World News


  1. Can Twitter dump Trump?

    The House of Cards creator calls for Twitter to shut down Donald Trump's account. But can this actually be done?

  2. Banksy's West Bank hotel

    A guesthouse packed with Banksy's artwork is unveiled right next to the barrier wall separating Israeli and Palestinian territories.

  3. A day with the UK alt-right

    Members of alt-right movement Britain First explain how Islamist terror attacks and Donald Trump have mainstreamed their views.

  4. The Russian ambassador

    Sergey Kislyak has been in the headlines for meetings with Team Trump during last year's campaign. Here is what we know about him.

  5. 3D printing medical supplies

    Could 3D printing help to provide much-needed medical supplies to remote regions of earthquake-recovering Nepal?

  6. Educating girls in Kenya

    At the age of seven, Kakenya Ntaiya made a bargain with her father: she would undergo female genital mutilation if he agreed to let her finish her education.

  7. Gay rights around the world

    As Sydney celebrates Mardi Gras, elsewhere in the world gay and lesbian people can struggle to simply stay out of jail.

  8. Tigers of Myanmar

    The Karen forests, isolated by decades of civil unrest, contain some of the most iconic endangered species in the world.

  9. Sessions' Russia problem

    Who will decide US Attorney-General Jeff Sessions' fate following revelations he spoke with Russia's ambassador?

  10. Russia-Australia relations

    Australia and Russia are in a state of frozen disagreement, but Russia's ambassador says things are slowing starting to look better.

  11. Proof of ancient life?

    Tiny mineralised filaments found in rocks more than 3.77 billion years old may be evidence of one of the oldest lifeforms on Earth.

  12. Trump: Believe it or not?

    Donald Trump supporters are more likely to believe what he says, and even if it's not true, they still want to vote for him, research shows.

  1. 'Destitute' after deportation

    A Nepalese asylum seeker says he is destitute and in hiding after being deported from Papua New Guinea.

    The man was "involuntarily removed" from Australia's offshore detention centre on Manus Island three weeks ago and flown back to Nepal.

    He has asked to remain anonymous, saying he fears he will be killed if certain people find out he is back in Nepal.

  1. Questions over registration

    The Manus Island detention centre medical clinic may be shut down because its operator did not comply with registration laws.

  2. Papua abuse spotlight

    A group of Pacific nations is calling on the UN to probe claims of human rights abuses in Indonesia's Papua region, also known as West Papua.

  3. Hela gun crisis

    A PNG governor calls for an Australian Federal Police intervention to quell armed violence "crisis".

  4. China leading renewables?

    Three years of falling coal consumption and big renewable spending bolsters China's climate credentials.