Maximum Rocknroll


All-volunteer fanzine covering the international DIY punk scene since 1982.

San Francisco, CA, USA
Joined March 2009

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  1. Obsessed with this track by Brazilian punks 3-D! Review coming in issue 404:...

  2. Our all-China issue is flying off the shelves! Carolyn rounds up a ton of Chinese punk films in her column. Get...

  3. A new music video to go along with a great record by the LOPEZ! Reviewed in MRR #403. Get it here:...

  4. Double A Side. Recently reviewed in MRR. Stay up on the reviews with a sub:

  5. texas tour soon!

  6. Kimiya, Amanda, Nicole, and Dan boot up this week's MRR Radio!

  7. Cold Meat from Australia, reviewed in our latest issue:

  8. Live at Target. The band from LA that really comes at ya.......Black Flag.

  9. The Klitz from Memphis, reviewed in issue #403:

  10. Laughin' Nose - Hell Home

  11. Diders, from our punk in China issue! Get it here:

  12. Trumpets, babies, pineapples, crowns and one of the greatest punk bands ever.

  13. Brain Failure, a Chinese punk band featured in our China in punk issue!

  14. It's your choice, PEACE or ANNIHILATION!

  15. Angst - Neil Armstrong

  16. PISS from Berlin slayed the other night, look for their MRR Radio show soon!

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