Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull's Pauline Hanson problem

Tip of the hat: Malcolm Turnbull joined WA Premier Colin Barnett on Barrow Island in Western Australia last year.

Malcolm Turnbull is not travelling west this week for the final gruelling days of the Western Australian state election, but his government's low standing and the taint of a resurgent Hansonism are playing their roles in the local contest.

Turnbull lashes Hanson on Putin, vaccines

One National leader Pauline Hanson said Vladimir Putin was doing ''so well'' for his country.

Malcolm Turnbull has slapped down Pauline Hanson for showering praise on Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and likening the federal government's child vaccination programs to a "dictatorship".

Turnbull finally calls Hanson on her nonsense

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has rebuked Pauline Hanson.

Pauline Hanson doesn't like the government's 'no jab, no pay' child vaccination scheme because it's like a "dictatorship". But she quite likes Vladimir Putin who is by many measures an actual dictator.

The RAAF revolution: drones

Australia's new spy plane: The Northrop Grumman-built Triton unmanned aircraft.

The RAAF will have vastly superior data collection abilities compared with other military forces in Asia with the purchase of seven Triton drones – giving Australia the edge in electromagnetic-sphere warfare.