Mobile app monetization - Statista Dossier

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Statista Dossier about mobile app monetization

This dossier presents insights and statistics on mobile app monetization. It provides an overview of leading app store metrics as well as various forecasts regarding app revenue. The paper furthermore contains statistics on app stores, gaming apps, app buyers, and information on the most relevant trends.

Table of contents

  • 1. Overview
    • Global mobile app economy revenue streams 2015

    • Total global mobile app revenues 2015-2020

    • U.S. mobile app install advertising spending 2014-2016

    • U.S. mobile download and in-app revenues 2013-2016

  • 2. App stores and publisher metrics
    • Apple, Google, and Microsoft: revenue comparison 2008-2015

    • Number of apps available in leading app stores 2016

    • Number of active apps from the iTunes App Store as of July 2016

    • Apple App Store: number of downloads as of September 2016

    • Most popular Apple App Store categories 2016

    • Google Play: number of available apps 2009-2016

    • Google Play: number of Android app downloads 2010-2016

    • Distribution of free and paid Android apps 2009-2015

    • Google Play: estimated revenue 2014-2019

    • Android app categories with highest app install retention rate 2015

    • Top mobile app publishers in the U.S. 2016, by audience

    • Top mobile app publishers in the U.S. 2016, by user reach

    • Time spent on leading mobile app publishers in the U.S. 2016

    • App developers: number of apps in selected app stores 2015

    • Companies' own app marketing adoption among SMEs in the U.S. 2016

  • 3. App revenues
    • Annual Apple App Store sales 2013-2016

    • Total Apple App Store iOS developer payout 2014-2016

    • Most-used mobile app monetization models of developers 2015

    • Least effective mobile app monetization strategies according to developers 2014

    • Mobile commerce revenues of mobile app developers 2015

    • App developers: current popular platforms 2015, by region

    • App developers: app development changes 2015, by platform

    • App developers: monthly mobile app revenue 2015

    • App developers: monthly mobile app revenue 2015, by OS

    • App developers: average monthly mobile app revenue 2015, by OS

    • App developers: leading revenue models 2015

    • U.S. mobile download and in-app revenue distribution 2013-2016

  • 4. App buying
    • Global paid mobile app revenue 2013-2019, by region

    • In-app purchase rate among mobile users worldwide 2016, by region

    • Number of mobile app buyers in the United States 2013-2018

    • Mobile app buyer penetration in the United States 2013-2018

    • Mobile app buyer penetration in the United States 2013-2018, by device

    • Average size for in-app purchases worldwide 2016, by region

    • Monthly in-app purchases per app worldwide 2016, by category

    • Average in-app purchase size per user per app worldwide 2016, by OS

  • 5. Mobile gaming
    • Global mobile gaming app revenue 2015-2020

    • U.S. mobile gaming download revenue 2013-2016

    • U.S. mobile gaming revenue distribution 2013-2016, by type

    • U.S. mobile revenues: share of mobile gaming revenues 2013-2016

    • U.S. in-game mobile gaming revenue 2013-2016

    • LINE app: quarterly revenue 2012-2015

    • Daum Kakao quarterly gaming sales Q1 2014-Q3 2016

    • Top grossing iOS mobile gaming apps 2017, ranked by daily revenue

  • Language: English
  • Released: July 2016
  • Source(s): Statista
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