely devastating" to hear of the circumstances of the child's death.

"I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family. I can't imagine what they'd be going through at this time.

"And I want to give them an assurance that we will make sure all of the agencies look into the matters as appropriately and as quickly as possible."

Police divers discovered the younger brother's body in a section of the river near Moama about 11.35am on Saturday.

The mother handed herself in to police at Echuca on the Victorian side of the river about 10pm on Thursday, police said.

She has been charged with attempted murder, and in a brief hearing in her home town of Deniliquin, 77 kilometres north of the scene, the court was told she is likely to be charged with more offences.

She did not appear in person, and is scheduled to appear by video link from a prison in Junee on Monday.

The older boy suffered serious bites from a nearby dog and was taken to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

The dog was seized by the Murray River Council, but its owners have demanded it be returned as they believe it was only reacting to the incident and did not intend to hurt the boy.

Calls to the Murray River Council were not immediately returned on Sunday.

With AAP, Chris Vedelago